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German Cdos in AFG Dinged for "Nazi Symbol" on Vehicle

The hooked cross was also a Southwestern Indian symbol and was called the sunwheel or ringed wheel. It was the shoulder sleeve insignia of the 45th Infantry Division before World War II. That was the Arizona National Guard division that had the insignia changed to the thunderbird in around 1941.
must've ticked off the Guard plenty that someone stole their logo
  "Ein paar unserer Jungs sind Ewiggestrige und fanden es besonders schick, mit dieser Wehrmachtsinsignie herumzufahren"

    Gelegentlich erhalten junge Soldaten verfangen, dies tuend.  Ja schlecht, aber er geschehen in jeder Armee. (Gleichmäßiges Kanada) Was ich nicht verstehen, warum durch zwei Jahre keiner hat es gesehen? Warum jetzt?  :blotto:

Why did it only come out now?
1 - Slow press day for the local Zeitung
2 - Some politico got a letter of complaint from some disgruntled civ/mil and they felt they should show their constituents that they are doing their job & taking this act seriously

With the Brit army in Iraq, it was pointed ut that the 8th Bde's moniker "the desert rats" was an unclean symbol to the local population...... some political do gooders wanted the logo taken down.....  did`n't happen (thank god!)
Well,  I know how allergic most germans are to anything from that era.  But, was it just a palm tree on the van or did it have the swastika on it?  If it was a just a palm tree, may I point out that they are in a desert?  Palm tree ... desert ... if I saw a palm tree painted on a jeep I would think Nazis ... I would think "wow,  they have time to paint their jeeps,  they must not go out much ... esp at night"  (Subtil dig at the Germans ... or is it the Germans that can't go out at night?)
I would imagine that there was no bent cross on the picture but someone back home saw a pic of the palm tree and went ape sh!t.

Time to paint the trucks.... don`t think it takes too long, once the stencil has been put together.
From what I understand, I was something similar to this:

Of course, I just mean the palm and cross below.  The other stuff, no.
I just got home from a week out field ("A week!" i hear you cry, "A week is weak!") driving around a M113 for a crew commanders course during which we were lucky enough to have some of the tank support squadron down there driving around in their Leopards and Abrams.
Painted on the side of said Leopards and spread over most of tank support squadron is their little logo, a logo that is (drum roll) an exact copy of the Afrika Corp palm tree without the maltese cross or swastika. I even saw it with our red Kangaroo beneath it.

Obviously the Australian Armoured corp is full of Nazi's!
Uh oh.... now the German gov't will be angry at Australia.......

Where is this going to end?
Those Germans are PANSIES!  That symbol is NOTHING like the symbol of the Afrika Korps!  Rudel, von Manstein and Rommel himself must be rolling in their graves!

It's all in the coconuts hanging from the palms :)
Wow...offensive!?!?! Bollocks! Its a palm tree, i'll try to get a snap of our ones up at Pucka. While using German symbols from the war is always bound to bring up emotions it needs to be a symbol that the average person would recognize and be offended by. Walk down the streets of any western city in the world and see who can pick that Palm Tree to be an offensive Nazi palm tree from a normal "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" palm tree.
(and I thought they were elephants hiding in the treetops - with only their testicles hanging down below the palm fronds 8)

BTW - elephants toenails aren't painted red..... Those were the little pigmies who tried to bring down the coconuts with slingshots and got flattened for their trouble.  8)