Well I went to emerg yesterday because I don't have a family doc and living in a small town, we don't have walk-in clinics. The doc on staff sees me after about an hour wait and he goes through the usual questions.. when, how, where.. etc.. He sees I'm in total agony and at that point, he's not sure if its muscular or something else (lymph node, sist). Then he said something that sent me spinning. "I think I may have to do vaginal examination". I said "the hell you will!!". I'm in pain and this guy wants to go feel around? And not only that, it's not necessary. Any x-ray or ultrasound can do the job. What a freak. So he decides to keep me there because he wanted to get some blood work done. They stick me in this room that had the a/c blasting down right above me but after 2 warm blankies... ahhhhh, I was in heaven. At that point, a nurse comes in and she's standing next to me with this needle and says the doc requested demerol for the pain. I'm like, oh? Lol. 75 mg of demerol with 50 mg of gravol. ;D Unfortunately, I had to refuse because there was no one to drive me home so they gave me 2 of their finest advils which seemed to work for a few hours.
Well today is the ultra-sound so hopefully they can find out what the problem is. I'm looking forward to getting back into the gym soon.