I originally posted this on my facebook account.
I am going to take a few moments to discuss a changing view I have had in the last decade.
I am now pro Ecosystem Enabler and no longer interested in "mitigating or reversing climate change".
What happened? What changed? Why the transformation? I too once believed that emitting Carbon into the atmosphere was dangerous (put yourself in a garage, turn on the car and we all know what happens). However I also knew from grade 5 science that plants absorbed carbon as a food source through pores called stomata. Basic understanding, right? I was a pro man made carbon reducer kind of guy.
However, all is not as simple as thing seem. First, my wife and I underwent holistic management in 2013 and learned the basic teachings of
Allan Savory. A brilliant man whos insights into desertification and decision making processes are very insightful and logical. After undertaking holistic management, my wife
Lisa Waechter and I choose the term of us creating a "farm ecosystem" as at the time that term seemed more appropriate than "Climate friendly farm". Turns out by accident, we were onto something.
One of my ever growing thirst is for knowledge. I constantly want to learn more about things that interest me. I did very well in high school biology but struggled with chemistry and maths. So no scientist career for me. However this has not not stopped me from learning. And researching. And hearing and weighing BOTH sides of an argument. Making my own decisions. In other words, CRITICAL thinking (for real).
So in the last few years I have listened to many presentations by a large number of scientist (including physicist, geologist, meteorologists, biological chemist, paleontologist, etc). A few truths come to hit me that truly blew my mind.
1. The climate is always changing and shifting. And it has occurred rapidly at times without mankind's interference. Facts, folks. If you look at our history of the planet (going back way before the dinosaurs to now), you will be blown away at the changes our planet has made. The atmospheric carbon levels go way up and way down. Here is a concept, if atmospheric carbon levels get too low on this planet, all plant life will die from starvation. Read that again;
2. Atmospheric carbon levels are all over the place across the globe. Cities naturally have much higher levels due to not only more combustible engines but more PEOPLE. Yes, it seems the average person forgets that everything with a set of lungs on land or in the water, emits carbon (In the water things like kelp and other life forms absorb the carbon). In submarines, carbon levels get insanely high (see the work of Dr Happer) before the submarines come to the surface for air exchange. Remember commercial greenhouse gases PUMP CO2 into their closed in atmosphere to BOOST plant growth. Carbon is not a demon, it is not evil, it is simply an element;
3. Believing that carbon (from car engines mostly when talking "climate change") is the driver behind climate patterns and shifts is simply not true. While people focus on being "good little citizens" and not turning on their cars, the other factors that influence the climate are WAY beyond our control. A single volcano can eject FAR more carbon and other material kilometers into the atmosphere than you could imagine. Sometimes its so bad, it makes extreme changes temporarily to the global climate for a few years such as 1815 and 1883 massive volcano eruptions. Now consider there were at least 75 volcanic eruptions on land and an unknown number of eruptions in the oceans in 2023 alone. Mount Tonga alone erupted in 2022 caused massive weather shifts around the planet. The good news? There hasn't been a super volcano eruption in modern times (by modern since man began using metal to make tools thousands of years ago); and
4. On other causes of climate shifts, we are not told by a few ego or financial driven scientist and fear mongering politicians about other factors such as solar flare minimums and maximums (from the sun), proximity of Jupiter to Earth (yup affects our climate at different points in thousand year cycles), tectonic plate shifts (we can't and do not want to stop this) which literally creates mountains and new landscapes). Hey did you know the ocean floor topography is constantly changing as is the size of the oceans? There are many other factors as well that lead to climate shifts which see us going into or out of ice ages (and there are mini cycles within cycles). I am talking about the things we have ZERO control over.
Now, what I have observed. And it is deeply disturbing. Influential people such as politicians, scientist, business people, etc have used and abused the notions of human driven climate change to cause fear and panic in order to push through very reductionist driven agendas.
Solar and wind are NOT viable alternatives to nuclear and gas.
Electric Vehicles are just as environmentally destructive as gas and diesel vehicles.
Heat pumps are not suitable for extreme northern climates.
Taxes for emitting carbon does NOT lower carbon emissions.
Ruminants such as cattle and bison are NOT responsible for "climate change". Ruminants have existed in large numbers for 30 million years.
Forest fires are started by many things such as arson, lightning and human carelessness. Yet we fear cutting dead or dying trees out of a forest for fear of what the Lorax "taught" us back in the 70s. In other words, sensible forest management has gone right out the window.
You can wave a magic wand and remove all man made carbon from the atmosphere and you will still have powerful tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, blizzards, hail storms, etc. Its called weather, folks.
Nothing is being addressed about reversing desertification around the globe amongst all this madness and insanity. We are hyper focused on a symptom of our management. A very large desert in my opinion, will lead to impact on the climate. Its my opinion and only that, but it creates a massive heat source on land.
So what out of all this? Stop hyper focusing on stopping cars and trucks. And lets focus on using land, animals, water and natural resources to feed our planet while enabling healthy ecosystems to function. It is what we do on our farm. And we need some fossil fuel powered equipment to make that happen.