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Guelph Army.ca Night

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
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No, I'm not trying to extend army.ca into a REAL social life for me.

But seriously, since I am now of legal age in this fine province, I will suggest (as was brought up in a previous thread) an army.ca meet up in my fine town, for all the army.ca types in the southern Ontario area.

We got ourselves a fine sports bar here on campus, and for those so inclined, the famous 'Stampede Ranch' bar and club on the other end of town where you can be guarenteed a fine time.

Offer is open, I'm in town for a few more weeks until I head off again for the summer. I can even try to find us some sort of 'activist activity' on campus to observe for the more opinionated of us.


And since I am severly mentally deficient and forgot...I live in Guelph, ON.
Piper said:
And since I am severly mentally deficient and forgot...I live in Guelph, ON.

You mean you live in Guelph because you are severely mentally deficient :D

Seriously, it's a great idea. We do the same thing on another board I frequent and it is a lot of fun to match name to face.
Anyone in for a beer on Friday evening at Gryphs or the Shakespeare Arms about 2000?
The "fine province" of Ontario? Please, and Iraq is a top tourist spot, too? And France isn't populated by cheese-eating surrender monkeys? (Just kidding about that last one. I love the French, especially their wine.)

Anyhow, seeing I'm at Alcoholics College--er, RMC--I'm always up for a brew or eight in K-hole.
Shakespeare Arms  at 2100 hours it is then......I will wear the authentic collectors item black army.ca golf shirt.....
between that and the 6'4' 260 pound blob I should be easy to spot...... :)
WOW!!!!,...sheltered Uni life, little one?
Its on the corner of Gordon and Stone behind the No-Frills plaza...about 2 minutes from where you are typing right now......
Poser Warning!!

Piper CANNOT be a uni student.....

Whoever heard of a UNI Student  ( or  CO fer that matter) who is unaware of his local watering holes?

Although presently it looks like I will be out of town, if I can get back in town at a reasonable time, I will come out as well!

I'll hopefuly see you there gents.

Will you guys still be going at 2330 hrs or so?  We are heading down to Guelph this weekend.  What are the chances of that?  Anyway, by the time we leave Ottawa at 1600 hrs, put the kiddies to bed, it will probably be 2330 hrs before I can commence "link-up" operations.

If you can confirm you can make it I can confirm I can still be there.......
Bruce Monkhouse said:
If you can confirm you can make it I can confirm I can still be there.......

Depends, are you bringing a digital camera?

Just bumping this up since its tomorrow night and a lot of people don't venture into "Radio Chatter".
..I have PM confirmation of at least two other members coming tonight.........last chance people.

Shakespeare Arms...I will actually arrive around 1930 now as ....well I get hungry!!! :cheers:
Well, so much for a quiet place to have a beer!! Who would have thunked that the first Friday of every month is "band and cougar" night.

Poor little Piper was just a tasty little snack for these girls........ :rofl:

Nice meeting you all.