Nice try.
Why should the Palestinians leave their land in the first place? They are indigenous to it (and note the difference between indigenous and ancestral).
Israel (and Britain historically) created this historic injustice on the Palestinians and they shall own it. You pushing the point that Arab neighbours should take them in is's still considered ethnic cleansing (a war crime that surprisingly many posters here are advocating!)
And congrats to you and other posters for using the same argument used by Hitler to justify exterminating the Jews. After the US and 30 other countries failed during the Évian conference to agree on accepting Jewish refugees fleeing the Third Reich he said:
"I can only hope and expect that the other world, which has such deep sympathy for them (Jews), will at least be generous enough to convert this sympathy into practical aid. We, on our part, are ready to put all them at the disposal of these countries, for all I care, even on luxury ships"
[caption id="attachment_100391" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Royal Evian Hotel (July 2012); photo by Erwin Kreijne via WikiMedia Commons.[/caption] By Elihu Baver Last July marked the 78th anniversary of the Évian Conference, convened July 6-15, 1938, upon the direction of then U.S. president...
That's the level of Palestinian dehumanization that I'm seeing in this thread (reminiscent of Nazi propaganda).
Reminder that while that was happening to the Jews of Europe, Jews in the Arab world were ministers in governments in Iraq and Morocco.
The Palestinian cause was never anti-Jewish, it's simply anti-occupation regardless of its ethnicity or religion. Once again we the Palestinians are paying price of Europe’s guilty Christian conscience for prosecuting the Jews for centuries.