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Game Time!!!! Movie Quotes

Right my go then I guess.

"Give us the gate key"
"I have no gate key"
"...tear his arms off"
"Oh you mean this gate key"
princess bride

excellent movie


how about "Junior, look what you've done!"
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

Said by one of my all time favorite actors Sean Connery?

PS, he is also an uncredited King Richard in Robin Hood Price Of Thieves  ;)
MedTechStudent said:
Said by one of my all time favorite actors Sean Connery?

Too bad he enjoys retirement too much.. gotta love those dry martinis.

"In this family we do not solve our problems by hitting people!"
"No Dad in this family we shoot them!"

Filmed two min from my house  ;D
Really? American Violence was filmed there? cool! Did you see Viggo?
Sigger said:
Really? American Violence was filmed there? cool! Did you see Viggo?

Nope, A History Of Violence was filmed in Milbrook right near where I live, and ya I got his autograph and got to look star struck.  :P

Close enough though, your go!
Gyarr, I knew I was off...

one of the greatest movies ever:

"Alright, you primitive screw-heads, listen up! See this? This is my boomstick! - It's a twelve-gauge, double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt-blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right... shop smart. Shop S-Mart... You got that?!!"
Meh I liked the Evil Dead ones better...

EDIT: I got beat to the post

Can't remember where on earth I watched that.  :-\

Certainly not when it came out cause I would have only been like 3 me thinks.

YOUR UP Old!  ;)
OldSolduer said:
I knos this one - Army of Darkness part 3.....

To be picky, It is the 1st and only army of darkness. Evil Dead I and II though. But whos asking.
The first ones are better, but I figured "Hail to the king baby" would be too easy.
I am great at free throws. Seriously, free throws are, like, my best thing.

My turn:

"How's ?????"
"He's in the freezer."
"Did you say, 'Cool off.'?
"No' I didn't say anything, actually."
"It's a shame."
"There was bit earlier on that you missed when I distracted him with the cuddly monkey. And then I said, 'Playtime's over.', and I hit him with the Peace Lily."
"You're off the *(*&%$ chain!"