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dapaterson said:No, class B pers do not take annuitant breaks. Annuitants take annuitant breaks, and there are actually more pers on class B not drawing annuities than those that do, so most pers on class B are full-time.
And to argue that a 35 day break makes someone not full-time is stretching definitions - we permit other folks to take LWOP and yet still consider them full-time; annuitants can do the same job for 5 (calendar) years, and will take 165 days in unpaid leave - meaning they were paid for 4 1/2 of 5 years, which certainly sounds like full-time to me...
I agree with you on the problem of the proliferation of B Class and that it needs to get sorted out as I've stated numerous times on this site.
But, my take from a different PoV than you (and especially different than that of MCG).
There is a proliferation of B Class popping up because we can't fill RegF posns ... in many Units a whole lot more so than others - think Pri 6 etc. Sooooooo, in order to keep my Pri 6 Unit's nostrils above water to support Ops, trg, and every other task that they throw at us ... we hire a B Class to get that "undone, BUT required" job done.
Now, while that pri 6 Unit hires B Class to fill posns where we have to get the work done ... higher Pri Units sit at 10% overstrength levels, MMO (in order to "keep" a serving wife in the same location as her serving husband) etc etc).
At the particular location of which I speak ... there are HUGE multitudes of B Class personnel ... and thank gawd for that because if they weren't there than even the pittance of a trg system that exists today would FAIL. Of course, higher levels have deemed that a NO-FAIL ... ergo the B Class needs to be there.
So, enough of the molly-coddeling all those personnel who state "I ain't going there, they only get casual field pay, my wife has a good job here in this big city, my family is stable here because we've been here for 14 years ...". Just step up to the plate and say:
"Too damn bad, here's your options:"
1) RFD at location X IAW this posting instruction I'm cutting you right now with your family; or
2) RFD at location X IAW this posting instruction I'm cutting you right now on IR status without your family; or
3) Get the hell out, here's your posting message.
Because, each and every time one of "those people" gets mollycoddeled, that's one less posn getting filled at location X ... which equals one more B Class we're going to hire to do the job because we have no choice in the matter ... meanwhile the Unit where "that person was" continues to sit at overstrength level. I have BIG issues with that.
The after-effects of allowing someone to settle into a single location for a decade+ is setting in. But you know what? The effects have always been there since this "whatever the troop wants instead of what the CF requires" way of doing business began ... because people like me who do what the CF requires of me have packed up and moved 9 times in that 20 years, more than once on IR (because my spouse & I could not be posted to same location & both went instead where we were needed).
Two IRs ago, I had been in my new posting just 25 months ... when the CF needed someone of my rank & trade in another province ASAP. They came to me. I said "Am I ever going to get a posting that lasts more than 3 years? and why can't so&so go ...?" Answer: "He can't go right now." He was the same rank, same trade and single with ZERO kids. But, interestingly, he couldn't go. Too bad for me, my kids, my family (and eventually during that particular IR ... too bad for my marriage). Fun eh? But the very best part of the proceeding story is that "HE" - the single guy, was my sponsor during a earlier posting (91) ... as soon as I got posted in, he got posted out to location Y. In 95 I was also posted to location Y and he was my sponsor!!. In 97 I was posted out to location Z ... etc etc. Then, in 2003 ... I got posted BACK to location Y and there he still sat and he was my sponsor yet again!! Now, throughout my postings between my original posting to Y and back to it again the second time ... I also did a few tours ... not so "he". He finally was posted out in 2006 while I sat in that other province away from my family on IR. 15 years. 1 posting, no tours - had he. Same trade, same rank. Bullshit. (I'll add the caveat that I now outrank him by one). There's something wrong with that ... and I'm not alone.
It's time for the CF to get back to the business of getting the job done wherever it may be. And to stop "looking after" others who don't want to move at the expense of the rest of us who do what we signed up for wherever the CF needs us to do that.
You want to see the excess of BClass "full-timers" disappear, then start making those regF pers who don't want to move ante up and do their jobs by going where they're told ... or getting out so we can recruit someone in who will learn and once again become accustomed to the fact that "moves are here-to-for expected and will happen".
Just the .02cents worth from my rosy-little fed-up with the molley coddeling at the expense of the rest of us world.
[/Vern's evening rant]