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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

It's really amazing with everything going on, and the wide spread knowledge that we are rusting out and bleeding people that we are cutting defence.

To me it shows a Gov out of touch with what's going on in the world and Canada and one that's still trying to Govern like they just beat Harper.

I understand they've had platforms and dreamy policies, as Murphy said "No plan survives first contact". The real meaning of that is flexibility and adaptability are keys. Things this Gov simply doesn't seem to have.
True, it IS amazing but is it really surprising with this bunch?
It's not a bad idea actually, completely cut defence to nothing and open the door for any invader. We would be much better off under their rule than the current NDP LPC whimps. Maybe the US could just do us all a favour and take over.
. Maybe the US could just do us all a favour and take over.
As someone who has lived in the US, if you think our politics are bad…

I’m not even talking about the Federal politics that everyone here knows about. I’m talking about the day-to-day differences in services between US and Canadian residents, not to mention the organizational differences between the US military and the Canadian military.

The US military has “empire-building” written all over it. Quick example: Almost every service has a Space branch. USSF obviously, but the USAF, USN, USMC, and US Army as well. Then there’s US Space Command, which is sort of (but not exactly) the same.
A Republic of North America which includes Canada and Mexico would rule the world for eternity.
I must confess to having been a LPC supporter for decades despite some serious misgivings. But in the last decade or so I feel that the Liberals have taken far more wrong turns than correct steps and that the country is going in a dangerous direction. That’s not to say I’m necessarily a supporter of all things conservative. I am basically more politically in the centre and detest extremes of any kind…some things on the right appeal to me, while others on the left make sense.

As for Justin, I believe that his wholehearted support of wokeism, massive immigration, support of multiculturalism (which, of course, is enshrined in our Constitution), lack of support for housing and other factors affecting young people and families today as well as a dislike of our military and its institutions is creating more disunity than ever before.

With this being Remembrance Day, my wife told me that the other day she read a news article in which one of our veterans expressed the opinion that, increasingly, Remembrance Day is being viewed as an event in which Canada celebrates its participation in the enslavement of other peoples. He opined that the government would eventually give in to the demands of the leftist few to first marginalize then phase out Remembrance Day totally. I can see it happening already.

The roots of Canada’s decline are many, and volumes could be written on the causes. Also, to be fair, the LPC is not solely at fault. I see pressure on the LPC coming from our unions (or what’s left of them), our teachers, our media, the NDP and from many recent immigrants to Canada who have little appreciation for or understanding of our cherished institutions. I realize that many would view my thoughts as those of an aging privileged white male. I’m not against change. It can be good for the mind, the body and the soul of both the individual and the country. But we’re taking a voyage into what I feel is dangerous, uncharted territory.

Mind you, our Prime Minister would probably suggest that we should all gather around a giant campfire, hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Because, as he is fond of saying, “That’s who we are as Canadians.”
As for Justin, I believe that his wholehearted support of wokeism, massive immigration, support of multiculturalism (which, of course, is enshrined in our Constitution), lack of support for housing and other factors affecting young people and families today as well as a dislike of our military and its institutions is creating more disunity than ever before.

Which is precisely the approach he's used to be reelected time and again. He knows his audience really well, it seems ;)
Which is precisely the approach he's used to be reelected time and again. He knows his audience really well, it seems ;)
I’ll be surprised if his traditional audience sticks with him sufficiently to get re-elected. If he hadn’t let his ego get the better of him he would have announced his resignation as party leader and PM. Instead he has pretty much assured the savage defeat of his party in the next election. Mind you, I never like for any party to have a monopoly on control. Defeat is and should be a natural cycle in politics. Similarly, in Ontario, Doug Ford’s regime is similarly going down to defeat and will probably be replaced by a Liberal government (Bonnie Crombie?) which itself is rebuilding following the devastating defeat of Kathleen Wynn’s years ago. And so it goes on the Merry Go Round of politics.

The working assumption is that Canadians have a shared sense of history. That is wrong.
There have been more immigrants than just those that are easily identifiable but the visible minorities serve as a useful reference point.
They are useful because in 1967 Canada was overwhelmingly white. The immigrant population was also white and didn't stand out until they opened their mouths. Visible minorities were a very distinct minority.

Since that time there have been many immigrants. As of 2021 26% of the population are now visible minorities. 23% of Canadians are foreign born.

They do not share Canadians' history. Many of them have no fondness for the Red Ensign and the Union Jack. Something they have in common with significant numbers of Franco-Canadians and Indigenous Canadians.

Fair enough.

But where many of us see our quality of life as being predicated on hard work and "good management" many new Canadians ascribe it, at best, to "good luck" and unearned if not "Ill-gotten".

Culture matters.

And no, this is not regrets for the past. It is what it is.

Umm recent vote on carbon tax might be an indicator of somehig else.
Yup. Threading the needle…between the NDP assumed permanent support, and a manipulative (well played, some would say) leverage of the situation to secure a well-timed round of support from the BQ. Some might ask if the NDP has it in their world to try and get back somewhat at the LPC for mixing a ‘we don’t need you (now)’ twist into the game, but to be honest, it may actually have been a savvy play on the NDPs part knowing the vote was something that the BQ would support, so that they (NDP) could play ‘bad’ cop against the ‘they’ll do anything the Libs tell them’ narrative….(appear to) vote for the middle/lower class to not slide support anymore on the issue, and still keep the agreement alive for future graft from Le Dauphin prior to the next election.
It's really amazing with everything going on, and the wide spread knowledge that we are rusting out and bleeding people that we are cutting defence.

To me it shows a Gov out of touch with what's going on in the world and Canada and one that's still trying to Govern like they just beat Harper.

I understand they've had platforms and dreamy policies, as Murphy said "No plan survives first contact". The real meaning of that is flexibility and adaptability are keys. Things this Gov simply doesn't seem to have.

It’s happening and will happen because they know the average voter doesn’t give 2 fucks about “defence spending”. Free wifi on public transit and a gender diverse “Amazing Race Canada”? That matters more to most Canadians from 12 Nov - Oct 31st annually.
I'll believe it when the first GOFO is given a pink slip.


Any other business would come back to the Board with a list of options for 'saving money', for Board approval, while continuing to meet the demands of their customers... or the CEO would get the boot.

I don't have any idea what's going on behind the scenes, of course, but the CAF just seems to whine alot - with no consequences ;)
Blair on how spending reductions will come out of administration and not operational defence capabilities.
So career managers will be back to VTC interviews?
Or maybe we will do civilian workforce reductions via attrition (no replacement hires, but also no prioritization of which jobs are more important). It never impacts operations when there are vacancies in major procurements staff, at the local supply counter, or in the base hospital. Right?
So career managers will be back to VTC interviews?
Or maybe we will do civilian workforce reductions via attrition (no replacement hires, but also no prioritization of which jobs are more important). It never impacts operations when there are vacancies in major procurements staff, at the local supply counter, or in the base hospital. Right?
How about all those cleaners on airforce bases ;) have then make their own beds. Seriously though third part contracts should be looked at, like cleaners, etc to see if we are actually getting what we pay for.
Any other business would come back to the Board with a list of options for 'saving money', for Board approval, while continuing to meet the demands of their customers... or the CEO would get the boot.

I don't have any idea what's going on behind the scenes, of course, but the CAF just seems to whine alot - with no consequences ;)
Businesses wouldn't give people Lada funding then demand Lambourghini performance (without quickly failing as a business).


When you have $300M+ of work for a refit of known work, and get a lot less then that, you can't expect no operational impact. That's per ship btw (which is insane, but happens when you consistently underfund dockings for 30 years).

For context, they are doing about 4-5 times as much known work compared to the 280s at end of life at 40ish years at the 25-30 year mark, and get much more arising work, on a strictly hourly work LOE basis (which is about the best apples to apples comparison you can make).

The GoC wants us to do all these deployments, then give us the money (and time) to build up to that. Or don't massively ratchet up RCN ops tempo (when it was already unsustainable). Can't do both.