Doing a bit of thread-necromancy here ...
I don't play ASL, I've given
Lock'n Load a try, but I'm more interested in miniatures wargame (which I play a lot) and video-wargames (which I'm a developper of

Although I like WW2, Kursk and the Battle of Normandy like any other Grognard, I'd rather paint more unsung armies & battles.
Recently, I've been working on adapting a French WW2 minis rules (
Blitzkrieg) for the French Indochina War, and have been painting quite a lot of 15mm French colonial/paratrooper/Légion/vehicles & Vietminh regulars and irregulars. Some of them displayed
Now that my "Indochina project" is about to be completed, I'm focusing on another unsung army:
Italian WW2 desert troops! ;D
I'm planning to paint a
Compagnie Sahariana, the Italian desert raiders counterparts to the British
With a friend of mine, we are also playing 6mm Napoleonic battle, at corps level with the lowest unit to command being the brigade. Those are "house rules" written by my opponent.
Also playing quite a lot of video-wargames. My all-time favorite, still playing it from time to time, being the
Close Combat series.
I have played a lot of
Panzer General too, but that series has recently found a more-than-worthy heir with
Unity of Command, IMO the best turn-based wargame on PC since at least a decade.