Well, for me I try to picture them as a crying child who just lost a dog. I try to remember that somebody loves them, they love somebody; they have cried in fear, they have known loss. If after I've honestly tried to understand my role in why this person annoys me and I am blameless of projecting, if after I have done my best to see it from their point of view and show compassion and understanding.... if after all of that I still hate them... well that's when I unleash the Irish in me. ( :threat: ) Percussive therapy, applied sufficiently swiftly can have positive effects. - I am not advising that though... even if you could get away with it.
Other than the percussive therapy, finding really elaborate and ironic ways to punish them - fun but usually more effort than it is worth. You might try to find a neutral person to whom you can vent all of your feelings to. Sometimes, sitting down with a neutral person in confidence and telling everything in detail is therapy enough.
I assume you've told those who frustrate you how they make you feel? (In a constructive way, "you guys are a bunch of waste of rations shape up or I'll stomp on your throats" while fun to say isn't likely to get the result you want) Have you mentioned to your CO that you feel frustrated by the situation? (once again in a constructive way not "You are a lame leader for allowing these children to act so unprofessionally") I like the format "When "they/you" do "thing that bugs you" I feel "how you feel" because "the reason that action affects you that way".
For example I used this to my roomate: "When you leave your dishes in the sink for four days I feel disrespected because it means that I can't use the sink and it makes for an unpleasant odder in the apartment, I do my dishes in a timely manner so I don't affect you, can I ask you to please keep the sink clear?" As wimpy as it sounds it worked. (I wanted to take all his dirty dishes and put them on his bed, but that wouldn't have made for the result I ultimately wanted)
Worst comes to worst, make little dolls with their faces on it.... and hit the dolls. :warstory: