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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Have you tried working on a modern car lately? It's not just a military issue.
I agree wholeheartedly. Right to repair is a huge problem, especially when stuff like ITAR and IP factor in.

Unfortunately, when something breaks in the field of battle, I can't send it back to GDLS for warranty repair. If anything, it's getting turfed on the side of the road for a local farmer to salvage.
We all know that polls are useless, especially the online variety. The latest Leger poll shows that 48% of Canadian think we are spending enough on defence and 18% think too much. However, we also know that the Liberals govern based on polling results and this whole Ukraine thing will blow over soon....
We all know that polls are useless, especially the online variety. The latest Leger poll shows that 48% of Canadian think we are spending enough on defence and 18% think too much. However, we also know that the Liberals govern based on polling results and this whole Ukraine thing will blow over soon....
BECAUSE no one tells them anything different. The Star and Globe talk as if the increase is great, the public hears about the new planes, the ship construction and think that everything is roses. What is needed is a commanding officer to fall on his sword and tell the truth and we all know that won't happen
BECAUSE no one tells them anything different. The Star and Globe talk as if the increase is great, the public hears about the new planes, the ship construction and think that everything is roses. What is needed is a commanding officer to fall on his sword and tell the truth and we all know that won't happen
That would be news for about 6 to 8 seconds and then forgotten...

You'd need a collection of CO's and even that could be swept away with more "free" things.
That may be considered a mutiny

Or a political statement, viz:

Top generals planned to resign en masse if Trump refused to leave office: reports​

The Pentagon’s most senior officer feared President Donald Trump would attempt a coup earlier this year, according to excerpts released Wednesday from a forthcoming book.

Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told his staff that he would take steps to block Trump from using the military to enforce his rejection of the 2020 election results.

Or a political statement, viz:

Top generals planned to resign en masse if Trump refused to leave office: reports​

The Pentagon’s most senior officer feared President Donald Trump would attempt a coup earlier this year, according to excerpts released Wednesday from a forthcoming book.

Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told his staff that he would take steps to block Trump from using the military to enforce his rejection of the 2020 election results.

One mans terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, eh ?
And from what Ive read, sadly, the country paid little attention.
There was a short little story in Maclean's about the admirals revolt. But no, the country was swept up in the Flag debate and preparations for the Centennial Celebrations. Also there was the move to remove many of the trappings of being a colony, with Hellyer leading the Colonel Blimps into the brave new world.
There was a short little story in Maclean's about the admirals revolt. But no, the country was swept up in the Flag debate and preparations for the Centennial Celebrations. Also there was the move to remove many of the trappings of being a colony, with Hellyer leading the Colonel Blimps into the brave new world.
Just like today, there would be an Armada of more junior personnel salivating at the chance for an early promotion.
There was a short little story in Maclean's about the admirals revolt. But no, the country was swept up in the Flag debate and preparations for the Centennial Celebrations. Also there was the move to remove many of the trappings of being a colony, with Hellyer leading the Colonel Blimps into the brave new world.

I found VAdm (R) Brock's book "The Thunder and the Sunshine Memoires of a Sailor" to have some good insight into the unification era and the resistance. Its been a while since I have read them but if memory serves me he is firm in his position the the RCAF were onside with it, the Army was ok with and it was the RCN who was the most in resistance.

Just like today, there would be an Armada of more junior personnel salivating at the chance for an early promotion.

Again, in the reading I have done that sense didn't seem to be dominant in RCN 1.0, but I am sure it existed to some extent. But I wasn't there...

HMC Dockyard in Halifax was lined with Civis and Sailor alike to wish Landymore fair seas when he was finally subdued.
I found VAdm (R) Brock's book "The Thunder and the Sunshine Memoires of a Sailor" to have some good insight into the unification era and the resistance. Its been a while since I have read them but if memory serves me he is firm in his position the the RCAF were onside with it, the Army was ok with and it was the RCN who was the most in resistance.

Again, in the reading I have done that sense didn't seem to be dominant in RCN 1.0, but I am sure it existed to some extent. But I wasn't there...

HMC Dockyard in Halifax was lined with Civis and Sailor alike to wish Landymore fair seas when he was finally subdued.
Likely the Army and AF thought they'd be the big winners in this amalgamation. I think the RCN, as always being the smallest of the three, felt that the loss of it's unique identity would have the most impact on its future.