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Has anyone had anything stolen?

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Boy, has he ever had stuff stolen  ;D :o

Sorry, I couldnt help it. It ties in so well...
TCBF said:
Your girlfriend's grandfather must have been in the 11th, 12, or 14th CAR, (I think the Ont R, Three Rivers Regt, and the Calgary Tanks) of the !st Cdn Army Tk Bde.   My stepfather was in @nd Cdn Lt Fd Amb, witch was part of that bde.   He landed in sicily summer 43.

Calgary Tanks.

He was wounded in Sicily - pretty bad.   They moved him back to England and were going to send him back to Canada I guess.   He said screw that and somehow joined an Infantry outfit.   He went through Western Europe with the Highland Light Infantry.

Quite a story.
Smarty's Story:

"I once had My C7 stolen by one of my buddies, he ended up loosing his.   When i asked to give it back he said he had no idea even though i engraved my name on the rifle butt.   Anyway he ended up scratching it off and I got charged.   the army doedoesn'tre really much, it ended up costing me $560 and my buddys in a wheelchair now.   I paralyzed him from the waste down, that was an accident though, we had been drinking on a road trip, but that storys for another time."

OK, troops, we have GOT to get this guy unbanned!   Like, now!   Lookn at all of the quality entertainment we are missing out on!

If he only paid $560 bucks, then he got a good deal - I think the licensing fee we pay Colt for the TDP and the privilege of improving their rifles for them is almost $500 per rifle.

He does know they have serial numbers, right?

I think that we should unban him on the condition that he can answer a few simple questions.. ie. What happens when you lose serialized kit? Are Sargeant-Majors scary? and What is JTF2?      I have a feeling his answers would be along the lines of: rifles? mags? nah, I lose them all the time and blame it on my buddies, but of course the army doesn't care that much since they have another 15000(?) of them.  Sargeant-Majors?? those weaklings? I remember back when I was in 'Nam we had way scarier people, hell I would take one of those out in a second.  JTF2? who cares, when I was in luxembourg we had the elite LCBO (lux. croissant beer and operatives) that I happened to be head of.. one day I sat around losing rifles for at least 24 hours non-stop. It was pretty intense.
OK, troops, we have GOT to get this guy unbanned!  Like, now!  Lookn at all of the quality entertainment we are missing out on!

Quality of entertainment versus quality of professionalisim on the board.

Speaking of things stolen, I think mr smarties threads have stole precious time from my life  :blotto:
There's been cadets here at RMC who have had their swords stolen. In fact, one of my good friends was one of them, but luckily he managed to find out who stole it and it was returned. Recently, they have installed sword lock/holders in all the rooms in my building and during  walk-throughs, unsecured swords will be taken by staff and senior cadets. It's pretty bad when you have to lock everything up solid to go to the bathroom. Also, cadets have had countless mil kit taken from the common storage rooms. It has gotten so bad, that we are not allowed to put our kit in these rooms and have to secure al of our kit in newly issued lockable Rubbermaid containers to go under our beds. Not to mention weekly emails of cadets looking for their stolen headdresses and coats, sometimes gortex, from the mess. Last year, there was a laptop stealing craze, thankfully that has passed.

About 6 weeks ago, the wedge that I just exchanged (a privilage we have till we graduate) was taken from the mess. I was pretty mad, but at least it wasnt my sword....knock on wood.

eliminator, how can we forget about the bar fridge that was stolen earlier in the year?
Sounds like the ranks of our future leaders are infested with thieving little bas*ards to me.  A little "slipped in the shower" justice sounds appropriate here...

Kat, as with anything else, theres a few bad apples in the bunch. I have been lucky enough to not have had any kit stolen. As eliminator mentioned though, it is pretty bad that we see so many emails pertaining to stolen kit. Sad that there are thieves here at RMC, but tell me a unit where there is no theft.
Understood, but I was led to believe throughout my carreer that the officer corps were held up to a higher standard than us lower life forms.    If a MCpl stole from me, he could expect something bad to happen to him at some point, and maybe a charge.  If an Lt stole from me, he could expect to skate, with his Commisioning Scroll as a shield... poorly worded, but you get my point, I hope

Ghost778 said:
Speaking of things stolen, I think mr smarties threads have stole precious time from my life  :blotto:

"You took 2 hours of my life and I want them back, oh who am I kidding, I'll just waste them".

I know that our Unit is extremely good with kit. Its to the point where I can pretty much open my duffle on the parade square, leave it there and at the end of Parade night, not even my spare elastics are moved nevermind stolen. It's also driven in that "There are 2 things a Ranger never does, Steal and Lie". I thought it was a futile oath to take as most are surely going to take their own lane, but so far its proven to be extremely effective. Basically, you're very honor is dangling from a wire, and lying and theft is the proverbial blade hovering closely. Ironically, only kit stolen that I know of were a pair of boots left on the lockers by a friend, and it was a Cadet that took them.

(Any Cadets that read this and somehow take offence (such as the case in another thread against G.W) dont bother informing me because I really dont care)
We have the same level of trust and honesty on our parade nights.... but course is another world entirely....
Theives have to be the worse thing you can have in a section/platoon whatever.

Someone is careless and misplaces something of their own, so they take from someone else more careful with their gear.

I remember being told that the detachable tacvest pocuches were something like 80 or 90 bucks. (A story made up to scare reservists)
We were told first we needed to have the pouchess of our vests (4 in total. 2 worn, 2 spares) turned in with the "$900 vest" before we left bosnia. Then we were told we had to have them in petawawa and turn them in before we were allowed to go home.

90% of the guys had sent their spare pouches home in their UAB which we wouldn't have access to for in many cases, a month. At first we were told we would have to pay the $90 (per pouch) to get our leave pass. THEN we were told we were not allowed to pay. if we did not have the pouches, then no leave, no going home.

You can see where this is going. Long story short, I had both of my pouches taken off my vest, the contents dumped inside my dufflebag along with my vest. Luckily i was one of the few who didn't send my spare pouches home so i still had 2 to wear on my vest. Others had the same problem, people stealing their tac vest pouches. (We were told NOT to send them home just incase we did have to turn the vests in)

Stupid troops not listening choose to steal instead of owning up for their actions.
One of the worst things IMHO.

If you new guys ever see someone stealing either kick them in the wrist or turn them into the MPs. If they will steal something from someone else, they'll steal it from you.
Sounds like the ranks of our future leaders are infested with thieving little bas*ards to me.  A little "slipped in the shower" justice sounds appropriate here...

I love how people come to conclusions on this forum...

Lets consider the situation at RMC:

1) Civilians pass through out college all the time at any hour of the day. There's lots of cadets here, both guys and gals, who have significant others who are from the civi side.

2)There's lots of NCMs, Officers, and civilian contractors who work here on a daily basis within our dorms and have access to master keys, etc

3) During the summer, this place turns into a transiate haven and a summer training center for sea cadets (who use all of our facilities)

4) Not alot of stealing occurs, it just comes in waves and could definitely be the work of only a couple of individuals.

5) Seems like there has been more expensive stuff going missing lately, mostly in the academic buildings, like artwork and large printers. Almost anyone can stroll though these buildings carelessly.

Just a Sig Op said:
I've been missing a pair of combat pants for a while now .

As long as your pants didn't go missing in action or captured by the opfor...
I apologize, very presumptuous of me to form an opinion without all the facts presented to me.  I hereby withdraw my disparagement of these exemplary ladies and gentlemen...

I apologize, very presumptuous of me to form an opinion without all the facts presented to me.  I hereby withdraw my disparagement of these exemplary ladies and gentlemen...

:salute: well said
It's funny, because as I was reading the post ref stealing at RMC, I was thinking exactly what Kat ended up posting. While it is wrong to jump to conclusions, I think it is also wrong to point the finger of blame at:

1) Civilians pass through out college all the time at any hour of the day. There's lots of cadets here, both guys and gals, who have significant others who are from the civi side.

2)There's lots of NCMs, Officers, and civilian contractors who work here on a daily basis within our dorms and have access to master keys, etc

3) During the summer, this place turns into a transiate haven and a summer training center for sea cadets (who use all of our facilities)

Accepting the fact that some of the "upper class" are really no better than the: civilians, NCM's, already trained officers, and sea cadets, just shows that they are human as well. Well, I don't know if you can call thieves human, but the point is made (I hope).

I think that theft will always occur, but as Kat pointed out, I would like to think that those who will ultimately be in a position of authority over me (ie. my troop leader, OC, CO, etc) can be trusted to not be a thief. One would hope that any officer in training that is caught ( & convicted) is booted out of the CF.


P.S I'm surprised to see that reservists weren't on the hit list of possible thieves: that'll keep them happy.

P.P.S Your emoticon (when you said "well said" to Kat) is saluting with the wrong hand..... sort it out sir ;D
While I gladly take my lumps for going off half-cocked, I must pitch in a little adendum here:  In my former beloved regiment, we had plenty of civies in and out all the time, pre 9/11.  However, if personal kit or bigger ticket shinies went missing, the automatic assumption was not that one of the greaseballs had taken the item.  The usual practice was to hoist any troops in the vicinity up by their ankles and shaken until the missing items fell out....

Personally, I think that the average civvy who walks into a military work environment is probably scared shitless of what might happen to them if they got busted stealing military kit (ie a night in a dungeon somewhere). I think that the military relies a little too heavily on the illusion of security (anybody who has been to the VERY permeable base of Gagetown knows what I mean) to keep the average civvy out. If the average ciivvy only knew how easy it would be to make off with some goodies (that might be construed as "baiting" any unwary civvies, so I better watch it.....).

I know in Bosnia, as soon as anything went missing, it was assumed that one of the locals stole it, and if I remember correctly (the 2 beer per day took their toll on my memory....) it was SOP to go into "lockdown" mode and search all the locals on their way out of camp, if anything serious went missing. I would like to think that was more commonsense, than overt racism, but considering that the same thing doesn't happen on a base in Canada (that I've ever been witness to) it makes you wonder.....

Speaking of which (searches by MP's), here's one that just came back to me: I was leaving the North gate (out to Burton) one time, and CFB Gagetown's finest were doing a spot check (oddly enough, the only one I've endured in 17 years..... keep up the diligence guys!!!!!) and I went throught the whole rigamarole: stop the engine, open the trunk, bend over and cough,er forget that one, ok....... Anyway, Barnie Fife saw that I had a pair of issue snowshoes in my trunk, and asked if I had proof on my person that they were mine. "Errr, my name is on them. Is that proof enough?". Redcap: "No!!". One can see from this event that a) "Barney" was never a Combat Arms type, and b) That common sense isn't taught in Borden at the MP school. Anyway, I made it out of this "takedown" ok, but what little respect I had for MP's at that point was lost (and I can't remember ever finding it again.... oh wait, I might have, once I found out they were getting Spec Pay..... no, that was a feeling of disgust....).
