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How do you pass the time in Afghanistan

Loachman said:
Yes, but the Dutch shop had most of my favourites anyway, was closer, and hadn't pissed me off.

;D My Uncle had said the same thing when he came back from his first tour in Afghanistan - if he wasn't sleeping or sleeping some more he was over there talking to the Dutch.

It seems that even though you have to endure many, many long and exhausting days in the danger zone; they don't want you to come back to an FOB or KAF and still have to endure that kind of excruciating pressure on your down time. Which is a good thing because nobody can handle it ALL of the time, even the troops.
i noticed you put masterbation high on your list. haha, right under movies, there can't be that many interesting movies to watch in kandahar. not even the bollywood crap that makes its way over from india
As has been mentioned, both Old and New Canada Houses have extensive DVD libraries, and there is no borrowing charge (just a modest refundable security deposit).
navypuke said:
Is the internet viable enough to stream webcam video, even may I ask an online game or two? I'll have to pack alot of bootbands I think cause whenever I wear the army stuff, I tend to lose them like nobodies business. Do they have pingpong at canada house, i'd be in heaven if they did. Pooltables? Speaking of pool, do they have a swimmin hole of some sort on that piece of rock.

I am on skype once a week from the FOB.

bring a laptop, IPod, and a PSP/DS if you will be in the FOBS (you can swap games with your friends).  My FOB has wireless, but it is down quite frequently  ::), the welfare computers suck, and the networks guys recommend that you plug your own laptop in, and use it.  There are common areas with satellite and game systems, moves etc. are around; along with a gym of some sort.  As for KAF I seen 3 days of it, and will more then likely not step foot through the gate for a wile.
navypuke said:
i noticed you put masterbation high on your list. haha, right under movies, there can't be that many interesting movies to watch in kandahar. not even the bollywood crap that makes its way over from india

To add to that, put your porn on a IPod, as you may not be able to bring your magazines into the shi**** (or it could just be the rule at my FOB)  its impace to stop the spread of gastro.
We started out in KAF (Jan to Nov 06) with Poker Night (as per the Canadian Standing Orders , once per week with a buy-in of no more than $20.  Life on KAF could get pretty boring what with every day being Thursday so the Poker Game became more and more frequent...every Thursday (if you catch my drift).  One of the regular players even built a massive poker table that we were allowed to place on the patio at Old Canada House.

Other than that...a portable DVD player from home, and a small TV and PS2 from someone who was leaving KAF coupled with movies from the market did me fine for my 10 months of luxury living (unless things have changed drastically at the PX, don't bother trying to buy PS2 games there...all they ever had was crap like Winnie The Pooh's Big Adventure (I am NOT kidding)).

Reading NUTS at the NAAFI coffee shop.. you forget you're in KAF for a while. Sitting in front of tim's on the boardwalk.. Rick Mercer should do a talking to Americans segment from there.. New US PX opened a couple months ago.. quite a bit more stuff now. Parties at the Dutch Corner can be memorable.. Make friends with civilians who've been there a long time.. they have access to things you may want.  ;)
navypuke said:
i noticed you put masterbation high on your list. haha, right under movies, there can't be that many interesting movies to watch in kandahar. not even the bollywood crap that makes its way over from india

The reason masturbation ranked #2 was due to lack of privacy.We slept in an "open concept bunker"the only good masturbation spot was the blue rockets.But it kinda reeked most of the time.Sometimes bad enough to kill the mood.

However movies could be enjoyed anywhere anytime!
Bzzliteyr said:

I thought that the first time it was mentioned.

You know, guys, it doesn't fall off if it's not used.  ;)

We know it happens, do we really need to hear about it??

And maybe at this point it's time for a move to Radio Chatter?
Navypuke it all depends really where you end up.At KAF the entertainment is endless.Marathons,weight lifting challenges,and awesome gyms.I was only in KAF once when I was injured and I was taken back by the amount to do.Poker nights,chess clubs,parties with DJ's.

Fob's on the other hand vary.We had no good books or movies.The only entertainment provided was by our buddys who live in the area. ;D

However we had a crappy gym in a destroyed mod,and our kitchen was "flipped" and we got walls and stuff,which was kinda nice.

A few guys played poker but by far if your heading to the FOB's bring a laptop and a harddrive.And remind anyone going home on leave to fill their harddrives with new movies!!

If your going to KAF mirage there is just as much to do as petawawa has to offer....plus better coffee shops.
I am going to be exclusively at KAF. I only get four weeks predeployment trg, and I have been talking to someone there and she says we never leave the base, so this is purely for KAF.

Well your laughing mate.
Now you have one thing left to decide.Will I come back jacked and tanned,or really fat and tanned. ;D

Good luck man,the internet rocks, the coffee rocks,the gyms rock,no wearing gear all day....driving civi vehicles.

Should be a really awesome tour man.

Have fun!

Learn to play the guitar
Correspondence/Distance Ed courses such as OPME, learn a new language - Pashto, Dari
Write letters home to family - nothing like them receiving an old fashion snail mail letter/card