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How to Pack Sleeping Bags

MYOB = Mind Your Own Busininess, Correct?

DBA = Death By Acronym ;D
Maybe all you guys should start taking some estrogen to slow your hair growth down....hehehe ;D

Now in all seriousness, I think the guys should have to shave, regardless of the length of the ex.
Not only is it professionalism, but it is also for your own safety.

BTW, the best item on the market, other than soap, water and a scrub brush, to take off cam stick would be cold cream.
Just a little hint for those who hate taking forever to get the crap off your skin.
Joe Blow said:
I have not been anything but deferent, polite and respectful to the others on this thread, in recognition of the obvious discrepancies in experience ..ie. my 'none' to everyone else's 'some'.

With that approach noted - and with respect - I would suggest that I am not out of my league as this is a thread of my own creation. (I have stayed firmly 'within my lane' as they say.)   ..The suggestion regarding a name change for it was intended to be constructive change to it.


PS: I do not understand "MYOB".

(Edit:   ..Really do what ever you want with it.. Make it a shaving thread, or a sleeping bag thread..   I'm just reading.)

Sorry JB, caught me at a bad time. My apologies.
Springroll said:
BTW, the best item on the market, other than soap, water and a scrub brush, to take off cam stick would be cold cream.
Just a little hint for those who hate taking forever to get the crap off your skin.

Wrong. Wet naps are better. Cleaner, easier, less messy and can be used for more things.
Oye, while I loved my Noxema, it wasn't much use in the field. Wet naps however, it's like a travelling bidet!
recceguy said:
Wrong. Wet naps are better. Cleaner, easier, less messy and can be used for more things.

I haven't worn cam stick in 12 years, so I didn't know about the wet nap, but I have carried those for personal cleanliness,
and will keep the cold cream for my face...
shaving in the field is stupid. The length of the hair on my head, my sideburns, or my whiskers has absolutely no impact on my ability to shoot, move, or communicate. 
Shaving in the field has been proven to be less hygenic than goin' fuzzy. It's bad for the skin and it can lead to infection. This was studied and proven in (I believe) '97.
When not forced to shave, I don't. Period. If told, I will, but otherwise I won't shave for the entire Ex, no matter how long. And, the odd part is, even after 6 weeks of not shaving, I can still shoot as straight, run as fast, hump as far, and speak as clearly.
Springroll said:
When I am out in the field, I am not shaving....period!

;D ;)

I never met a woman who was actually "required" to shave in the filed....

Men on the other are always required to shave their.

Now is this not a sexist double standard? I think we should all be the same an require women to shave thier faces as well whether they need it or not.

Just a side note isn't shaving also required so that your gas mas fits "properly" to your face, I do recall hearing of  people with a shaving chit having to carry vasoline with them for this purpose. I know the idea of a gas attack is very remote. I'm just adding a reason for shaving.
Armymedic said:
I never met a woman who was actually "required" to shave in the filed....

Men on the other are always required to shave their.

Now is this not a sexist double standard? I think we should all be the same an require women to shave thier faces as well whether they need it or not.


If it will make you happy, I will shave my legs once a week, ok??? ;D
Armymedic said:
I never met a woman who was actually "required" to shave in the filed....

Funny, when she mentioned that, my first thought was NOT her face or legs.

My Bad, I know. <smacks self on forehead> :salute:


ps. I know that is 'salute', but it works for a forehead smack as well, especially since it is left handed  ;D
qjdb said:
Funny, when she mentioned that, my first thought was NOT her face or legs.

My Bad, I know. <smacks self on forehead> :salute:


That was what I was getting at...I don't want those nasty little sand fleas to be getting me... :o ;) ;D
As I said before,

The gas mask is not part of the order of battle for my unit 99% of the time, so the gas mask argument is out.

Also, I'm not in a mech unit, and it is uncommon for us to have dedicated tpt to carry our kit around in the field, so the weight argument is out,  a shave kit is one more thing I don't need, it goes in the follow up kit.

Discipline? I can think of far better ways to measure discipline than the removal of facial hair (see the rest of this thread)

And, as paracowboy said, my facial hair has no bearing on my ability to do my job - period.

One more thing, if facial hair and discipline were so incompatible, why are instructors in WATC permitted to grow wild, unkempt beards every winter? Are they unprofessional? What about the Pioneers (whose duties include NBC surveys incidentally) are they unprofessional? And how about the Navy.....

And how about the Navy.....

Beards in the Navy are being phased out as they supposedly interfere with the seal on our Chemox and Gas Masks......ummmm yeah right. Never had a problem here, I could see those old crusty type petty officers with the Grizzly Adams type of beards but those of us that kept it neat and tidy never had an issue.....
Ex-Dragoon said:
Beards in the Navy are being phased out as they supposedly interfere with the seal on our Chemox and Gas Masks......ummmm yeah right. Never had a problem here, I could see those old crusty type petty officers with the Grizzly Adams type of beards but those of us that kept it neat and tidy never had an issue.....

I know a few old salty dogs who keep theirs nice and kept and have never had a problem...
Springroll said:
Now in all seriousness, I think the guys should have to shave, regardless of the length of the ex.
Not only is it professionalism, but it is also for your own safety.

Springroll said:
I know a few old salty dogs who keep theirs nice and kept and have never had a problem...

Which is it?
Is it just me or has this thread been completely high jacked? It's titled Sleeping bag roll up... ? and the last 2 pages are about shaving....when did the sleeping bag part end and the shaving begin? Must be 3 pages back.

Nevermind, I'll scroll .....  :o
In his book A Bridge Too Far, Cornelius Ryan gives an account of how, in the final days of Market Garden,, the CO of one of the Para battalions (I forget which one) passed down an order that all men must shave before withdrawing across the Rhine, which was enforced. After I read that section I always have this mental image of some bug eyed RSM standing at the river crossing, calling to attention and inspecting the 30 or so survivors of the battalion to ensure that they were shaven before withdrawing, while in the distance the Panzers slowly coming into view....  How's that for precedence?

See GO!!, you would never have survived Arhnem if you didn't pack your shave kit, would you?  ;) 
NavComm said:
Is it just me or has this thread been completely high jacked? It's titled Sleeping bag roll up... ? and the last 2 pages are about shaving....when did the sleeping bag part end and the shaving begin? Must be 3 pages back.

Nevermind, I'll scroll .....   :o

I posted about sleeping bags yesterday... ???