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How Will You Vote

As of today, November 30, 2005 how will you vote.

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UberCree said:
PETA is a tier 3 unit.   I am talking a tier 1 unit.   Training pipeline of approx 16 months; para, halo, scuba, trapping and hunting, bicycle maintenance, skin care etc.   No expense will be spared.   The unit will be able to project Canadian hard and soft green-power worldwide within 18 hours maximum.  

The first priority will be to create an Offical Secrets Act.  
Second priority will be to transform the CF into a lean mean and 'green' fighting machine, all CF members that cannot meet a very high fitness standard will be culled.   My initial suggestion is the set an olympic distance triathlon benchmark of 2:45:00, if you cannot meet the standard you are fired at the finish line.
SHARP classes will be replaced with reduce reuse recylce classes (David Suzuki will be the MND).  
All inf pers will get reloaders.  
All military veh. will become hybrid powered.

As this is a party in development, of course some minor alterations to my plan may occur.  

The Green Party candidate in my riding is a Juijitsu black belt (studied in Japan for a few years) and coaches high school wrestling.   Good guy.

OK send me the recruiting forms. "Culling" the weak candidates was something I always thought necessary as a training NCO, we could combine this with the live fire instinctive shooting ranges for the more advanced members.

Fun and games aside, this is a brilliant idea for the "real" CF.

As for your candidate, whatever his personal qualities, I also look at what they represent in the broader context. With this in mind, I would refuse to vote for any person, regardless of their resume, who represents the Liberal Party of Canada. This does not mean I am totally amoral, if the Conservative candidate was a dork, he/she/it would get a pass as well (second order effect, how could such a person implement the ideas/ideals of the party in question?).

Infanteer has gone on about this subject in other threads, but here is a good article which talks about the origins of the democratic system, and may have some hints how to improve the system we are stuck with today: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athenian_democracy
Man, I watched Green Party leader Jim Harris try and crack a "Dr Evil" joke on TV today.  He should stay away from comedy - he makes Stephen Harper score a "Robin Williams" on a personality scale.
"I am lobbying the Green party to form an EcoSF unit.  Based out of the Boreal Forest the unit would respond to any offenses against international ecological standards.  Oil spill?  These guys would go in and kill anyone responsible.  Sorta like the Isreali's after Munich."

- An Enviro-Nazi is still a Nazi.

Green power = Black Death.

PETA:  People Embarrassing Tidewater Area.  ( That's what their neighbours call them).

Marijuana party man! And this time I will totally vote, not like last time where I spaced on the date and missed the election by a week.....they call them fingers but have you ever seen them fing? Oh, there they go.  Anybody here got some nachos?  :blotto:
The serious answer:

On Monday, I will vote for my children, and for Canada.
Remember to cast your vote on Monday! What do you mean last week? Oh man not again. :-[ If anybody needs me I'll be in the den eating nachos and watching my Lava lamp. :blotto:
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