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Help! My groin.


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Greetings everyone..  I haven't posted in here in awhile but I need some help. I think I pulled my groin muscle and it hurts!!!!!  I've never had a groin pull before and have no idea what to do?  If anyone out there has had this sort of injury can you offer me some advice please.  I've read ice, no stretching and no exercise until full recovery?  How long will it take before it goes away?  The pain is shooting down to me knee.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  Thanks in advance.
See the Doc. Ice and rest may be the prescription if your injury is all you think it is. And do the full rest he recommends, going back to running or other exercise once it "feels okay" can lead to repeating the injury on a partially healed muscle, and then take even longer to heal completely.
This probably isn't the best place to seek medical advice....
I've pulled my grion...pulled it doin' windsprints up and down the rink at a hockey practice...I don't remember how bad the pain was (but I was doin' one legged drills for a few minutes before I was excused) so my advise probably isn't the best but since I've pulled it I'll let you know what I did...

I didn't ice it, I sat my ass on the couch for three - four days only getting up to eat and use the bathroom...atleast after 3 or 4 days you can more arround with little to no irritability, but I wouldn't stretch or work out for at least a week - two weeks no matter how fast you THINK it MIGHT have healed...but unless your a 16 year old guy I'm not how much this will help...lol

Happy healing
Of course girls have groins..lol.  Kinda wish I didn't right now.  I haven't gone to the doc, yet.  It happened 2 days ago but seems to be getting worse.  Some dufus at the gym told me to stretch it.  I think that's what made it worse.  I'm gonna ice it (from what I read over the net) and lay off the exercise until I feel 100%.  I want to avoid the doc as much as possible.  I think a sports injury clinic would be better.  A doc is only going to put me on meds.  Hey wait, demeral?   ;)
Its good advice to not inflame the groin,  but don't stop training.  If you can do the quads and the hams
without discomfort, then keep training.  I've heard bycycling is good for a groin injury because it
works various leg muscles and stablizers without over-exerting the groin area. 
Thanks everyone.   Lots of good advice.   I even found a great resource on the net if anyone is interested.


It may come in handy one day. :D
Peggy Hill: "That is impossible...girls do not Have groins to pull."

Go to your MO/Dr, and ask for some some muscle relaxants (Voltaren), and maybe seek some physio. I did it, and I found just taking it easy helped, but still keep training even if its a short walk etc.

Mine was sore for what seemed like forever, but after a while a 100% recovery.

Good luck anda hope ya have a speedy recovery.


Hi Wes,
Thanks for the advice.  
I think I'll pass on muscle relaxants though.   I dislike meds.  
I couldn't get in to see the doc today but will make the attempt tomorrow.
You can be sure I won't stop working out.   I managed to go for a walk today and it felt great.
I feel the pain more when I'm sitting actually.   *howling*

I hope for a speedy recovery too.   Physio here I come.

What happened with you?   And how long did it take before you were better?
Wesley H. Allen, CD

Voltaren (diclofenac) is an NSAID not a muscle relaxant. It is kind of like Motrin (Ibuprofen) on steroids. The big difference is that Voltarin is by prescription only while Motrin can be purchased OTC.
Doing a run down with the C1 back in 1989 on the Class Rge at Dundurn, I fell into some kind of a giant gopher hole while running at full speed, and did it that way. Ouch!

BTW I still got up, made it to the firing point, and finshed with firing all my rds down range before wallowing in pain. Got a good score too!

It took well over a month, and even longer ther was still some tenderness, and strangley even now when on Ex, I sometimes favour that side.


Maybe you tore something, not just pulled your grion...


I have pulled my groin 3 years ag and all you can do is rest.

See your GP(doc) and get an x-ray also.

Try and lay on your back as your hip flexor muscles affect the speed of your recovery.


Well I went to emerg yesterday because I don't have a family doc and living in a small town, we don't have walk-in clinics.   The doc on staff sees me after about an hour wait and he goes through the usual questions.. when, how, where.. etc.. He sees I'm in total agony and at that point, he's not sure if its muscular or something else (lymph node, sist).   Then he said something that sent me spinning.   "I think I may have to do vaginal examination".   I said "the hell you will!!".    I'm in pain and this guy wants to go feel around?   And not only that, it's not necessary.   Any x-ray or ultrasound can do the job.   What a freak.   So he decides to keep me there because he wanted to get some blood work done.   They stick me in this room that had the a/c blasting down right above me but after 2 warm blankies... ahhhhh, I was in heaven.   At that point, a nurse comes in and she's standing next to me with this needle and says the doc requested demerol for the pain.   I'm like, oh?   Lol.   75 mg of demerol with 50 mg of gravol.    ;D   Unfortunately, I had to refuse because there was no one to drive me home so they gave me 2 of their finest advils which seemed to work for a few hours.

Well today is the ultra-sound so hopefully they can find out what the problem is.   I'm looking forward to getting back into the gym soon.
Most doctors don't do vaginal exams to "have a feel around".  I'm assuming he wanted to rule out any reproductive problems.  You certainly have the right to refuse this exam but there is usually a reason the doc would request it.  Perhaps some of our medical people can expand on this.  I'm slightly bothered you would think he was a "freak" for trying to rule out another problem other than a muscular injury; he's doing his job.