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Future uses of the Leopard: APC, AD, FIBUA tanks, etc (Idea Feasibility?)

MCG said:
........There might be utility in converting some Leo C2 into Cbt Engr Veh along the lines of what the US used to have with the short barrel very large caliber demolition gun.  ......

The Americans scrapped that idea (M60 A2) rather quickly. 

I can see us maintaining the C2's, as we will not be getting many Leo 2's at the looks of things. 

Cbt Engr Variants of the Leo 2 are pretty impressive, although I don't think they came out with a AVLB.  I would think that if we do go and make a major purchase of the Leo2, Engr variants would be on the list. 

The Leo 1s may be kept for some time so that there will be some commonality of parts, and provide more platforms for Armour and Engr trg.
George Wallace said:
The Americans scrapped that idea (M60 A2) rather quickly. 
I'm thinking the CEV, not the M60A2 with its missiles.  The CEV was kept around even after the M60.
I don't think we'll be keeping the C2.  Quite simply, after we sold almost our entire inventory of Leopard parts, we totally scraped the barrel bare outfitting the tanks to go overseas.  We cannot sustain C2's overseas for more than a year.

It's unfortunate, but that's what happens when people make short sighted decisions. 

As much as a like and admire the guy, our current CDS is very much to blame for a lot of the tank fiasco.
I'm not by any means a tank expert, but I'll throw my own 2 cents in.

I like the CASR idea of turning it into an urban fighter, we could maintain a dedicated urban warfare tank unit, with the rest of our heavy armour being new Leos (assuming we bought a full set of new tanks). Again, I'm not an expert at all on tanks, or whether we really need a dedicated urban fighter, but having that capability would, at least in my mind, be a good idea provided we could get the funding for it.

Alternatively, why not transfer them to the reserves. Outfit one or two reserve armoured units as heavy armour units to provide extra crews to supplement reg force units in case they ever find themselves in need of additional tankers. I'm sure there's a host of issues, but I think we could get past them.

Again, my knowledge of tanks is limited to the fact their big, powerful, and cost a pretty penny, so please be gentle if my ideas aren't that great.
Seyek said:
I'm not by any means a tank expert, but I'll throw my own 2 cents in.

If you aren't an expert, you probably shouldn't post. It's almost an invitation for everyone to tear your post apart.
Seyek said:
I'm not by any means a tank expert, but I'll throw my own 2 cents in.

Alternatively, why not transfer them to the reserves. Outfit one or two reserve armoured units as heavy armour units to provide extra crews to supplement reg force units in case they ever find themselves in need of additional tankers. I'm sure there's a host of issues, but I think we could get past them.

Tanks need training area.Most reserve units lack such.Tanks need infrastructure,Most reserve units lack infrastructure.Tanks need a lot of maintenance,care.Are you going to post permant EME and FCS with the reserve units?How about spare parts/ordering?If you post tanks you then need a esh.Where do you get those vehicles?

It would be nice,if we had sapres...or any for the reg units!However I'm sure some RCD guys from Petawawa can tell you how nice it would be to have this equipment on the regular side first.

Grizzly Gnr
...think about that.
Regular side definately needs them first, my suggestions were simply a best case scenario in case reg got a new set of tanks + spares. I didn't fully think of all the maintenance requirements either. Scratch the reserve idea in that case, but I still like the CASR idea of an urban tank, provided we got started getting better funding, new tanks and all that.
Seyek said:
I still like the CASR idea

Never thought I'd hear that.

But once we've gotten ourselves some nice new MBTs, the Leo (at least the ones we have ATM) is most likely going to be sitting in some old garage being slowly picked at for training mechanics and/or more after life processes like that.
There aren't many nations willing to buy Leo's that old, so I think we're going to be stuck with them and not be able to use them.
midget-boyd91 said:
There aren't many nations willing to buy Leo's that old, so I think we're going to be stuck with them and not be able to use them.

How about a heavy Recce element? Germans have been using Leo 1s in that role for a few years now, they pair them up with a couple of Luchs per patrol.

Instead of recce by death it would be finally recce by fire.


Recce By Death said:
How about a heavy Recce element? Germans have been using Leo 1s in that role for a few years now, they pair them up with a couple of Luchs per patrol.

Instead of recce by death it would be finally recce by fire.



Just a side note. "Aufklärung durch Kampf" recon through fight is dead in the BW.(BTW Leo2 were also used for this.) Our politician´s/ high military´s say that it isn´t appropriate anymore. That is also the reason why the Luchs is phased-out without an real replacement. (At least officially. Unoffically some are used for convey guarding.) (I think that the Fennek and the Luchs can´t really be compared.)

Command-Sense-Act 105 said:
The ACHZARIT and NAGMASHO'T/NAGMACHON/NAKPADON are very rough and crude vehicles.  
It seems they've found a better tank to build APCs from any way:



It seems that under all that armour lurks a Centurian,check roadwheels,dead track,although
the final drive sprocket looks a little strange,do not think it would have a Meteor engine though.
The Isrealies dont throw much away.
A fun thought......

Use the C2s by remote control. Develop an mechanical loading system
and the bad guys can blow 'em up one at a time.

Sort of a crude IED detector.

Maybe just silly, but I thougth UAVs were too.

Flip said:
Use the C2s by remote control....

Sort of a crude IED detector.
Google Panther & Panther II.  The US has converted some old tanks hulls into mine roller & mine plough remotes.