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Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

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Another brilliant moment in AGW marketing

Because nothing sells policy like, er, images of people killing children.  Andrew Bolt  alerts Australian readers to the latest in marketing from anthropogenic global-warming activists, this time from a group with the ironic name ACT-Responsible.  Kind of makes one long for the days of polar-bear hugs, huh?

I’d say that ACT-R is creatively challenged, all right.  Bolt also objects to a video embedded on his site that exploits a child’s supposed nightmare (while hugging a polar-bear doll, natch), but that one is more stupid than offensive.  It argues that we should allow governments to impose Draconian policies because a child has a nightmare, and ends with several children saying “Save the world!” into a camera.  It’s a good way to avoid acknowledging that the AGW hysterics still haven’t built a single successful predictive model proving their assertions about future weather systems, still haven’t addressed the serious data gaps in their studies, still have Rajendra Pachauri at the head of the IPCC despite the serial scandals regarding their academic standards of inclusion in the report, and in general having offered little but apocalyptic posturing.  Putting a noose around a little girl on an ice cube is all they really have.

HavokFour said:
Another brilliant moment in AGW marketing


I don't find this picture disturbing in anyway.
It has nothing to do with killing people and I actually think it conveys its message very well.
It's basically saying "Our lack of care for the environment will be the death of future generations".
bdave said:
I don't find this picture disturbing in anyway.

That is disturbing.

The picture is in some ways far worse that the the very disturbing 10:10 snuff video . . "agree with us or we have the right to murder you". 

This picture is a shameless exploitation of an innocent child for political purposes. Josef Goebbels would appreciate the sliminess of the imagery.

bdave said:
I don't find this picture disturbing in anyway.
It has nothing to do with killing people and I actually think it conveys its message very well.
It's basically saying "Our lack of care for the environment will be the death of future generations".

Well, lets deconstruct this shall we:

The victim is an innocent chiled who is being threatened by human agency (the noose)

The message is "Do what we say, or we will kill you"

Like the 10:10 video the message is very clear. The vast majority of people "get" it, hence the sudden withdrawl of these ads and scrubbing of web sites.
Thucydides said:
Well, lets deconstruct this shall we:

The victim is an innocent chiled who is being threatened by human agency (the noose)

The message is "Do what we say, or we will kill you"

What I see is the noose being "climate change and human impact".
This[global warming] causes the ice berg to melt.
I see it as clearly saying "We are messing with our children's future".
Which is of course why these ads get pulled and the agencies which create them in the first place try so hard to scrub their existence from the internet. Even they "get" it.
That poster was right out of control. Lets get this straight from ArmyRick (Again, I love studying the Pleistocene era because of so many cool animals that humans interacted with and these animals could easily f*ck us up).

We are constantly going into or coming out of ice ages. Thats been that way for hundreds of thousand years. We can stop all man made objects from operating and turn off every machine we make for eternity and the CLIMATE WILL STILL CHANGE! Its always changing, its never constant.

To the naive young man that thinks that poster conveys a positive message, are you an Al Gore (fraudster) fan?
The message that poster has for children is "we are being killed by our parents activities".

Very nasty, negative stuff when you have to go after the kids with your propaganda.
More Geoengineering. The ability to control the amount of sunlight entering the Earth's biosphere is...interesting. How this would work in a period of diminished solar activity is an open question.


Extrapolating todays technology towards the J Storr Hall Weather Machine

The Hall Weather Machine is a thin global cloud consisting of small transparent balloons that can be thought of as a programmable and reversible greenhouse gas because it shades or reflects the amount of sunlight that hits the upper stratosphere. These balloons are each between a millimeter and a centimeter in diameter, made of a few-nanometer thick diamondoid membrane. Each balloon is filled with hydrogen to enable it to float at an altitude of 60,000 to 100,000 feet, high above the clouds. It is bisected by an adjustable sheet, and also includes solar cells, a small computer, a GPS receiver to keep track of its location, and an actuator to occasionally (and relatively slowly) move the bisecting membrane between vertical and horizontal orientations. Just like with a regular high-altitude balloon, the heavier control and energy storage systems would be on the bottom of the balloon to automatically set the vertical axis without requiring any energy. The balloon would also have a water vapor/hydrogen generator system for altitude control, giving it the same directional navigation properties that an ordinary hot-air balloon has when it changes altitudes to take advantage of different wind directions at different altitudes.

By controlling a tenth of one percent of solar radiation is enough to force global climate in any direction we want. One percent is enough to change regional climate, and ten percent is enough for serious weather control.

The surface are of the earth is 510 trillion square meters.

So getting to 0.1% coverage is 510 billion square meters.

There is mylar that is 2 microns thick and weighs about 2.4 grams per square meter. Office Paper is usually 80 grams per square meter.

There is plastic sheeting with 0.3-0.9 micron thickness and weights of 0.54 to 1.2 grams per square meter.

US plastic film demand was expected to be about 7.3 million tons in 2012

So if you could achieve large scale production (equal to 1% of total US plastic film production in 2012) of 1 gram per square meter balloon sheeting with a diamond surface treatment and the other parts of the system there would be 73,000 tons of weather machine produced. This would cover 73 billion square meters. In about 8 years, one would be able to produce a 1% coverage Hall Weather Machine.

The production system would be a more advanced version of bubble wrap production. Each bubble would be functionalized and perhaps laser cut into separate balloons. Rapid printable electronics would probably be the best way to get the solar cell and GPS components into the bubble/balloon. The printable electronics would need to be scanned onto the surface of the sheet, before the top layer is attached.
ArmyRick said:
To the naive young man that thinks that poster conveys a positive message, are you an Al Gore (fraudster) fan?

Not being naive here, but does anyone honestly think this: http://www.act-responsible.org/ACT/ACTINCANNES/THE-EXPO/affiche.pdf
was meant to be a threat? It's simply stating "The lives of our children are in our hands - stop global warming". I never said it conveyed a positive message. I said it conveyed ITS message; global warming will kill us all, very well.
I don't see this at all as being anything close to that retarded "no pressure" commercial. I get the impression people are looking for something that isn't there.
I also hate Al Gore.  :threat:
Unless the G20 governments get on the same page giving incentives for producing fewer carbon emissions( i.e. parking/gas compensation for electric cars, incentives for renewable energy plants, compensation for purchase of electric cars, etc.)  for its citizens/businesses this world is going to get a whole lot warmer. 

88 pages of facts, observations and evidence and we still get posts like that. If enough people were so incurious about the facts, maybe there would be no need to make insane posters, ads and threats about killing innocent children...a lose/lose scenario all around
Thucydides -

Some NGO twerp writing in the National Post letters recently derided the effort as a fruitless mowing of the lawn that accomplished nothing because the lawn must constantly be mown. 

That is the nature of the beast though.  There is no cure.  There is only constant maintenance and attention with occasional nipping of a dandelion in the bud.

Safetysoff -

Sorry to put you in the dandelion category, that is not the most productive method of engaging someone if trying to educate them to alternate hypotheses.  Suffice to say at this time that many folks are NOT of the opinion that the world is coming to an end unless we allow Big Brother to direct the minutiae of our lives.  A scanning of the discussion so far on this thread should give you some insight into why many are not of the same opinion as yourself.

to say at this time that many folks are NOT of the opinion that the world is coming to an end

Not saying the world is coming to an end, just that we, as a human population, are impacting our world's environment to an extent that most don't even realize, that's all.  For better or worse, who knows.  My opinion only though

Quote from: Brad Sallows on January 02, 2009, 17:19:40
you pointless, vacuous wanker.

I think WE do realize the extent we are damaging the enviroment. BTW we have a greater threat from air pollution than we do climate change.

Have you read any of my previous post, safetyoff? Have you actually talked to any climatoligist? If you had, you would realize climate change is coming wether we want it or not. Again I will drive my point home to young-uns like yourself, Climate is never constant.
ArmyRick said:
you would realize climate change is coming wether we want it or not. Again I will drive my point home to young-uns like yourself, Climate is never constant.

Thus far, nobody has allowed facts to get in the way of the big eco-conspiricy.  Like when they said you shouldn't burn your old tires and car batteries.  Total bunk. 
Have you actually talked to any climatoligist? If you had, you would realize climate change is coming wether we want it or not.

Yes I have, I've also talked to a number of grads over the years who were  researching this and similar topics as well. 

I'm not disagreeing, the globe's climate changes on its own/with the influence of the species it  contains, and has for millenia, without a whiff of human influence.  However, I think we're at a point where we, as a human species have the population number and technology to influence climate changes at a rate that no other species has before. . . . .ocean algae have spawned to such great numbers in the past as to influence the ocean's biochem, the evolution of plants altered the oxygen/CO2 ratio of the atmosphere, etc

This on its own should garner some attention from people that have the potential to influence future change in this area.

Not realizing this short is sighted.  Will the way we change the atmosphere with air pollution lead to detrimental effects. . . depends on your point of view.  I ultimately think it will because the vast majority of species aren't as able to adapt to such quick changing conditions as we are.  Changing the environment at a quicker pace than other species are able to adapt will lead to quicker species extinctions.  Simpler ecosystem's are more likely to collapse completely from new stresses placed upon them.  That could have severe repercussions. . . . .

Or we could just burn tires, dump our old batteries in our rivers and stick our collective heads in the dirt.
We should all try and keep up.  First it was "Global Warming", but when the warming didn't happen like the Warmistas forecast, they greased in the new title "Climate Change".  That was good for awhile until someone pointed out that the normal state of our climate is to change - it is after all, a complex, dynamic, chaotic system. So the label Climate Change is as dumb as saying "Water Wet"

But now the Warmistas have a new label and a new narrative - Global Climate Disruption.  I'm thinking  this new label was the result of a lot of hard work and we should be kind to their failing campaign and at least humor them by using Global Climate Disruption when we are dissing the stupidity of the policies they are trying to foist on everyone.

It is only being polite.
I found it interesting to read about what happened to the society on Easter Island. . . . while not exactly what's happening with global warming now it bears some similarities that could be extrapolated to the globe's present population and how we're altering our environment.
(when was the last time you were able to use 'extrapolate' in a sentence  ;D BOOYA!)

I'll give you a quick summary.  The society on Easter Island had a finite amount of trees, land for farming and fishing stocks off shore.  Their chiefs were more concerned over building Tiki heads  (insert nations economy here) than on managing their environment.  They blindly altered their  environment by cutting down all their trees, had all the topsoil wash away, due to no tree roots holding it down, leaving little area for farming or for trees to regrow and out fished their immediate fish stocks.

When their populations began starving there was civil conflict and their society collapsed.

Not realizing about how our society or population is affecting climate change/global warming/the atmosphere or whatever you want to call it  at a global scale and not having any foresight about it will, I'm positive, lead to a similar  type of cascade or set of issues down the road

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