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Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

pidd said:
Legal Eagle is speaking of the Labour Government whose cuts to the Royal Navy and Air Force and
amalgamation of regiments in the Army are akin to what happened in Canada through the Liberal years.
Mark Steyn once referred to Anthony Blair's programme as 'Canadianising' Britain...which is essentially
abolishing one's heritage, traditions, institutions...including the armed forces in a way...in order to
project a 'new' identity.

Further to this last - Tony Blair has been writing checks on the backs of British Squaddies that his Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister) Gordon Brown, hasn't been honouring. 

In a way that is even worse than what the Liberals did  - Tempo was high but nowhere near the pace that PM Tony set.
Yrys said:
are you speaking of the conservatives here in Canada ? If so, where were you when the Liberal cut the funding of the CF ?

/a puzzled civy

No. I'm talking about the UK...the criticisms on here are levelled at the UK, but it's not the people who are responsible for this. It's Tony 'Bliar' and the god awful government that is killing our country. That is to whom I was referring.

###Modified to acknowledge, Pidd and Kirkhill's comments. - Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Please don't judge us by our government they are the worst and most despised in history at this present moment, they are only in power because of voter apathy and low turn outs. They are killing our country, literally, UK will cease to exist soon, eaten by the EU.#### :crybaby:
And we thought we were the only country with the lousy governments?
Legal Eagle,its socialism that killing the your country and has been doing so since 1945
it has produced a population motivated entirely by self interest, not uncommon in
a socialist dominated Europe. Socialists have always despised the military as a tool
of the so called ruling classes and T Blair is no exception,but if you think he is bad wait
until Mr. Brown takes over,a proper socialist if ever there was one.So it should come as
no surprise that a Gurkha hero should be so treated, it turns my stomach nevertheless
and I can only say how happy I am that my parent had the guts to leave the UK and
emigrate to Canada,s fair domain.
time expired said:
Legal Eagle,its socialism that killing the your country and has been doing so since 1945
it has produced a population motivated entirely by self interest, not uncommon in
a socialist dominated Europe. Socialists have always despised the military as a tool
of the so called ruling classes and T Blair is no exception,but if you think he is bad wait
until Mr. Brown takes over,a proper socialist if ever there was one.So it should come as
no surprise that a Gurkha hero should be so treated, it turns my stomach nevertheless
and I can only say how happy I am that my parent had the guts to leave the UK and
emigrate to Canada,s fair domain.

I could not agree with you more. The Socialist disease is indeed what is destroying us and what is most infuriating is the inherent hypocrisy. This is best seen in those at the top of the socialist order; they are all rich, they live in big houses, their children go to the best schools (usually very expensive ones) etc etc...do you have the saying in Canada, "do as I say, not as do"? That is exactly how they rule over us here. There is only one thing that Brown may have the edge over Bliar one (the spelling 'Bliar' is not a typo!), he is very much more sceptical about the growing power of the EU...maybe we might just survive. One poll after another has shown that if the British voters were given the opportunity they would vote to leave the EU, but the politicians won't give us that option.

I'm so proud to be British and it pains me to say this, but your parents were right to leave. So many of my family have done so too. Half come from Belfast and half from the North West of England. They have moved all over the world especially since 1945. Many now live in Toronto, others are in New Zealand, South Africa (where i was actually born, my parents came back in the early 70s due to the worsening conditions there under the aparatheid regime), and Australia.

Now that I have left the army and seen what has become of my country I am now seriously considering leaving the UK myself. If another Labour government is returned then I will for sure, boarding the plane with tears in my eyes as I go. It will either be Canada or Australia, Australia is favourite at the moment, but only the warm weather tips the balance! I have been to Canada and I loved it....


GreyMatter said:
Interesting, I didnt realize Blair's government was so unpopular...

They truly are the most unpopular government in history now. A lot has to do with the Iraq war, but the mess they have made internally of the UK, which is obviously not discussed outside the UK is mostly to blame. The government has consistently lied and shown themselves to be hypocrites. Bliars approval rating is now lower than 25% and that's just amongst those who bother to register themselves to vote. If you have time visit the web pages below and take account of the fact that the BBC has for some years now been a pro-labour, liberal-left organisation...


Legal Eagle - keep an eye on what happens with the Governments in Australia and Canada as well.  As can be seen even in the US there is no escape from the Socialist Disease.  And as Sarkozy is demonstrating in France, Maggie demonstrated in the 80s, and has been seen in places like Holland, Denmark, Sweden and the old Comecon countries, things change.

Like Time Expired I came over here on my mother's apron strings.  And I remain glad we left.  But paradises are hard to come by.

One thing I would recommend to you English types, and I say this a proud Brit born in Scotland, stop electing Scots to high office.  

Sir Alexander Douglas-Home, Harold MacMillan, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Reid, "Ming" and his drunken predecessor and now Cameron.  For Gawd's sake try to get someone from the Home Counties to give it a shot - preferably one of those Lords that Blair has put out to pasture.

You've had to put up with ower mony Clydeside Socialists.

(I note that Home was from the Borders and a good Tory  and I am from Ayr - one of the few other places in Scotland that returns Tories).  ;)
Kirkhill said:
Legal Eagle - keep an eye on what happens with the Governments in Australia and Canada as well.  As can be seen even in the US there is no escape from the Socialist Disease.  And as Sarkozy is demonstrating in France, Maggie demonstrated in the 80s, and has been seen in places like Holland, Denmark, Sweden and the old Comecon countries, things change.

One thing I would recommend to you English types, and I say this a proud Brit born in Scotland, stop electing Scots to high office.  

Sir Alexander Douglas-Home, Harold MacMillan, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Reid, "Ming" and his drunken predecessor and now Cameron.  For Gawd's sake try to get someone from the Home Counties to give it a shot - preferably one of those Lords that Blair has put out to pasture.

You've had to put up with ower mony Clydeside Socialists.

I don't really consider myself an Englishman, Just a Brit. My mother is from a Belfast family, My Father an English family and I was born in South Africa...

But I take your point and I agree with you....just hope the winds of change start blowing in our direction soon!!!


Legal Eagle: I'm dying to know, who was the female celebrity that was going to take up Lt Pun, VC's cause? Was it Dame Lynn?

I've edited this post to also show a pic of Lt. Pun, VC holding up the poster that is being used to advance his cause.  (Now JM, here's a case of you being able to say, "Look at the rack on that guy!")
niner domestic said:
Legal Eagle: I'm dying to know, who was the female celebrity that was going to take up Lt Pun, VC's cause? Was it Dame Lynn?

I've edited this post to also show a pic of Lt. Pun, VC holding up the poster that is being used to advance his cause.  (Now JM, here's a case of you being able to say, "Look at the rack on that guy!")

Don't know about a female celebrity, but I've seen reports that Lord Ashcroft has taken up WO1 Pun's cause.  Beside being a peer (and deputy leader of the Conservative Party?)  Lord Ashcroft has a collection of privately owned Victoria Crosses (largest single collection of VCs - reportedly around 150).
Ashcroft's VC collection can be reviewed here: http://www.victoriacross.org.uk/vvashcro.htm  Yes, Lord Ashcroft had announced his intentions of taking issue with the government over this situation. 

The solicitors for Lt Pun, VC had indicated yesterday that a female celebrity was going to take up the cause as well. 

I realize that Lt. Pun's actual rank was a WO1, but he has been given an honourary rank of Lt. 
niner domestic said:
Legal Eagle: I'm dying to know, who was the female celebrity that was going to take up Lt Pun, VC's cause? Was it Dame Lynn?

I've edited this post to also show a pic of Lt. Pun, VC holding up the poster that is being used to advance his cause.  (Now JM, here's a case of you being able to say, "Look at the rack on that guy!")

I have no idea..in fact that was the first I heard of it. The discussion is moving so fast on our on site that it's impossible to keep up with. However the firm of lawyers working for him have hinted that there may be a couple of celebrities, one female getting on board...http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/p=1301200.html#1301200

You can also keep up by looking at vchero.co.uk


With a little bit of media attention, the right decision has been forced upon the government. The article also answers the celebrity question.


Gurkha hero 'can come to Britain'

Mr Pun wants better access to health care in the UK
A former Gurkha who won the Victoria Cross has been given the right to live in the UK.

Tul Bahadur Pun, 84, wanted to move from Nepal for medical reasons but had been told he was unable to demonstrate strong enough British ties.

Immigration Minister Liam Byrne has now said his case is "exceptional" and he will be granted a visa due to a "heroic record in the service of Britain".

Former Rifleman Mr Pun was awarded his medal for World War II action in Burma.

After the rest of his section, the 3rd Battalion, 6th Gurkha Rifles, had been killed, he carried out a solo attack on a machinegun post.

Actress Joanna Lumley backed Mr Pun's campaign to live in the UK because she said he risked his life to rescue her father.

It is entirely right that this record should not only be recognised but honoured
Liam Byrne, Immigration Minister

Mr Pun's lawyers had lodged an appeal which was due to be heard in August.

His solicitor, Martin Howe, said the government did have the power to let him live in the country.

"There is a discretionary policy that is there and available to all Gurkha ex-servicemen who retired prior to 1997 and they are entitled to come to the UK and live here if they can show strong reasons and I think it's beyond doubt that this man has shown those," he said.

'Utmost loyalty'

Mr Pun has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems and asthma. His eyesight and hearing are poor.

He receives a British Army pension of £132 a month, which he must collect in person from the Gurkha army camp at Pokhara - a three-hour drive away from his home.

Mr Pun applied for indefinite leave to enter Britain but British officials in Nepal rejected the request.

However, Mr Byrne has said he and Home Secretary John Reid reviewed the case and decided to grant Mr Pun a settlement visa immediately.

"This decision was not taken lightly and reflects the extraordinary nature of this case, in particular Mr Pun's heroic record in service of Britain which saw him awarded the Victoria Cross," Mr Byrne said.

"It is entirely right that this record should not only be recognised but honoured.

"We have also taken into consideration his current medical condition."

More than 12,000 people signed a petition on the Downing Street website calling on the prime minister "to immediately and retrospectively give all Gurkha servicemen and their immediate families past and present British citizenship".

Presented under the fair dealings provision of the copyright act etc.
Now that he will be living in Britain, I hope that they adjust his pension $$$
Even newly retired Ghurka pensioners in Nepal receive the pension scale of the Indian army.... and you won't go very far on that kind of money in Europe & esp the UK
InterestedCivilian said:

With a little bit of media attention, the right decision has been forced upon the government. The article also answers the celebrity question.


Gurkha hero 'can come to Britain'

More than 12,000 people signed a petition on the Downing Street website calling on the prime minister "to immediately and retrospectively give all Gurkha servicemen and their immediate families past and present British citizenship".

Presented under the fair dealings provision of the copyright act etc.

Fantastic news, I have known for a few hours now but was not allowed to mention anything until it went public. Incidently, this is the first time the BBC have bothered to report on the story in any depth. They are a blantantly and overtly liberal left organisation with an unmistakeable anti-military bias. Despite disagreements they have had in the past they are as an organisation very pro-labour. One of their most prominent prestenters actually (inadvertantly) referred to the Labour Party as "We" live on air during the last general election!!

The petition they refer to has actually been signed by over 18,000 people in 6 days (at the time of writing) http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/gurkhas-rights/....

We will now see in the UK an undignified scrambling amongst politicians to claim credit for the reversal of the decision.

The MySpace page I have run during the campaign has had many messages of support from Canada so thanks to any of you on this forum to whom that applies.

Legal eagle,  while you are at it, might I suggest that you keep an eye on what monthly pension amount he will receive once he has landed.

Also, any news if he'll get visiting & wearing rights to his VC, for as long as he's still around?

Would he be entitled to become a "Chelsea veteran"?
geo said:
Legal eagle,  while you are at it, might I suggest that you keep an eye on what monthly pension amount he will receive once he has landed.

Also, any news if he'll get visiting & wearing rights to his VC, for as long as he's still around?

Would he be entitled to become a "Chelsea veteran"?

All three points you have just brought up are being addressed as we speak and I promise I will keep those of you over here who are interested up to date. The evolution of Human Rights laws over here have seen to it that Gurkhas settling in Britain are paid a better pension than they would otherwise have been. The rules are very complex and relate to an agreement between the UK and India when India became independant and many Gurkha regiments were absorbed into their army. It was so those who went to the Indian army didn't feel worse off (as they would have been) Mr Pun VC stayed with us!

There is a cut off date in 1997, when Hong Kong became independent and the Gurkhas who were posted there moved to the UK as one. All who retired after that time have automatic rights to settle here. That was the problem in Mr Pun's case. The situation is so complex that I don't pretend to fully understand it, or know whether his pension rights will change now that he is being allowed to settle in the UK.

One thing is for certain, he will not go short, there are many charities, e.g. The Gukha Welfare Trusthttp://www.gwt.org.uk/ who will take care of him and if not we will dip into our own pockets. After all Tul Bandahur Pun VC. I'm sure it was the same in Canada, but a VC winner is never even allowed to buy his own drinks in the pub. Not a single man in there would let him do so.

I'll keep you posted, gotta go back and answer a lot of messages!! I'm sure he will be allowed to wear his VC and he could well become a Chelsea pensioner.

P.S. The bookies favourite to meet him as he steps off the plane is L/Cpl Johnson Beharry VC, the young lad who survived winning a VC in Iraq. Our other (most recent) VC in Afghanistan was posthumous (Cpl Bryan Budd)..
I'm so very pleased for Lt. Pun, VC! Well done folks over at ARRSE, and the multitude of service orgs that revved up the old British Resolve and wrote, emailed, called and visited their MPs and officialdom to make Lt. Pun's case. 

I hope that the questions to his pension are resolved soon and that the math finally adds up.  It doesn't make sense that he is apparently only getting 8 pounds a month for his reg pension and 124 a month for the VC annuity. As for being Chelsea Pensioner, I hope the RCH will step up to the plate and offer him a home.
