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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

I couldn't care less. I someone has a profession we need, and they want to come here and become a productive citizen, then I'm all for it.
Although I've raised the question about what happens in the countries losing people, I agree with this idea: if we decide to have immigrants, with or without a "points" scheme, it's not really given to us to stand in the way of any particular person trying to better himself.
I'm asking you why we don't just ignore each other.

I'm trying to figure out what you meant by your post on the draft, do you think it's good, or bad ect; and now you want us to ignore eachother? I thought this was a discussion forum.

Doesn't seem like a fitting response for a DS and mentor member. In the spirit of actioning your request; as member in those roles is there a way I can put you on ignore to avoid future interactions ?

If not, as long as one is respectful, I don't see why one can't engage you on your posts.
Although I've raised the question about what happens in the countries losing people, I agree with this idea: if we decide to have immigrants, with or without a "points" scheme, it's not really given to us to stand in the way of any particular person trying to better himself.


I'm trying to figure out what you meant by your post on the draft, do you think it's good, or bad ect; and now you want us to ignore eachother? I thought this was a discussion forum.

Doesn't seem like a fitting response for a DS and mentor member. In the spirit of actioning your request; as member in those roles is there a way I can put you on ignore to avoid future interactions ?

If not, as long as one is respectful, I don't see why one can't engage you on your posts.

Understood. Thank you for your input.
I just read a story on CBC https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/norad-canadian-armed-forces-arctic-russia-1.6702611

Would Canada even know if X country landed troops or aircraft or tourists on some remote Arctic Island?
If the answer is Yes , How long would it take our Forces or People to respond, in case of aircraft accident? Actual armed troops? Tourists?

Does Canada invest the money to monitor the North? Does it invest the funds to station troops in the North? Permanent posting or Rotating units? ( the Arctic Archipelago consists of 94 major islands (greater than 130 km2) and 36,469 minor islands covering a total of 1.4 million km2.)
How would we even plan to protect or monitor that much space without huge investments in Monitoring Aircraft, Heavy Ice breakers, helicopters that can fly in the Arctic in year round weather conditions, troops and support bases.

I lived there for a winter and the requirements to move a patient from one settlement to a main hospital took hours, and air ambulances ( lear type jets from Montreal to Iqaluit and then to the settlement and back to Montreal took hours) It is a big space on the map, and looks even bigger if you never been there.

Every government has said they are doing something but nothing happens
Would Canada even know if X country landed troops or aircraft or tourists on some remote Arctic Island?
If the answer is Yes , How long would it take our Forces or People to respond, in case of aircraft accident? Actual armed troops? Tourists?
Some say ‘no.’

PIN-3 Lady Franklin Point for some supports a theme of ‘would we know if an adversary destroyed some of our capability?’
With modern day cruise ships wanting to visit the North and some visiting already. If there was an accident, we are looking at hours, if not days to reach anyone because of weather and distance. Forget an armed invasion (that would never happen ;-) ) but a rescue mission. 1991 Boxtop flight rescue took 32 hours before a SAR Tech was dropped due to weather, 21 hours for a ground team team to reach them. Equipment had to come from Trenton, Edmonton, and Greenwood. Time and weather delays will kill people. Is it time they take the Arctic Regional ( makes up 1/3 of Canada ) they take it more serious or just keep it status as it is now, once a a year exercise and photo ops?
With modern day cruise ships wanting to visit the North and some visiting already. If there was an accident, we are looking at hours, if not days to reach anyone because of weather and distance. Forget an armed invasion (that would never happen ;-) ) but a rescue mission. 1991 Boxtop flight rescue took 32 hours before a SAR Tech was dropped due to weather, 21 hours for a ground team team to reach them. Equipment had to come from Trenton, Edmonton, and Greenwood. Time and weather delays will kill people. Is it time they take the Arctic Regional ( makes up 1/3 of Canada ) they take it more serious or just keep it status as it is now, once a a year exercise and photo ops?

We table topped this exact scenario when I was my previous staff job. I coordinated the sourcing and moving of pers and material for deployed Naval ops.

We played the worst case scenario, uninhabited fiord on the north east coast of Canada. It was actually discussed to drop in a jump company as getting there is going to take a long time. And they can provide medical and security, predation is a thing up there, and set up to receive air drops until we can get resources on scene.
We table topped this exact scenario when I was my previous staff job. I coordinated the sourcing and moving of pers and material for deployed Naval ops.

We played the worst case scenario, uninhabited fiord on the north east coast of Canada. It was actually discussed to drop in a jump company as getting there is going to take a long time. And they can provide medical and security, predation is a thing up there, and set up to receive air drops until we can get resources on scene.

Any plans for casevac of half the jump company following the parachute insertion?

Just wondering ;)
, in case of aircraft accident? Actual armed troops? Tourists?
this one I can answer. 2 hours to launch out of Winnipeg with as many SARTechs as you can get in that time, you can get most places in the arctic within 5 hours. Trenton has a MAJAID kit that’s supposed to launch within 24 hours with more STs and some generic jumpers for GDs. The much, much bigger problem are the huge cruise ships going through there with 3-5000 people.
Any plans for casevac of half the jump company following the parachute insertion?

Just wondering ;)

Lots of thoughts and prayers I'm certain 🤣

Inglourious Basterds Bingo GIF

this one I can answer. 2 hours to launch out of Winnipeg with as many SARTechs as you can get in that time, you can get most places in the arctic within 5 hours. Trenton has a MAJAID kit that’s supposed to launch within 24 hours with more STs and some generic jumpers for GDs. The much, much bigger problem are the huge cruise ships going through there with 3-5000 people.
There are contingencies for MAJAID in the North. I don't think they are particularly good but it is what it is....
I wonder how long to request and deploy the LC130s from the NY ANG 109th Airlift Wing?

I have worked with them before in the Arctic and they are basically the only way we have to get large bulky and/or heavy stuff into austere areas via air quickly.