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G8/G20 June 2010 Protest Watch

These people really are lacking in grey matter between their ears.  A person by the handle of rxsheepxr has some really good 'demotivational posters' made up.  Pause to reflect.......
George Wallace said:
These people really are lacking in grey matter between their ears.  A person by the handle of rxsheepxr has some really good 'demotivational posters' made up.  Pause to reflect.......
If you don't send me a large copy of that, I'm issuing you five days of hate!  That is awesome!
George Wallace said:
These people really are lacking in grey matter between their ears.  A person by the handle of rxsheepxr has some really good 'demotivational posters' made up.  Pause to reflect.......
Great resource - here's a couple of more.
I love these people.
Of course anyone who throws a brick smashes a window or lights something on fire is probably a cop in disguise.

For all the security I was hoping the police would be a little more agressive. The black bloc wanted a fight sweet jesus give them one. 300 Style with big spartan kicks. Maybe switch those dinky plastic shields with some heavy duty bronze ones. 7 foot long sticks with a taser prod at the end of it. Be like Tokyo, send the riot police to a martial arts school for a year- hell we send people to "french school" for a year in the CF.

people are bitching "But you left a cop car out as bait!" ya and you took the bait idiots. I hope those 500+ arrested people aren't just released after this, I hope their dragged through the justice system.
Technoviking said:
These arm-chair quarterbacks are pissing me off.  "Too many cops!"  "Too much security!"  "Where were the police?"  DAMMIT.  Whom do they call when their crap gets stolen?  It sure ain't OXFAM or QUEERS FOR YEARS or whatever other group you can think of: it's the police.

They oppose your right to work and will attempt to destroy your livelihood:

And they can't even match their socks while doing so.
.....and they will discuss their deeds over a Big Mac or Whopper, both with Coke, or maybe even a over Starbucks coffee.  ;D
The rain is beginning.  Thundershowers forcast for the next four to six hours.  May even have a Tornado warning. 
These people ae nothing but terrorists.....poor ones, but anyone who deliberately destroys public property (police cars) or private property (Starbucks,,,and that's what grieves me the most) for political reasons is a terrorist. These people are terrorists, and it will only take one charismatic leader to propel them to murder.
George Wallace said:
And they can't even match their socks while doing so.

But if they had matched socks they wouldn't be rebels.  :P
I can't watch it, Hold_fast, but thanks. I was plenty angry watching it last night.

Mid Aged Silverback said:
These people ae nothing but terrorists.....poor ones, but anyone who deliberately destroys public property (police cars) or private property (Starbucks,,,and that's what grieves me the most) for political reasons is a terrorist.

Its the franchisees who'll cop the bills to the damage of their shops via insurance. Lets hope the police are viewing video to assist in identifying these cowards (and cowards they are). If the 'resistance' (what a joke) thinks they are attacking the big corporate 'satan', they are only hurting honest private citizens, who operate a business to pay the bills. Thats something called a job and an income, and these are things these losers don't have or want for that matter.

The police got to 'turn it up' and start teaching these idiots some real tolerance.
ModlrMike said:
But if they had matched socks they wouldn't be rebels.  :P

Too bad that top secret weapon Jimmy Cox wasn't around to sort them out - they'd have been gripped in no time.  ;)
More Photos:

The National Post:  http://www.nationalpost.com/multimedia/photos/gallery/index.html?id=3201093&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

CBC Photo Galleries: http://www.cbc.ca/photogallery/news/3621/

CTV Photos:            http://www.ctv.ca/gallery/html/g8-g20-toronto-violent-protests-20100626/index_.html

The Toronto Star Photo Galleries:  http://www.thestar.com/photos

The Toronto Sun Photo Galleries:  http://www.torontosun.com/news/g20/2010/06/27/14535161.html

The Globe and Mail Photo Galleries:  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/g8-g20/video/

The Montreal Gazette Photo Gallery:  http://www.montrealgazette.com/entertainment/movie-guide/Gallery+Toronto/3206783/story.html

Global TV Photo Gallery:                      http://news.globaltv.com/world/Photo+Gallery/3182345/story.html

24CP TV:                                              http://www.cp24.com/
ALRIGHT!  RIGHT ON!  Rex Murphy's take on the Black Bloc tactics and the twits who carried it out:

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

Rex Murphy protests the Black Bloc
June 27, 2010 9:51 PM

By Rex Murphy


Rex Murphy Point of View

June 27, 2010

No decent, civilized city - and Toronto is both - should be held hostage by the actions of a set of ferociously insolent thugs and vandals.

Which is what happened here yesterday afternoon, and in fits and starts last night and early morning.  A band of black-masked, malicious, and potentially dangerous ne'er-do-wells did their radical best to get a racket going:  torched a couple of police cars, did their petty "let's smash the windows" trick, insulted the police, intimidated spectators, and tried to order the press around.

The world has seen this knob of losers and self-nominated 'anarchists' before; they gave themselves the comic-book brand "Black Bloc" long ago, and they have been the noisome tail to the dog of every high order world meeting for well over a decade.  There was even a flash of them smacking downtown windows at the recent Olympics, you'll recall, until everyone turned on them for their vandalism and cowardice, and they vanished. 

People also remember the havoc, damage and ugliness they kicked up in Seattle; remember, too, Genoa, Madrid, and Quebec City.  It was always too much to hope that Toronto would be spared their attention.

For this set of malcontents - they're not protesters - protesters have moral standing - the deliberations of heads of government in a time of crisis is merely a background stage on which to engage in violent and arrogant abuse of the idea of civic action.  They degrade protest.

Don't buy their muddled mendacious rhetoric either.  They care as much about the general well-being of the rest of us as the stone or brick in their hand, or that hammer cares for the well-being of the Starbucks window.

Some people are saying that Toronto shouldn't have hosted the summit because this crowd would cause trouble. Absolutely wrong.  Cities and governments don't choose to do, or not to do things because a couple of hundred hit-and-run artists put up a smarmy threat of "direct action". The splinter doesn't direct the oak.

Yesterday's mini-riot had one irony that will be very hard for some to digest.  It gives at least partial cover for the extraordinary one billion dollar cost that went into security for the G20 meeting here. The Black Bloc, and they will love this, is Stephen Harper's best political friend today.

For very long, the pseudo-anarchists have been coddled and played with.  The costs of that approach showed up in the images of Toronto broadcast all over the world yesterday.  "Toronto the mild" looking like "Toronto the war zone".  In so far as it is at all possible, those responsible for criminal activity and damage to property should be arrested and charged.  They should be banned for good from any like event in future.  Penalties should be heavy.

Toronto is a decent, civilized city.  Hooligans and thugs should never be allowed to twist those virtues into a shield for their own ignorant and dangerous ends.

For The National, I'm Rex Murphy


My sanity has returned.

Arrest the thugs, prosecute the Canadian thugs and toss them in jail. I personally know some other ne'er do wells (they don't riot) who would love to have a skinny white kid as a cell mate.... ;D

As for the foreign thugs, immediate deportation to their home country.