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Homolka unleashed

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Isnt she looking alot like Madona with her new look these days. Im waiting to see her on the streets of Moncton in short order now that her cover is blown in PQ (no pun intended).
This makes me think that Quebec should leave! because there not about to appeal this either now!
ambex said:
According to the article I posted she changed her last name to Teale which is a reference from a movie in the 1990s where the character with the name Teale was a serial killer.  Now I dont have any fancy degrees to back up my opinion but I would have to say that since she has not changed her name to something more appropriate she hasnt yet changed the way she looks at life.

Are you freakin' kidding me? That's the name that Paul Bernardo tried to change his name to before either were charged in the murders.

BTW didnt the prosecution have to make that deal with her because at the time one of the lawyers involved had been withholding evidence that would have put both of them away which he/she presented after the deal had been made?

The prosecution made the deal because they wanted to use Karla's testimony to put Paul away. At the time, they did not believe that she was a totally willing partner in crime. The DEFENSE lawyers hid the videotapes on both murders and at the time nobody knew about the murder of Karla's younger sister. 
She was not just a willing partner she was the murderer not PB. All he is is a sick rapist. She truely got away with murder.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Quote from BS,
So that's it? We are letting people out who shouldn't be let out to save money?

When the rhetoric is cut, this is job 1............and just to put it so I'm not just tilting to the "lock em up" forever side all the way, it is DAMN EXPENSIVE....it can range anywhere from 85 to 700 dollars per day per inmate depending on the needs......do some multipling and it comes to some scary numbers.

Forced labour camps could change the $$$ problem.  How about Mine clearing for parole, you make it to the otherside, we'll let you move onto the next.  Death penality, immediate sentances with absolute DNA, video proof.  Hand caught in the cookie jar? Lopp it of.

Rant over, Ben
kcdist said:
Incarceration is indeed expensive. However, over the long run, it is the cheapest of options.

I can think of a cheaper method, but I think it may get some people in trouble...
I think this discussion is completely inappropriate......


If we could have people like this do sit-ups on a 300-yd range - - "firing point, watch and shoot, watch and shoot..."  hmmmmm

3rd Horseman said:
She was not just a willing partner she was the murderer not PB. All he is is a sick rapist. She truely got away with murder.

She was not the actual murderer (as far as what's known), but she turned out to be more of a participant that prosecutors originally thought.

Given the info that they had at the time, I don't disagree with the plea bargain originally made. It's an easy misconception to think that a wife is beaten into compliance, that she's physically/emotionally abused into the crime. Karla was a smart woman, and jumped on that bandwagon.

Really, we're never truly going to know the extent of Karla's total participation in the murders, because it's her word against Paul's.

But from a totally legal viewpoint - she has done her time, and there's nothing more we can do about it unless she commits another crime.
So nab her for "J" walking and escalate it to assaulting a Police Officer..

There are many forms of Street Justice.  It's how you play to the legal system and the politics.
None of this had to do with politics. By definition, courts are independent of the executive and legislative branch. Therefore, all we can do is bark at the system. But let me tell you this: there are plenty of cases like the Homolka case, but this one got a lot of publicity as opposed to the others. Bottom question is: who would you want walking 12 years later...Homolka or Bernardo.
Bottom question is: who would you want walking 12 years later...Homolka or Bernardo.

How about the both of them walking into a noose made for him and her.   Maybe a nice little bow on it.   Merry Christmas, here's some sunscreen. You'll need it for where you're going.

Well, I don't know if that last reply was directed to me, but if that's the case, you might want to rephrase that because I didn't understand anything of it.
He was suggesting a noose for two, a his and hers, for the pair.  The sunscreen is for them to use in "HELL".  It was aimed at Bernardo and Homolka, not you.
Do you forget how Karla's lawyer hid some video tapes that should have been used as evidence because with them it would have been a slam dunk and both of those sick degenerates would have been put away as dangerous offenders, not just the male one.  That is where alot of people get hung up on the idea that she has not yet paid her debt.  Her deal was predicated on a false hood that she was forced into the acts as some sort of by-proxy victim.  The videos clearly showed that she was a very willing participant. 
Plus, people keep refering to the Justice system.  No such thing, exept on paper.  It is a legal system.  If you want to be mad at someone, blame the judges (again).  It is the defense lawyers job to get the best deal possible.  It is up to the judges to shoot it down and say "no, that is unreasonable". 
And dont expect anyone to take matters into their own hands any time soon.  If Canadians were that motivated, Jean Chretien would have been turned into a fine red mist a long time ago.  With any luck, she will just end up another trash crack whore living off the street and die a slow high five and hep C death.  We can only pray that no one else gets grabbed again. 
He was suggesting a noose for two, a his and hers, for the pair.  The sunscreen is for them to use in "HELL".  It was aimed at Bernardo and Homolka, not you.

Yes, thank you.

I hope every single community this woman tries to live in rises up against her and makes every living moment for her hell.
The more I see shit like this the more I think the legal system and "justice" are not on the same page.  Have fun living in hiding the rest of your life Karla.
She did her time; may be we should, as a society, understand that, 'cause really, there are hundreds of cases like hers every year in North America, but you don't hear about them as much...doesn't make it easier though for the people who followed their trials (family, friends, ...). This system works. The judge gave her 12 years as he was binded by previous court decisions...and as a criminal defense attorney, I can assure you that before making that joint recommandation, the victim's family were consulted...if they didn't have a problem with 12 years, may be we shouldn't, especially that she did the full 12, and not 2/3 o fit, as it is usually the case before being paroled.
She did her time; may be we should, as a society, understand that, 'cause really, there are hundreds of cases like hers every year in North America, but you don't hear about them as much

Some people can feel she did her time.  I'm sure some people feel that her big bad boyfriend forced this on her and she's a victim.  To each their own.
My unimportant opinion is that she's a monster and she deserved to die. Did her time? Not in my books heh
We'll have to agree to disagree my friend :)
I'm right there with you on that one: everyone is entitled to his/her opinion...isn't life beautiful in Canada...but as judges say before sentencing, a sentence, especially in murder cases, will never repair the harm done...but really, repairing is not a function of sentencing; it's about punishment & rehabilitation, and all psychologists involved in her case said she was...so who are we to say that she is still dangerous...that's the same as saying that a commander officer doesn't know what he's talking about when he tell his staff to do things in a certain way.
Spoken like a true defense counsel.  Edit out the facts that dont support your case.  She most certainly WAS NOT rehabilitated and I dont remember anyone saying she was.  And the reason that she did the full 12 years is not because of some sort of systemic toughness, but rather that she was such a remorseles bitch and refused to partake in ANY counselling whatsoever is what made her not be eligible for parole. 
And so far as Judges and sentancing, you know full well that Judges almost always wait until a different date to give their sentances for person offences.  They call it nice things like "pre sentance report" and "victim impact statemen" but the reality is that on the sentancing date, the only people in the room are usually the A$$hat, their lawyer, the Crown (another lawyer) and the Judge (worse than a lawyer).  They dont bother to check out things read out for the convicted like "I cant go to jail, I have a job" (they dont) and "I have gone to counselling on my own since that happened" and they didnt.  You lawyers trot it out as gospel, because the "client" said so and you are too happy to lob it out because you know it cant come back to bite you.  All fun stuff that comes up on the date that is usually a couple of weeks after the trial.  That way the average citizen cant see how bad they got shafted when it comes to the sentance given out.  Smoke, mirrors and bulls_it. 
Karla served her sentance.  She did not repay dick all to society.  IF you have the stones, review the transcripts from the trial in the torture/murder tapes and the unfathomable evil those two caused.  Even the Islamic extremists arent that sick. 
Or maybe you are just one of these pesty types that just likes to kick a bee's nest to see what happens.
And its a "commandING officer".  Try to keep up with the lingo.
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