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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Ectually, old man:unsure:
You've had worse ideas.

100 to 150 communities revitalized?
Did this in downtown London ON, except we sold the ground plus 1 floor off as well. Looking up ones Butt????

Trudeau lectures CAF troops in Latvia about climate change, disinformation

“Climate change is having a real destabilizing and negative impact with more and more frequent extreme weather events at home,” said Trudeau.

“Which is one of the reasons why Canada is stepping up to build the Centre of Excellence for Climate Security in Montreal. That’s one of the announcements we’re going to be making tomorrow at the NATO summit,” he continued.

The Centre of Excellence for Climate Security in Montreal = add to the -2%

Trudeau lectures CAF troops in Latvia about climate change, disinformation


The Centre of Excellence for Climate Security in Montreal = add to the -2%

Meanwhile, Russia...

Sick Russian GIF by MUYLOCO
Did this in downtown London ON, except we sold the ground plus 1 floor off as well. Looking up ones Butt????
Cake and eat it time - most of the armouries were cookie cutter copies. The modification has already been done and implemented and has been standing for almost 40 years now.

Delta Armouries in London - the old armouries are intact but has sprouted a 20 storey tower. What could you find to do with 20 storeys of floor area AND your existing armouries.

From what I understand the old armouries were decommissioned and condemned in 1978 then saved by a developer that put a 20 storey hotel on top. The original walls, offices and parade square space were retained with the parade square being turned into a swimming pool and atrium type bars and restaurants.

I think the engineering has been done to give all the other armouries of the same type the same treatment. Maybe 20 storeys aren't needed. Maybe only 5 are. But can you sell the other 15 storeys to @daftandbarmy 's DND employees and other locals? Condos and offices, gyms and ops centres, ranges and simulators, lockups and garages. PMQs?

Although the List talks about various architectural styles my personal observation of all the armouries that I have seen is that the style only reflects the facade. Seen from the parade square all the armouries seem to follow the same layout and engineering. Drill Halls were a separate structure found in smaller communities.

Trudeau lectures CAF troops in Latvia about climate change, disinformation


The Centre of Excellence for Climate Security in Montreal = add to the -2%
In fairness I heard that increased concentrations of C4 are causing deforestation…in UKR…

Trudeau lectures CAF troops in Latvia about climate change, disinformation


The Centre of Excellence for Climate Security in Montreal = add to the -2%
So the CAF brought in a SME on Disinformation I see......
And the ink's not even dry...

Trudeau was asked whether he can commit to reaching the two per cent mark by the end of the decade. He did not set out a timeline or confirm Canada would meet the target.

“We will continue to look to invest more as necessary to keep Canadians safe and to contribute fully around the world and we’ll continue to follow up on the math,” he said.

Asked and answered.
And the ink's not even dry...

Asked and answered.
“You see- the issue isn’t the answer- it’s actually the equation. When we figure out the correct equation the answer will be correct. I’m confident we already spend 2% with the right math”
“You see- the issue isn’t the answer- it’s actually the equation. When we figure out the correct equation the answer will be correct. I’m confident we already spend 2% with the right math”
To be fair, he didn't actually say that, did he? So far he has only implied that re-assessing what qualifies may be part of the "solution".
So the CAF brought in a SME on Disinformation I see......
Now, now ... I'm sure that our "Dear Leader" is still smarting from the closed door smack down that he got from the other NATO countries, notably the US and the UK, for not meeting the 2% goal for defence spending. His personality cult, reminiscent of the other "Dear Leaders" from another Asian country, is starting to break down as the facts comes out.

My Gawd, what I am going to do with all the stocks that I invested in sock companies?
To be fair, he didn't actually say that, did he? So far he has only implied that re-assessing what qualifies may be part of the "solution".
He was already given the answers on that prior to the meeting.
So far everyone else has confirmed they will meet it by 2024, and the rumor on the street was that was the agreed date.

Now I’m sure Canada can find a lot more money by adjusting how you guys cost some of the capital acquisitions to push more ‘money’ up front, but at the end up the day y’all need to dump about 20b more into the CAF than one does annually.
He was already given the answers on that prior to the meeting.
So far everyone else has confirmed they will meet it by 2024, and the rumor on the street was that was the agreed date.

Now I’m sure Canada can find a lot more money by adjusting how you guys cost some of the capital acquisitions to push more ‘money’ up front, but at the end up the day y’all need to dump about 20b more into the CAF than one does annually.
Dumping money into DND is actually a good thing for the government, as long as they have assured that the money can't be spent and then is returned to general revenues for their pet projects.
“You see- the issue isn’t the answer- it’s actually the equation. When we figure out the correct equation the answer will be correct. I’m confident we already spend 2% with the right math”
My goodness- that’s not a quote from the article. That’s me making a joke- sorry it was unclear!
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One point in Trudeau's favour on the 2% mark.

For the European's that entire 2% can be spent in the domestic economy. No foreign exchange is necessary. Even the blood spilled will be spilled on home turf. And if it wasn't spilled in an organized fashion then it would be spilled in a disorganized fashion.

For the Americans, spending 4% of their GDP on defence, a lot of that too is cycled through their internal economy and while they spend some blood over seas they recover a lot of treasure in exchange from the goods they sell.

Canada is in a different boat.

But now both the Europeans and the Americans agree that the Canadian Arctic is important then any expenditures on the Arctic are likely to be considered as legitimate contributions to the 2% target. Money spent on Rangers, Arctic Response Company Groups, Cambridge Bay, Nanisivik, Iqaluit, Rankin, Yellowknife, Inuvik, Goose Bay, GM Silverados, Roshel Senators, Vancouver UUVs, Ballard Fuel Cells, Radios, RadarSat systems, AOPSs, Coast Guard vessels of all sorts, Mirabel produced helicopters, LAVs, Twotters .... ad infinitum ad nauseam.

And meshing Continental Defence, with Homeland Security, with Emergency Preparedness, with the National Guard opens up a whole other range of possibilities where credit towards the 2% can be given for goods and services that lean more towards election-friendly civilian-useful services than towards expeditionary forces. Bringing the Reserves up to the standards of the National Guard would be a lot cheaper than bringing the Regs up to the standards of the 101st Airborne or the 1st Armored.

Edit - I am going to go further on a limb and suggest that any domestic Air Defence systems are likely to be managed out of North Bay by the RCAF for NORAD while the Navy, possibly getting subs before the CSCs, with the AOPSs coming on line and Vard offering an OPV as a replacement for the MCDVs is also in keeping with politically and diplomatically acceptable expenditures focused on Canada.

I suppose you could say that both the Europeans and the Americans now agree that Canada is under threat and therefore money needs to be spent on it. During the Cold War nobody believed that so Canada was expected to send blood and treasure to Europe and got no credit for National Defence.