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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Well he agreed to the 2% as Min in Vilnius, wonder how he will spin that...
Over what time frame?

Ok I have been noodling this. Here is a solution.....I know they really not looking for one.

So Trudeau and company, really Butts and Tellford plus the real string pullers, are under international pressure to spend more. But you know in Canada one more dollar to Defence doesn't get you onw more vote especially from your base voters. Hmmm what to do what to do.

Canadians are upset about housing, inflation, jobs and healthcare. You have put most of that at the front of your government PR and campaigns. (Delivery not so much but that for a different thread) Plus the added FN, DEI and Green files are top. Plus you want and need a majority in the vote.

So you need to spend 2%, OK take the CAF and DND with Veterans budget....not enough. Hmmm add as much of the Coast Guard as you can....Yes minister we did that.....RCMP international and security budgets too....Yup did that. CSE...Yup....CSIS yup....The Healthcare and pensions of the CAF...yup...OK we get to 1.2 percent. We need another 15 to 18 Billion. Well Trudeau thinking well I am work to shrink the economy. (just my editorial part)

What to do? Hmmm Housing.......start a program to build say 50,000 housing units in Canada. But build them on CAF bases and DND and other federal lands. Don't forget to build to LEED and every green idea. Use the Defence Construction Canada as the main contracting agency. Then say regular, reserve and civil members and employees first choice on units. This will help with recruitment and retention. Build in cities on federal lands if available let reservist have first crack. Now the reserves are full up. OK now the important part the PR spin, announce in Canada the government is building x amount of units on under used federal lands. For the international audience add the billions to the total for defence spend. Where is the money....well Trudeau did set up his giant slush fund. Canada PP infrastructure funds.

Added bonus funnel contracts to the favoured companies (cough SNC Lavelin) Plus throw money at the Alberta ones to get them onside for your "just transition." Wink wink....remember at election time.

Now still not enough? OK that FN file is next to the pieces about Northern defence........hmm. Announce a great big Northern Infrastructure program. Use TC money to upgrade every airport and port. Add to Northern Defence file for international audience budget file. But home PR is FN spending! Plus don't thought the housing in the North too with the same but announce as FN spending at home.

Well we are almost there. Move in your emergency and environment corp that is being noodle around into the "defence" budget for your international viewers. BUy a few waterbombers for the RCAF. Done.

There you did not really spend a dollar more on defence and those yucky military people. You got great talking points at for the election. Housing! FN! and the North!

Oh and throw a couple of bones to Ontario, and the US. GM here build me some electric trucks in Oshawa, Lockheed, GD, Boeing build me some electric LAV's, the E-7, (Bombardier gets the MPA) Lockheed sell me something in small lots.

And then win the election. easy!
Over what time frame?

Ok I have been noodling this. Here is a solution.....I know they really not looking for one.

So Trudeau and company, really Butts and Tellford plus the real string pullers, are under international pressure to spend more. But you know in Canada one more dollar to Defence doesn't get you onw more vote especially from your base voters. Hmmm what to do what to do.

Canadians are upset about housing, inflation, jobs and healthcare. You have put most of that at the front of your government PR and campaigns. (Delivery not so much but that for a different thread) Plus the added FN, DEI and Green files are top. Plus you want and need a majority in the vote.

So you need to spend 2%, OK take the CAF and DND with Veterans budget....not enough. Hmmm add as much of the Coast Guard as you can....Yes minister we did that.....RCMP international and security budgets too....Yup did that. CSE...Yup....CSIS yup....The Healthcare and pensions of the CAF...yup...OK we get to 1.2 percent. We need another 15 to 18 Billion. Well Trudeau thinking well I am work to shrink the economy. (just my editorial part)

What to do? Hmmm Housing.......start a program to build say 50,000 housing units in Canada. But build them on CAF bases and DND and other federal lands. Don't forget to build to LEED and every green idea. Use the Defence Construction Canada as the main contracting agency. Then say regular, reserve and civil members and employees first choice on units. This will help with recruitment and retention. Build in cities on federal lands if available let reservist have first crack. Now the reserves are full up. OK now the important part the PR spin, announce in Canada the government is building x amount of units on under used federal lands. For the international audience add the billions to the total for defence spend. Where is the money....well Trudeau did set up his giant slush fund. Canada PP infrastructure funds.

Added bonus funnel contracts to the favoured companies (cough SNC Lavelin) Plus throw money at the Alberta ones to get them onside for your "just transition." Wink wink....remember at election time.

Now still not enough? OK that FN file is next to the pieces about Northern defence........hmm. Announce a great big Northern Infrastructure program. Use TC money to upgrade every airport and port. Add to Northern Defence file for international audience budget file. But home PR is FN spending! Plus don't thought the housing in the North too with the same but announce as FN spending at home.

Well we are almost there. Move in your emergency and environment corp that is being noodle around into the "defence" budget for your international viewers. BUy a few waterbombers for the RCAF. Done.

There you did not really spend a dollar more on defence and those yucky military people. You got great talking points at for the election. Housing! FN! and the North!

Oh and throw a couple of bones to Ontario, and the US. GM here build me some electric trucks in Oshawa, Lockheed, GD, Boeing build me some electric LAV's, the E-7, (Bombardier gets the MPA) Lockheed sell me something in small lots.

And then win the election. easy!
Well the we (the US) already shitcanned their idea to do just that.
Canada is on shaky ground with a number of members do to the freeloading aspect of the last several decades
Over what time frame?

Ok I have been noodling this. Here is a solution.....I know they really not looking for one.

So Trudeau and company, really Butts and Tellford plus the real string pullers, are under international pressure to spend more. But you know in Canada one more dollar to Defence doesn't get you onw more vote especially from your base voters. Hmmm what to do what to do.

Canadians are upset about housing, inflation, jobs and healthcare. You have put most of that at the front of your government PR and campaigns. (Delivery not so much but that for a different thread) Plus the added FN, DEI and Green files are top. Plus you want and need a majority in the vote.

So you need to spend 2%, OK take the CAF and DND with Veterans budget....not enough. Hmmm add as much of the Coast Guard as you can....Yes minister we did that.....RCMP international and security budgets too....Yup did that. CSE...Yup....CSIS yup....The Healthcare and pensions of the CAF...yup...OK we get to 1.2 percent. We need another 15 to 18 Billion. Well Trudeau thinking well I am work to shrink the economy. (just my editorial part)

What to do? Hmmm Housing.......start a program to build say 50,000 housing units in Canada. But build them on CAF bases and DND and other federal lands. Don't forget to build to LEED and every green idea. Use the Defence Construction Canada as the main contracting agency. Then say regular, reserve and civil members and employees first choice on units. This will help with recruitment and retention. Build in cities on federal lands if available let reservist have first crack. Now the reserves are full up. OK now the important part the PR spin, announce in Canada the government is building x amount of units on under used federal lands. For the international audience add the billions to the total for defence spend. Where is the money....well Trudeau did set up his giant slush fund. Canada PP infrastructure funds.

Added bonus funnel contracts to the favoured companies (cough SNC Lavelin) Plus throw money at the Alberta ones to get them onside for your "just transition." Wink wink....remember at election time.

Now still not enough? OK that FN file is next to the pieces about Northern defence........hmm. Announce a great big Northern Infrastructure program. Use TC money to upgrade every airport and port. Add to Northern Defence file for international audience budget file. But home PR is FN spending! Plus don't thought the housing in the North too with the same but announce as FN spending at home.

Well we are almost there. Move in your emergency and environment corp that is being noodle around into the "defence" budget for your international viewers. BUy a few waterbombers for the RCAF. Done.

There you did not really spend a dollar more on defence and those yucky military people. You got great talking points at for the election. Housing! FN! and the North!

Oh and throw a couple of bones to Ontario, and the US. GM here build me some electric trucks in Oshawa, Lockheed, GD, Boeing build me some electric LAV's, the E-7, (Bombardier gets the MPA) Lockheed sell me something in small lots.

And then win the election. easy!
Massive infrastructure spending like housing would be the easiest way to boost that number, get us modern facilities, and spread out jobs across the country. Maybe even throw dollar panels on their roofs and make bases off the grid efficient, or even have a surplus and make DNzd money selling back to the grid.
@Spencer100 that all sounds great... until the eventual caveats of "X% of that 2% GDP must be spent on eqpt acquisition, capital projects, per annum" come in because of Canada's penchant for cooking the books.
Yes of course....but the election is over by then. And it's all capital.....

And in a few years its some else's problem. And a good chance Russian threats are greatly reduced.

This is also not good plan for a real county and government. Just one if you have the current mindset.

My real plan if I was king for a day or just one of the puppet masters would be very different. KevinB would like it. :)

This country and government has become in reality a giant Insurance Company and not much else. More and more will be taken up by Healthcare, Old age and other pensions, and social programs that in the end are just insurance programs. And unfunded ones at that. Plus to add insult to injury the insurance company (Canada) won't pay for the firemen (CAF).
Massive infrastructure spending like housing would be the easiest way to boost that number, get us modern facilities, and spread out jobs across the country. Maybe even throw dollar panels on their roofs and make bases off the grid efficient, or even have a surplus and make DNzd money selling back to the grid.
Armouries for everyone!
Sorry. Federal Disaster Response And Training Centres.

FedRAT Centres.
not really, Germany was a total mess, worse than Canada, until the Ukraine came along and they found out the cupboard was stripped bare

Yes of course....but the election is over by then. And it's all capital.....

And in a few years its some else's problem. And a good chance Russian threats are greatly reduced.

This is also not good plan for a real county and government. Just one if you have the current mindset.

My real plan if I was king for a day or just one of the puppet masters would be very different. KevinB would like it. :)

This country and government has become in reality a giant Insurance Company and not much else. More and more will be taken up by Healthcare, Old age and other pensions, and social programs that in the end are just insurance programs. And unfunded ones at that. Plus to add insult to injury the insurance company (Canada) won't pay for the firemen (CAF).
completely agree its the Canadian way. Fed by no direct threats since 1812.
Well the we (the US) already shitcanned their idea to do just that.
Canada is on shaky ground with a number of members do to the freeloading aspect of the last several decades
Yes we all understand the problem but what will our Allies really do in a practical sense? That BTW is how the PMO thinks about NATO or American pressure if they think about defence at all What are the Yanks prepared to do? The P.M. was on the far left in the NATO family photo today and I imagine the PMO gave two thumbs up as a mission accomplished.
Why not upgrade the armouries, like build 100 suites of accommodation on top of existing armouries, then post units there.

PMQs included!

No one would complain about the commute to work ;)
Ectually, old man:unsure:
You've had worse ideas.

100 to 150 communities revitalized?
Ectually, old man:unsure:
You've had worse ideas.

100 to 150 communities revitalized?


Wait until you hear my great ideas for this then ;)

CANSOF Reserve Squadron

CANSOF has been assigned with the task of doubling its operational capability. This is a difficult order to fulfill, especially given that the regular contingent of the CF numbers approximately 55,000, with a total reserve of roughly 23,000.

Moreover, during the recent past, SOF has lost a number of its operators and support personnel to retirement, the police world and the private or public sectors. Considering the numbers lost, media reports indicate that any future growth will be painstakingly slow.

Predicated upon this situation, it may be appropriate to explore the creation of a reserve CANSOF squadron. The reserve squadron would be assigned, trained and organized to conduct limited special operations, such as mobile training teams, red cells, intelligence gathering and linguistics, and be trained forrural/urban surveillance, amongst other SOF capabilities.

This new reserve SOF squadron would be comprised of former members of the unit, selected CF reservists who have specialist skills sets and civilian personnel who have been talent spotted and recruited for specific qualities and capabilities, as well as individuals who self-identify. All of these individuals would have to undergo a rigorous selection program, as well as required follow-on training. These personnel would be augmentees, similar to the United States Marine Corps’ Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) or the 21st and 23rd SAS Regiment, consisting of British territorial soldiers who are prepared to undertake short notice training and operations.

puts on body armour replace all armouries, with modern facilities! SAT range in every building, etc
"But.... this is where our Regiment mobilized for WWII! If we paraded more than a Section+ of troops a parade night, that might mean something... but it certainly does to our well connected Regimental Association!"
puts on body armour replace all armouries, with modern facilities! SAT range in every building, etc
So what they did in Winsor ON then. Armoury, Naval Reserve Unit, Police Ranges and Fire Dept all in the same location. Allows for quick response to border issues. It's quite a slick setup.

Here's my expectation going forward. We have a Aurora replacement coming up. The Subs are going to be replaced before the CSC are in the water from what I hear. F35 is coming due. And the CA is looking at replacing what they sent to Ukraine as well as getting Air defence capability. That's a lot of money, and a lot of equipment announcements.

NORAD improvements as well and the planned base infrastructure reallignment I'm hearing rumblings of. This could all be achieved pretty quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if there already is a plan in place before Canada agree'd. NATO works on consensus.
Cake and eat it time - most of the armouries were cookie cutter copies. The modification has already been done and implemented and has been standing for almost 40 years now.

Delta Armouries in London - the old armouries are intact but has sprouted a 20 storey tower. What could you find to do with 20 storeys of floor area AND your existing armouries.


Wait until you hear my great ideas for this then ;)

CANSOF Reserve Squadron

CANSOF has been assigned with the task of doubling its operational capability. This is a difficult order to fulfill, especially given that the regular contingent of the CF numbers approximately 55,000, with a total reserve of roughly 23,000.

Moreover, during the recent past, SOF has lost a number of its operators and support personnel to retirement, the police world and the private or public sectors. Considering the numbers lost, media reports indicate that any future growth will be painstakingly slow.

Predicated upon this situation, it may be appropriate to explore the creation of a reserve CANSOF squadron. The reserve squadron would be assigned, trained and organized to conduct limited special operations, such as mobile training teams, red cells, intelligence gathering and linguistics, and be trained forrural/urban surveillance, amongst other SOF capabilities.

This new reserve SOF squadron would be comprised of former members of the unit, selected CF reservists who have specialist skills sets and civilian personnel who have been talent spotted and recruited for specific qualities and capabilities, as well as individuals who self-identify. All of these individuals would have to undergo a rigorous selection program, as well as required follow-on training. These personnel would be augmentees, similar to the United States Marine Corps’ Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) or the 21st and 23rd SAS Regiment, consisting of British territorial soldiers who are prepared to undertake short notice training and operations.

A direct entry to the Canadian version of "The Artists" would be an interesting proposition. Especially for those who don't want to deal with the usual hoops the Regular Force CAF makes you jump through. I happen to know a Canadian who served in the Artists and did a tour in Iraq with them.

If they are looking for Logistics/Operations Management specialists who are used to operating in austere conditions, one could be enticed. For the right price 😉.
The Subs are going to be replaced before the CSC are in the water from what I hear.
One major advantage of the Subs

15 CSCs = 15x 210 = 3150 sailors
15 KSS III = 15x 50 = 750 sailors

A reduction of 2400 pensions.

Cost of CSC?

UK Batch 1: £1.31 billion (2022) per unit (est.)
UK Batch 2: £4.2 billion (2022) for 5 units (est.)
Australia: A$35 billion (2018) for 9 units + ToT (est.) = 4 BAUD each approx all in
Canada: CA$69.8 billion (2019) for 15 units + ToT (est.) = 4-5 BCAD each approx all in

Cost of KSS III?

USD $900,000,000 per submarine

Assume an operating life of 30 years.
2400 fewer sailors required every year for 30 years = 72,000 salaries
Even with a modest assumption of $100,000 per person per year that equates to $7,200,000,000 excluding inflation, training costs, recruiting costs and pensions.
7.2 BCAD reduction in operating costs = 6 KSS IIIs.
Or 24 vessels at 300 MCAD apiece = Roughly the price of an OPV or a bunch of Offshore Supply Vessels like the USS Ranger


New naval task force?

2x KSS III down with 100 sailors between them and a third KSS III in transit to/from port to spell off one of the pair.
Half a dozen of the OSVs floating in the general vicinity with passive and active cargoes, all under the management of the subs.
Surrounded by a constellation of UUVs and UAVs.

OPVs covering domestic tasks at home and abroad, meaning Op Caribbe tasks and the types of inshore tasks being managed by the RN's Rivers.

It has to be an attractive prospect for a navy having trouble finding sailors and also watching the costs of conventional ships rising while their vulnerability increases.
Assume an operating life of 30 years.
2400 fewer sailors required every year for 30 years = 72,000 salaries
Even with a modest assumption of $100,000 per person per year that equates to $7,200,000,000 excluding inflation, training costs, recruiting costs and pensions.
7.2 BCAD reduction in operating costs = 6 KSS IIIs.
Or 24 vessels at 300 MCAD apiece = Roughly the price of an OPV or a bunch of Offshore Supply Vessels like the USS Ranger

View attachment 78785

New naval task force?

2x KSS III down with 100 sailors between them and a third KSS III in transit to/from port to spell off one of the pair.
Half a dozen of the OSVs floating in the general vicinity with passive and active cargoes, all under the management of the subs.
Surrounded by a constellation of UUVs and UAVs.

OPVs covering domestic tasks at home and abroad, meaning Op Caribbe tasks and the types of inshore tasks being managed by the RN's Rivers.

It has to be an attractive prospect for a navy having trouble finding sailors and also watching the costs of conventional ships rising while their vulnerability increases.
Subs don't do what surface combatants do... Subs alone are not going to achieve what the GoC and our allies/partners expect us to do.

The solution to the RCN's crew issues isn't cutting positions. Canada has 40 million people, if we can't attract a few thousand more to serve in the CAF, subs won't solve our problems.
Subs don't do what surface combatants do... Subs alone are not going to achieve what the GoC and our allies/partners expect us to do.

The solution to the RCN's crew issues isn't cutting positions. Canada has 40 million people, if we can't attract a few thousand more to serve in the CAF, subs won't solve our problems.
Agreed, shiny kit helps, but it is not everything. We need a whole of government approach to manning the CAF. Our manning is bordering on a national security crisis. The Canadian population is over 40 million, we shouldn't have issues being at 3 brigades, heck we should be at 4 or 5.