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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

I'd agree, but on the flip side, as a tech, I need both my hands when working, so a pistol or a PDW would be helpful instead of a C7. Personally I think CSS types should have C8s, or if the budget allows, a MP7 type weapon.

I dunno, I'm definitely out of my lane here, but why not just post a sentry while the others go about their business?
As an MRT crew it is my self and 1 other person. If the vehicle crew is with the casualty they pull security, if not, my driver does, 1 person can't cover 360 easily

Yeah, good point.

That's one of the reasons I usually had my (personal and highly illegal, but screw 'em) .357 magnum stuck in a pocket somewhere. ;)

>Under Liberal-NDP deal, Singh won’t oppose higher defence spending in exchange for billions on social programs​

For those always lamenting the lack of "compromise" in politics, this is what "compromise" looks like ("we agree to fund both of our wish lists").
Because the Federal government is so good at buying things............
With the prices that should be realized from the sheer volumes involved as a single buyer for an entire population, one would think that even the government couldn't . . . well, maybe you're right, they could probably screw it up.
I'd agree, but on the flip side, as a tech, I need both my hands when working, so a pistol or a PDW would be helpful instead of a C7. Personally I think CSS types should have C8s, or if the budget allows, a MP7 type weapon.
Avoid Mp7 or P90 type ‘PDW’ weapons like the plague.
Yeah, good point.

That's one of the reasons I usually had my (personal and highly illegal, but screw 'em) .357 magnum stuck in a pocket somewhere. ;)
Looks like we might have to reinvent the .30 cal. carbine.
It was designed for that role it had if memory serves both the muzzle velocity and the impact of a .357 magnum. effective range Realistically 120 yards.Actually less if one person's reminisces about it in Korea are accurate.
Looks like we might have to reinvent the .30 cal. carbine.
It was designed for that role it had if memory serves both the muzzle velocity and the impact of a .357 magnum. effective range Realistically 120 yards.Actually less if one person's reminisces about it in Korea are accurate.
The CAF already has a good option for CSS. The C8CQB.
More idiocy.
The MP trade wanted a different gun.
They got one.

No one gave a lot of thought to the requirement.
You dislike them generally because they're 9mm? I'm curious to hear what is wrong specifically.
Translation: one of those things isn't happening, OR, neither will get the appropriate funding.

A glimmer of hope? From Warren Kinsella

For now, us mere mortals — you know, the ones who previously thought we were the bosses in this erstwhile democracy — are left to contemplate motive. Which is what everyone does when confronted with a crime scene. Since we know whodunnit, in this undemocratic crime, we are left to ask: Why did they?

This writer counts four possibilities. Here they are. ....

Four, and this motive is the most likely: Justin Trudeau is leaving, or wants to. Given his performance in the last federal election (where he phoned it in), and given his recent Instagram-sponsored junkets around the globe (wherein he could just use the phone instead), Trudeau looks decidedly disinterested in the job. Unhappy, too — which is what most Canadians are feeling about him: Unhappy.

An Axis of Weasels dirty deal gives Trudeau lots of runway to cobble together some sort of a legacy achievement, which is necessary in his case: His only legacy, to date, is the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Aga Khan scandal, and the WE scandal. And lots of missteps and malapropisms that caused us peoplekind to wince.

So, he needs a big legacy thing. And, along the way, it would buy his successor — whomever she may be — sufficient time to clean out the muck in the PMO Augean stables. New leader, new team, new plan, blah blah blah. The usual.

Mr. Trudeau’s chief of staff, Katie Telford, and senior adviser Jeremy Broadhurst, who is chief of staff to Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, began serious negotiations with the NDP Leader’s chief of staff, Jennifer Howard, and Anne McGrath, the party’s national director. The final deal was hammered out by the two leaders and approved on Monday night, when both Liberal and NDP caucuses signed on, according to the sources.

I caught about 2 minutes of JTs speech to the EU before my gag reflex kicked in. I figured I would read about it in the funny pages. But from the tone and content - middle class, democracy, climate change - I figure he is pitching himself for some international position.

I hope it happens soon.
Avoid Mp7 or P90 type ‘PDW’ weapons like the plague.

I think we've talked about this but I loved the MP5. Old I get it, but it worked and was accurate and easy to maneuver.

Looks like we might have to reinvent the .30 cal. carbine.
It was designed for that role it had if memory serves both the muzzle velocity and the impact of a .357 magnum. effective range Realistically 120 yards.Actually less if one person's reminisces about it in Korea are accurate.

The LCF will make sure any new PDW for the CSS trades get gobbled by everyone else who should be using a rifle.
C8 should
The CAF already has a good option for CSS. The C8CQB.
The C8 should have been the standard small arm for all positions, less hard Cbt Arms position, where the long barrel might be useful in the 250-400m range.

I had an aviation colleague tell me with a straight face that he thought the C7 was a necessity for all aircrew, since we would “need to reach out to 600m if we ever went down.” I told him we would part ways ASAP if we ever went down, and that I’d rather stick with the SE.. part of SERE, than drawing fire and having to do the ..RE part of SERE. He thought a lot of himself as a shooter, but I don’t recall a strong correlation between PWT3 score and his self-assessment.

The only time I found a 9mm useful was in dealing with Soviet-trained locals who mentally aligned them to ‘guy with the pistol is to be listened to, while guys with rifles should stand to the side and *mill about while they talked with ‘pistol guy’ .’

*edit: mill, not kill
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And only 1/3 max of Euro Parliament's MEPs were in the chamber--but Murray Brewster CBC reported only "packed public galleries (https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ukraine-russia-nato-trudeau-stoltenberg-1.6394609)"--probably packed by our three missions in Brussels

I read that as well. Unless they've change the sitting format in the cheap seats at Strasbourg since I last sat in there in the mid-90s (and that's possible given the enlargement of the EU since I had much to do with it), it could have been the entire Liberal entourage and press corps and it be considered full.