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Helmet Cam/Scrim

so your issued the scrim during your SQ course, right? Do you have to use the stuff your qm gives you or say you had an extra cadpat cam screen or some t-shirts, can you use all of that?

When you're on course, use whatever everyone else is using.
During my SQ field week it was SOP for helmets to be scrimmed. We were issued the burlap strips. It had rained for most of that week and I had found when I was done the week, most of the scrim had fallen off or eventually would fall off. So after that disapointment I looked for an alternative. TShirts are cheap, durable and react interestingly when exposed to the elements. I cut the TShirt into strips and attacked it to the netting by cutting a hole just above on end and passing the other end through the hole. This I found was more effective than just trying to tie it on. My helmet got damp and realized that the strips curl. I continued to attach strips of diffrent coloured tshirt to break it up. After many many hours of cutting strips and attaching them to the netting and finally hitting it with a garden hose in the backyard and letting it sit in the sun, I have my very ditinct helmet scrim. I have since attached a couple peices of "stringed" burlap to give it some dimension. Here are some pics.

BTW. I have been following the forum for over a year w/o posting.
I think that what you should use for scrim depends on where you live and what sort of terrain you train in. For the Wet Coast, where I live, most of us have cam screen, strips of old t-shirts and boxers (the old passion-killers, not poly-pro obviously), dark and black burlap, etc, with just a little light stuff to break it up. When I was in Edmonton, I saw a lot more light burlap and lighter scrim with a little dark stuff to break it up.

I always recommend to new guys to use what they were given on SQ/BIQ, and add what they feel is appropriate based on what they have (old shirts, cam screen), and what they see the Sr. guys in their Section/Platoon using for scrim. They might even have some extra scriml for them.

TwoEyesDim said:
I have my very ditinct helmet scrim. I have since attached a couple peices of "stringed" burlap to give it some dimension. Here are some pics.

Not to be sarcastic, but I'm not seeing a whole lot of "concealment" in that photo of yours.    :o

Just kidding of course....
Helmet scrim hmm

Think of it as a mini ghillie suit for you head  ;D


Thanks for all of the info, so basically the best thing to do is use the stuff everyone else is using and use the stuff that they give you, then after the BMQ and or SQ course make the changes that I feel fit.
One thing to remember is, don't be over zealous and scrim up your helmet only to find out not everyone else has it scrimed.

Remember.  If one guy has it scrimmed, either everyone has to have it, or no one has it.
Remember:  Your scrim is attached to a net and it only takes a few seconds to put it on or take it off.

Some courses want your helmet to have the net but no scrim (my SQ did).  One guy scrimmed his helmet and was made to take it off.  THey wanted us to have the net on so we were used to adjusting it and what not for the time we went into the field, and scrim was required.

Remember.  Listen to your course staff, and don't do anything on your own, or atleast find out first.
I was on the Carl Gustav Range in Meaford for my DP1 course. I was back in the admin area watching buddy shoot his TP round and when he pulled the trigger his (being the number one on the gun) scrim burst into flames. I know this was dangerous but it was also funny. None of our staff have heard of this happening so I was wondering if there have been other reports of this before.
Why things are seen:

Shape -> helmet [ergo, scrim].

Colour, Noise, and Movement -> scrim on fire -> buddy doing "the funky chicken" to extinguish his scrim.

[Yes, an 84mm round going off might draw some attention as well.]

On a field Ex, one of the popular troops (biggest blade) in my unit had indigenous dry grass scrim in his helmet, and it *cough* suddenly *cough* caught on fire. [Wasn't a range Ex, with the Carl Gustav, either.]
Hmmm, how hard is it to unsnap the chin strap and drop the helmet? If you really need to. I suppose some of the full house hedges some guys wear may be a problem, but normal scrim shouldn't be much of a problem, even on fire.
I don't understand how anyone can effetively fire the CarG while wearing a helmet.
Britney Spears said:
I don't understand how anyone can effetively fire the CarG while wearing a helmet.


You have to. Some Infantry Regt's in Pet demand that everything you do be done while wearing it. Once you see the guys in CANEX, on the weekend, shopping for the wife wearing their helmet and PT strip, it becomes normal ;)
Heh, well they can make me wear it, but then I might as well be firing at the moon, esp. with iron sights.
Put your helmets on...

Back in battle school, I was on day 6 of the defensive ex.  I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of first light so I could enjoy a smoke.  As I bent my head down to the CGI to block the wind, I sparked my zippo and lit up.  Rising back up, I looked over at my trench mate and the look of absolute horror on his face.  He later told me I looked like the comic character Ghostrider.

Helmets off.