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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Imagine if Canada actually took the time to recover the $15B it says it couldn’t be bothered to have CRA recover? 🤔
Need to conduct a cost benefit analysis. Is it worth to hire more CRA staff, especially audit specialists, and lawyers to take non-compliant cases to court? Or it is better to over haul and simplify the tax system, introduce new AI systems to review the tax returns and so forth in order to perhaps catch a % of the $15B? Either way, it will require a more intensive effort backed by the strong arm of the law and bureaucracy to enforce the rules, which will get pushed back by the common people and get publicized by CBC News with CRA, again, being mean and unfair to hard working tax payers.
Need to conduct a cost benefit analysis. Is it worth to hire more CRA staff, especially audit specialists, and lawyers to take non-compliant cases to court? Or it is better to over haul and simplify the tax system, introduce new AI systems to review the tax returns and so forth in order to perhaps catch a % of the $15B? Either way, it will require a more intensive effort backed by the strong arm of the law and bureaucracy to enforce the rules, which will get pushed back by the common people and get publicized by CBC News with CRA, again, being mean and unfair to hard working tax payers.
15 Billion is 15 billion. That is funding for small departments for year or two. What arrogance to say "oh we are just going to let them get away with stealing"
How much effort is it worth to prove a point? I'm not saying not to try to recover the costs, but you need to look at everything - what can you actually do to justify the extra costs (the outcome must be worth more than the expenditure), or it can become just be a pyrrhic victory.
How much effort is it worth to prove a point? I'm not saying not to try to recover the costs, but you need to look at everything - what can you actually do to justify the extra costs (the outcome must be worth more than the expenditure), or it can become just be a pyrrhic victory.

Especially when it cost nothing to print and distribute the money in the first place.
How much effort is it worth to prove a point? I'm not saying not to try to recover the costs, but you need to look at everything - what can you actually do to justify the extra costs (the outcome must be worth more than the expenditure), or it can become just be a pyrrhic victory.
If you have already identified the number — one suspects it shouldn’t be that hard to recover.
Need to conduct a cost benefit analysis. Is it worth to hire more CRA staff, especially audit specialists, and lawyers to take non-compliant cases to court? Or it is better to over haul and simplify the tax system, introduce new AI systems to review the tax returns and so forth in order to perhaps catch a % of the $15B? Either way, it will require a more intensive effort backed by the strong arm of the law and bureaucracy to enforce the rules, which will get pushed back by the common people and get publicized by CBC News with CRA, again, being mean and unfair to hard working tax payers.

Publish the names of the delinquents. Let everyone know they are a cancer.
Need to conduct a cost benefit analysis. Is it worth to hire more CRA staff, especially audit specialists, and lawyers to take non-compliant cases to court? Or it is better to over haul and simplify the tax system, introduce new AI systems to review the tax returns and so forth in order to perhaps catch a % of the $15B? Either way, it will require a more intensive effort backed by the strong arm of the law and bureaucracy to enforce the rules, which will get pushed back by the common people and get publicized by CBC News with CRA, again, being mean and unfair to hard working tax payers.

How much effort is it worth to prove a point? I'm not saying not to try to recover the costs, but you need to look at everything - what can you actually do to justify the extra costs (the outcome must be worth more than the expenditure), or it can become just be a pyrrhic victory.

To prove a point? How about to in part pay for all the public servants ($60B/yr)

CRA was the greatest benefactor of GoC’s surge of new PS hires since 2015…8,000 alone in 2020-2022. How many more would you think CRA should receive to recover what their records indicate? By using AI, are you advocating that we may actually be able to reduce the public service? 🤔

Canada had 257,000 public servants in 2015. Today it has 100,000 more….yet we don’t have enough public servants to recover known disbursements?

To prove a point? How about to in part pay for all the public servants ($60B/yr)

CRA was the greatest benefactor of GoC’s surge of new PS hires since 2015…8,000 alone in 2020-2022. How many more would you think CRA should receive to recover what their records indicate? By using AI, are you advocating that we may actually be able to reduce the public service? 🤔

Canada had 257,000 public servants in 2015. Today it has 100,000 more….yet we don’t have enough public servants to recover known disbursements?

You know very well that I cannot explain the rational for the hiring of more PS for the fed gov't nor confirm if they are productive and providing good value for their salary and knowledge.

$15B is indeed a large sum of money and I do agree that the gov't should make the effort to collect it. I believe that tax laws needs to be updated and simplified in order to make life easier for the average Cdn and for industry. I do think that that the gov't should use AI in order to reduce the number of PS and their associated overhead costs.

I don't think many of us here knows the workings of the CRA and the numbers of PS working their, but I do hope that the numbers are justifiable to process all the tax returns from private citizens and industry. I do know that auditing large companies can be manpower and intensive and it requires specialized knowledge - my wife's aunt work for Revenue Quebec and she part of a large team that processes the tax return for one of the largest industries in Quebec. The same goes for wealthy individuals who use every tax loop holes and layers to protect their assets.

That is my point. I don't have an answer to how much more people, specialized knowledge and expertise will be required to recover $15B in revenue, but how much more PS or specialized contractors and lawyers will be required? 1,000 - 10,0000? Are you willing to pay for more PS? How many more years of litigation in court is worthwhile? Will we have to hire more lawyers, judges and supporting personnel? More infrastructure for courts? More infrastructure for CRA pers? Overhead costs? What is the break even point? You need to study this more closely before you attack this problem.
Is it worth to hire more CRA staff, especially audit specialists, and lawyers to take non-compliant cases to court?

That is my point. I don't have an answer to how much more people, specialized knowledge and expertise will be required to recover $15B in revenue, but how much more PS or specialized contractors and lawyers will be required? 1,000 - 10,0000? Are you willing to pay for more PS? How many more years of litigation in court is worthwhile? Will we have to hire more lawyers, judges and supporting personnel? More infrastructure for courts? More infrastructure for CRA pers? Overhead costs? What is the break even point? You need to study this more closely before you attack this problem.

It is you who are dramatizing the effort and complexity of what is needed to recover the overage in CERB/etc. payments.

Court cases? Maybe you haven’t been in the end of a CRA reassessment that arbitrarily invokes a tax debit to your account, and you contest it to recover whatever CRA chose to reassess from you. A good friend who works at CRA’s junior exec level privately tells me that it is a choice to not lose votes recover overpayments. Unlike Phoenix pay issues, the software solution to recover/debit accounts quite ably exists in CRA’s system…no AI needed. No additional hoards of more CRA workers working from home over insecure lines dealing with personal information, etc…
To prove a point? How about to in part pay for all the public servants ($60B/yr)

CRA was the greatest benefactor of GoC’s surge of new PS hires since 2015…8,000 alone in 2020-2022. How many more would you think CRA should receive to recover what their records indicate? By using AI, are you advocating that we may actually be able to reduce the public service? 🤔

Canada had 257,000 public servants in 2015. Today it has 100,000 more….yet we don’t have enough public servants to recover known disbursements?

It's how the government justifies their 'new jobs created this quarter' figures that they crow about in the House.

It's really amazing with everything going on, and the wide spread knowledge that we are rusting out and bleeding people that we are cutting defence.

To me it shows a Gov out of touch with what's going on in the world and Canada and one that's still trying to Govern like they just beat Harper.

I understand they've had platforms and dreamy policies, as Murphy said "No plan survives first contact". The real meaning of that is flexibility and adaptability are keys. Things this Gov simply doesn't seem to have.