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Homolka unleashed

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All right, the system doesn't work. So, let me ask you this all of you:

Who in here picked up the phone recently and complained to Mr. Martin about it ? Who took the afternoon off to join a walk against the criminal justice system ? Who did something to change that system that you are complaining of ? Who ? Any takers ?...

...I didn't think so !!!
I punched out my ex-wife's divorce lawyer, does that count?
I'm not sure, but that's an assault ! Looking for a criminal defense attorney ?
Judges and lawyers apply the law. Politicians write the law. So bark at the politicians. Jurists are pupets, politicians are pupetteers.
silverbach said:
Who in here picked up the phone recently and complained to Mr. Martin about it ? Who took the afternoon off to join a walk against the criminal justice system ? Who did something to change that system that you are complaining of ? Who ? Any takers ?...

Is that supposed to somehow undermine the validity of the argument?
silverbach said:
I'm not sure, but that's an assault ! Looking for a criminal defense attorney ?

No.  He invited me to hit him.  He being much smarter than I, I thought it would be rude not to oblige.
Well, if you found out a way to relieve some of your social anxiety and frustration by trashing out the criminal justice system, go on and keep making sensatioanal claims which makes no difference whatsoever at the end of the day...

...be my guest, speak uselessly your mind. I'll make sure to read it. God knows it's cheaper that to go downtown and catch a movie !
Why do you come here?  Is it because you feel a need to validate the money mom and dad spent on your enormous brain?  You come on to an army site, where MOST of us, by virtue of our present or former occupation, have a decidedly conservative leaning.  You then belittle our reaction to a disturbing trend toward mollycoddling (sorry, Irish, not latin)  offenders.  What is your deal?
I'm not sure, but that's an assault ! Looking for a criminal defense attorney ?
heh, nice ;)

Who in here picked up the phone recently and complained to Mr. Martin about it ? Who took the afternoon off to join a walk against the criminal justice system ? Who did something to change that system that you are complaining of ? Who ? Any takers ?...

...I didn't think so !!!

As us again in january.
I can see if he became an infantry officer(his second choice of course) he would end up getting fragged by his own men, I know I would. I thought some naval officers were bad....
silverbach said:
Well, if you found out a way to relieve some of your social anxiety and frustration by trashing out the criminal justice system, go on and keep making sensatioanal claims which makes no difference whatsoever at the end of the day...

...be my guest, speak uselessly your mind. I'll make sure to read it. God knows it's cheaper that to go downtown and catch a movie !

It's called discussion and debate; if you don't like it, you're free to leave.  

Anyways, I'm fairly happy with my social anxiety - it seems that a defence lawyer (who makes money off of finding a way to get criminals off and profits from recidivism), rather than putting together a coherent counter-point, has resorted to pouting and ad hominem attacks questioning the political activities of others.   I'll take that as a sign that I and others here have a valid point to make.

As Britney Spears said, for somebody who claims to be an expert and can educate all of us lame-o Joe Blow citizens have no right to question the Justice system which serves Canadian society, you sure aren't very convincing.

PS: I'm still waiting for that lecture on "soldier-ing".
Hey Kat, you said:

Why do you come here?  Is it because you feel a need to validate the money mom and dad spent on your enormous brain?  You come on to an army site, where MOST of us, by virtue of our present or former occupation, have a decidedly conservative leaning.  You then belittle our reaction to a disturbing trend toward mollycoddling (sorry, Irish, not latin)  offenders.  What is your deal?

My dad left my mother when I was 5, and I haven't heard from him since. So I guess it's fair to say that he didn't pay for my tuition. Actually, I got a scholarship for that. I guess some american bureaucrats felt I had something to give to society as a lawyer.

By the way, this isn't an army site, but a site where army buddies come to chat.

I am merely expressing my self...don't feel compelled to reply...you're under no obligation.
Thank you, you'll never know how little that means to me.... ::)
My mother didn't let me listen or watch Britney Spears...therefore, I am not aloud to respond to her in here...please inform her of my mother's wish ! ;D

It's called discussion and debate...

...does that mean that I can participate also, or is it only for the directing staff of army.ca ?

P.S. Suggest a topic, soldier boy, and I'll lecture you all right !!!!!!! :D
OK...I think this one has reached its
expiry date".  

This is getting out of hand and turning too personal.

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