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Garvin's rant about the AIDS conference

von Garvin said:
Yes.  Naturally, PM Harper is the cause of AIDS.  And he is personally preventing a cure from being found.  I wonder how much effort is put on information/education and prevention vice gadgets to allow those who enjoy dangerous practices from keep on doing them?  Just criticise and criticise more.  Naturally the lefties feel that AIDS is more important than anything, so Harper not showing up is a slap in the face to all things left, and more proof that Harper eats Babies (The other other white meat!)

From what I'm reading, there  are various articles out there that seem to proclaim that  a certain dangerous, unprotected  practice ...practiced a by a certain community, is on the rise due to the lack of AIDS awareness, and a general belief that AIDS can be treated. (If you want me to really search for the supporting news items, I guess I can?) Maybe everyone is having too much of a good time to remember the rubbers!

As for the addicts...I know this sounds far fetched, and it goes against human rights et al....but why not round up all of our downtown friends who insist on begging, shitting/pissing, harassing, stealing etc... everyday for some rock, (or whatever their poison of choice is) and force them to de - tox. I hate hearing these social workers proclaim that  "oh you know...we have to let them want to quit. Forcing them to clean up would infringe on their human rights....and I'd be out of work because they'd all be clean, these people have a right to have a choice if they want to be clean or not". My friend happens to be a social worker...I hear this schlop all the time. "Oh... but we have to give them a choice!" and "how would you like to be in their shoes"...I could go on. This logic fails me, as I have yet to see a serious chemical addict make any right choices  at all.

As far as the unprotected sex goes, there isn't much society can do other than promote safe sex...I guess. Yet, for the addicts, there is  a lot we can do...because leaving it up to addicts to change themselves ain't going to work to well.

Octavianus said:
As far as the unprotected sex goes, there isn't much society can do other than promote safe sex...I guess.
And then there is the whole celibate angle, which, of course, infringes on human rights, apparently ;)
von Garvin said:
And then there is the whole celibate angle.

Ya, right.... ;D  In this day and age! You can't walk around town for more than 3 seconds ( or watch TV) without seeing images of sexuality and how great it is, and how we should flaunt it and experiment with it in any deranged way possible. Besides, we're not as religiously inclined as we used to be in order for celibacy to work...I think? The fear of God is needed for that . >:D You wanna have sex before marriage - you're going to hell....muhahah..  ;)
Octavianus said:
we should flaunt it and experiment with it in any deranged way possible.

Ahem.....we prefer the term "lifestyle" to "deranged"  ;D
Journeyman said:
Ahem.....we prefer the term "lifestyle" to "deranged"  ;D

Ah....my sincerest apologies! I didn't have my PC hat on this morning.... ;)
HDE said:
I had occassion recently to speak to a woman who takes her boyfriend's mother for her methadone treatment; apparently she's been doing it for 15 years ::)  How long should it actually take to "get clean" ???

Contrary to what the dispensers of human misery pharmaceutical people say all methadone does is keep the addiction "on the back burner". After 17 years of watching it be dispensed I have not seen any of our "clients" break the cycle.
OOps, almost forgot...read a great letter to the editor in the TO Star while getting a haircut today.  Not sure if its word for word but,....

No, I'm not insulted that Stephen Harper didn't go the the Aids conference in 2006 anymore than I was when Jean Chretien didn't go in 1988.

.....I though it was a very nice, polite shot to the throat for all those "Harper is Scary" types.
No, I'm not insulted that Stephen Harper didn't go the the Aids conference in 2006 anymore than I was when Jean Chretien didn't go in 1988.

Is that a typo Bruce?  If not then why would Chretien go in 1988 - wasn't that after he resigned his seat in the commons? 
As for 1998, the AIDS conference was held in Geneva I believe.  In 1996 it was in Vancouver.

As for forcing people into Detox, it doesn't really work that way.  Sure they may survive the 28 days or however long the programme is but if they really don't want to quit then on the 29th day you'll find them on the corner again getting high.  Its a social problem and one that isn't solved by criminization (becuase really the War on Drugs is really working, ins't it?)

Another oops......1998 was the year the person used I believe, ...thanks.
Having an Aids (or anything else) Conference every number of years is going to solve absolutely Zilch!!. It's Not about Aids, Arthritis, Cancer, you name it, the conferences are all about Self Congratulation among the people who have milked that issue successfully. Oh, they make all the polite noises, etc. and demand this and that, but it's all about career extension.
paracowboy said:
easy: every ounce that is confiscated gets poisoned and re-sold on the streets. As they start dropping dead, the smart ones will quit, the stupid ones will keep using, and either way the market dries up. Dealers get rounded up and executed in the street - no trial, summary execution immediately upon discovery of possession. All profits from the poisoned drugs go to rehab and social programs aimed at removing the initial sources of drug abuse.

'Course, we have to become monsters to make it work, but it IS probably the most viable plan to truly end the problem.

PC, +1, but I don't think it's very pc to say it. 
I'm all for helping the ones who contracted it thru accidental means.  Tainted blood and sleeping with HIV partners who didn't admit to having it.  But pouring out money to druggies who decide to do drugs by choice is off the road for any "good" government. 
My $0.02, out.
Kat Stevens said:
Public execution of drug dealers and vigorous pursuit of same would go a long way toward slowing the trade down.  "You say you want to sell poison to kids?  You say you want to sentence them to a life of misery?  Hangman, do your duty...."
  In certain muslim countries, punishments are handed out in public as a deterent to crime...hmmm, whatever happened to "deterent" in our courts??? Theives and rapists only do it once.  Drunk drivers is also a one time offence!  Prison is only a place for criminals to become better criminals and learn their plied trade.  But I think it does work for the one time "guilty conscience" types. It would for me, but I feel guilty if I get pulled over for speeding.
GAP said:
Having an Aids (or anything else) Conference every number of years is going to solve absolutely Zilch!!. It's Not about Aids, Arthritis, Cancer, you name it, the conferences are all about Self Congratulation among the people who have milked that issue successfully. Oh, they make all the polite noises, etc. and demand this and that, but it's all about career extension.

+1; too true!
GAP said:
Having an Aids (or anything else) Conference every number of years is going to solve absolutely Zilch!!. It's Not about Aids, Arthritis, Cancer, you name it, the conferences are all about Self Congratulation among the people who have milked that issue successfully. Oh, they make all the polite noises, etc. and demand this and that, but it's all about career extension.

Have you ever been to scholastic conference?  Conferences are one of the best way for researchers and clinicians, social workers, et cetera, to get to gether and discuss each others ideas, experiments, theories and so forth.  If you think its one giant orgy of intellectual masturbation then I highly suggest you attend one.
The main idea of conferences is that people from many parts of the world can get together and discuss something they have in common, basically its a way for a large group of people to exchange ideas. 

And what next, are you going to say the journals are about self congratulation as well?

Sheerin said:
And what next, are you going to say the journals are about self congratulation as well?

Sheerin said:
Do you have idea about what you're talking about?

Hey, you had a wonderful conference, good on you. Just because it worked for you at that time, do you really think  most conferences are as enlightening and information packed? Most are exactly what I described, populated by people punching their tickets and networking. Been there, done that, dozens of times.
i've been to a few, relativley minor archaeological and anthropology conferences and while there is a lot of that going there is an exchange of information between the particpants. 

Your blanket statements seem to have no vailidity.  How can you say that nothing good has come from certain medical or other scholastic conferences?  How do you know that absolutely no one there benefited from their particpation.  Yes I conceed that some forms of self-congratulatory masturbation happen at conferences but just becuase a few people do that doesnt' mean that the conference is a bust.

Most of us want to see AIDS gone Sheerin.  If I may offer this up - These guys here have been in the places where the kiddies and their families are dropping by the 1000's. Some of them it have been hit hard by that reality.  They just have some different ways of wanting to get the problem solved.  Conferences are the slow way, they want to take another route which fits in more with the CF tendency to lets get the job done and move on to the next.

On a lighter note,Gap she obviously hasn't read any of your previous posts.   or remember the bigger point folks are trying to make with the original post. ( sigh)  chin up! I still like you!