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Hair Testing For Drugs

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Army.ca Veteran
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Last week we had a really good presentation on Drugs and Alcohol, about both the affects of use and addiction, as well as the legal ramifications of substance use/abuse.

The Legal Officer giving the presentation made mention of the fact the the CF will soon--hopefully he said--be conducting random "blind" tests, as well as further random tests. He didn't say what type of drug testing the CF uses, but after doing some research (wikipedia), I found that hair testing was found to be both very accurate and very reliable. However, one this that was mentioned was the fact that the test requires 1.5 inches of hair to conduct a proper analysis. Two questions:

1. Does the CF use hair testing for its drug testing?

If yes, then:

2. Does anyone in the CF even have long enough hair to provide a conclusive test?
Probably just random urine tests. They are super fast and super cheap.
For example - Testing for Depleted Uranium (DU) is done as follows:

1.  Urine - cheap, takes about one week
2.  Hair - expensive but accurate - require 100mg of hair - $800
3.  Bone - generally on deceased

Blind urine testing has already been happening in the CF to establish a baseline.  Hair testing could be used to rule out false positives (if someone wanted to challenge results).
Lumber said:
2. Does anyone in the CF even have long enough hair to provide a conclusive test?

Excluding females who may or may not, can it be hair from ANYWHERE on the body?
Lumber said:
2. Does anyone in the CF even have long enough hair to provide a conclusive test?

I just had the thought cross my mind that even shorter hair would provide a conclusive result, but that longer hair would give an indication of use over a "time period" perhaps. Perhaps remnants of the drugs are left in the hair follicle, so remnants found close to the scalp indicate a more recent use while remnants at the 1.5 " mark would indicate use about 3 months ago?

Interesting concept anyway, but I have no idea how it works.

Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Excluding females who may or may not, can it be hair from ANYWHERE on the body?

I'm pretty sure it can. I've heard it done before on individuals who've shaved their heads in attempt to bypass it for criminal offenses.

Lumber said:
Does anyone in the CF even have long enough hair to provide a conclusive test?

You are just kidding aren't you? I guess there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Only those that abuse/use drugs should only be concerned.

Army have been using a piss test with immediate results for certain illegal drugs for some time. The tests are random.

On Civvy street, there is both the breath test for booze, and tongue swab for drugs, both are used at random breath test stations on the public roadways at any time.

Two morals here, 1 - Don't use drugs as a Defence Member, and 2 - don't drive drunk or stoned. Sooner or later in both circumstances, you'll be caught.
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