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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Certainly agree on the under-exploited. Here in the BC Interior we have Junior, Junior A, Junior B hockey teams and CJFL: all with kids that are physically fit, have worked as part of a team so they should have that loyalty / teamwork / respect for coaches (i.e. officers and NCOs) that would make them great candidates for the CAF but, alas we never target them for recruiting and personally I feel that it is an opportunity lost
That would certainly be something new for the CAF; integrating hockey into the PER recruiting system.
Certainly agree on the under-exploited. Here in the BC Interior we have Junior, Junior A, Junior B hockey teams and CJFL: all with kids that are physically fit, have worked as part of a team so they should have that loyalty / teamwork / respect for coaches (i.e. officers and NCOs) that would make them great candidates for the CAF but, alas we never target them for recruiting and personally I feel that it is an opportunity lost
We did that sort of thing before. It wasn’t that successful. Most kids that age still think they have a shot at the NHL or what not and want to play hockey not join the military. Same with most sports at that level. Or they get better deals to play varsity sports in the US or Europe.

Not saying it couldn’t be tried again but it didn’t work that much from what I saw when we did. And we actually had a war on as well.
2 years mandatory service immediately after high school for all. Earn credit towards post secondary, learn to be a #1 rifleman. You can decide to leave after 2, select people would get offers to stay and join the regs as ncm or officer stream to form the professional core. The period of service is treated with honour even after only 2 years. A culture of esprit de corps is society wide.

Everyone wins.
2 years mandatory service immediately after high school for all. Earn credit towards post secondary, learn to be a #1 rifleman. You can decide to leave after 2, select people would get offers to stay and join the regs as ncm or officer stream to form the professional core. The period of service is treated with honour even after only 2 years. A culture of esprit de corps is society wide.

Everyone wins.
Or tie in mandatory basic training following HS. July and august. 8 week BMQ. Those that show potential or want to could be invited to continue down a full time career path. Incorporate the recruiting process with that basic not to waste time. Those that don’t stay on beyond that initial basic would have the option to join the Territorials. Best case scenario is you create a more realistic selection process, worst case is you have a lot of people who get some form of military training that could be called upon if ever.

Problem though is cost.
2 years mandatory service immediately after high school for all. Earn credit towards post secondary, learn to be a #1 rifleman. You can decide to leave after 2, select people would get offers to stay and join the regs as ncm or officer stream to form the professional core. The period of service is treated with honour even after only 2 years. A culture of esprit de corps is society wide.

Everyone wins.

The best way to teach someone to hate their country is to force them into compulsory military service when they're 18.

Or so conscripts from other countries have told me ;)
Caught an odd comment from MND Anand in an article at Global.

Have we been increasing defence spending since 2017? The wording seems odd.
There are troops at my unit that have gone out and bought their own civilian rucksacks, because they can't get issued them. Last year some were buying their own sleeping bags because they weren't issued them.
2 years mandatory service immediately after high school for all. Earn credit towards post secondary, learn to be a #1 rifleman. You can decide to leave after 2, select people would get offers to stay and join the regs as ncm or officer stream to form the professional core. The period of service is treated with honour even after only 2 years. A culture of esprit de corps is society wide.

Everyone wins.
So we've swung from disbanding the Army all together to compulsory military service? I think both are equally unrealistic (and undesirable).

Volunteer is definitely the way to go. Make the commitment just long enough to impart some useful skills but short enough that joining doesn't set you too far back in starting a different career if the Army isn't for you.

Maybe something like 6 months with a Reg Force Battalion for BMQ/DP1 and an exercise. Trained recruits then have a choice to compete for a full-time 1 or 2 year Reg Force contract position, or alternately serve one year on Class A service with a Reserve unit near their home.
So we've swung from disbanding the Army all together to compulsory military service? I think both are equally unrealistic (and undesirable).

Volunteer is definitely the way to go. Make the commitment just long enough to impart some useful skills but short enough that joining doesn't set you too far back in starting a different career if the Army isn't for you.

Maybe something like 6 months with a Reg Force Battalion for BMQ/DP1 and an exercise. Trained recruits then have a choice to compete for a full-time 1 or 2 year Reg Force contract position, or alternately serve one year on Class A service with a Reserve unit near their home.

I think you've just described something like SYEP, which was a big boost for the CAF at the time as I recall...
mandatory service is unnecessary and undesired in my opinion but there are over 400,000 reaching military age yearly many of which could benefit personally as well as the country and the armed forces
mandatory service is unnecessary and undesired in my opinion but there are over 400,000 reaching military age yearly many of which could benefit personally as well as the country and the armed forces

It's a marketing opportunity, not a compulsory service solution.

We suck at sales, in general. It wouldn't take much to change that IMHO.
The best way to teach someone to hate their country is to force them into compulsory military service when they're 18.

Or so conscripts from other countries have told me ;)
Lots of countries do this to varying degrees:


I doubt the majorities in those places hate their country. To do this we‘d need the general population to see the necessity and have a basic understanding the world is not safe, and mature responsible politicians for bipartisan adoption. Since we have neither, it’s moot, and so is any real defence spending increase because $10 daycare is more important.

Or we could keep doing what we’re doing and expect different results I suppose.
I think you've just described something like SYEP, which was a big boost for the CAF at the time as I recall...

They called it SSEP during my time in, but SYEP sounds pretty similar...

Joined the PRes when I was 16. Gave them three full summers as a student / reservist, before starting my full-time career.

After that, two weeks leave with pay every summer for PRes training.

Employees can take a leave of absence with pay, for the two week period of absence, to attend the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve Training Program.

I'll stick with my model:

1) Recruit during high school - put on ResF BTL;

2) full summer employment to take BMQ from day school ends to day university or community college starts - tailor course to fit the break;

3) pay tuition and fees for those taking specialty course we want (paramedics, mechanics, cooks, heavy truckers) in exchange for obligatory period of service. Minimal 1 weekend per month training to keep in touch and build habit of being there;

4) full summer employment for four month DP1 course;

5) repeat 3);

6) full summer employment for four month DP2 course;

7) repeat 3) and 6) until education completed (especially officers with 4 years university;

8) after education complete transfer from BTL to a RegF or ResF unit with an obligatory period of service commensurate with education supported (2-3 years)

9) ResF units have obligatory training restricted to 10 monthly weekends and a three week exercise - selected reservists could be given a 1 year Class B to fill particular roles e.g. vehicle tech to bulk out a ResF maintenance company with full-time tradesmen and gain civilian work experience;

10) At end of obligatory service offer signing bonus for those considered worth keeping for a further period of obligatory service.

End state - a ResF individual trained to Reg F standards from the get go and capable of immediate CT or augmentation to a RegF unit; a system capable of generating a constant, predictable stream of soldiers;

Problem is training courses aren't two weeks, hell mine were 3 months, had to switch jobs many tines because employeers didn't like playing ball, and it's not worth filing a complaint
That's why one should concentrate on students, and train the hell out of them for the full summers when they are looking for work anyway.

In three summers and two academic years (five summers and four years for officers and certain others) you should be able to get them BMQ, DP1 and 2 trained in whatever trade. After that you go on a reduced cycle of obligatory training which caters for outside work and the family.

Get them while they're young and needing cash.

I'll stick with my model:

1) Recruit during high school - put on ResF BTL;

2) full summer employment to take BMQ from day school ends to day university or community college starts - tailor course to fit the break;

3) pay tuition and fees for those taking specialty course we want (paramedics, mechanics, cooks, heavy truckers) in exchange for obligatory period of service. Minimal 1 weekend per month training to keep in touch and build habit of being there;

4) full summer employment for four month DP1 course;

5) repeat 3);

6) full summer employment for four month DP2 course;

7) repeat 3) and 6) until education completed (especially officers with 4 years university;

8) after education complete transfer from BTL to a RegF or ResF unit with an obligatory period of service commensurate with education supported (2-3 years)

9) ResF units have obligatory training restricted to 10 monthly weekends and a three week exercise - selected reservists could be given a 1 year Class B to fill particular roles e.g. vehicle tech to bulk out a ResF maintenance company with full-time tradesmen and gain civilian work experience;

10) At end of obligatory service offer signing bonus for those considered worth keeping for a further period of obligatory service.

End state - a ResF individual trained to Reg F standards from the get go and capable of immediate CT or augmentation to a RegF unit; a system capable of generating a constant, predictable stream of soldiers;


As per 2), you could offer a 'Gap Year' of military service, between Grade 12 and Uni, and probably get alot of interest. Especially if it comes with alot of travel as well as education credits, or whatever.
I'll stick with my model:

1) Recruit during high school - put on ResF BTL;

2) full summer employment to take BMQ from day school ends to day university or community college starts - tailor course to fit the break;

3) pay tuition and fees for those taking specialty course we want (paramedics, mechanics, cooks, heavy truckers) in exchange for obligatory period of service. Minimal 1 weekend per month training to keep in touch and build habit of being there;

4) full summer employment for four month DP1 course;

5) repeat 3);

6) full summer employment for four month DP2 course;

7) repeat 3) and 6) until education completed (especially officers with 4 years university;

8) after education complete transfer from BTL to a RegF or ResF unit with an obligatory period of service commensurate with education supported (2-3 years)

9) ResF units have obligatory training restricted to 10 monthly weekends and a three week exercise - selected reservists could be given a 1 year Class B to fill particular roles e.g. vehicle tech to bulk out a ResF maintenance company with full-time tradesmen and gain civilian work experience;

10) At end of obligatory service offer signing bonus for those considered worth keeping for a further period of obligatory service.

End state - a ResF individual trained to Reg F standards from the get go and capable of immediate CT or augmentation to a RegF unit; a system capable of generating a constant, predictable stream of soldiers;

As long as your model doesn't involve 12-24 month long enrollment and transfer processes, just about anything can work...

My 2c...