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I‘m definitely joining Army Cadets

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ross Cadet
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Ross Cadet

I‘m gonna join soon.
What rifle‘s do get to shoot as i progress?
What summer camps should I take?
What shouldn‘t I take?

Thanks for info!!!
  :cam:    :akimbo:    :threat:    :sniper:    :mg:    :fifty:

Staff edit: physically painful subject line to try and read
Also, do we get to shoot other rifles than daisy‘s and Lee Enfields?

Whoa...relax big guy. Learning how to fire a weapon isn‘t the only thing you learn in cadets. I‘ve been instructing cadets for over 15 years. I‘ve instructed on Cadet Instructor Cadre courses as well.

To get back to your question, yes there are more things to shoot than bb guns and 22s. There are C-7/C-8s, No 4 Lee Enfield rifles(303British). If you had the chance of being in New Brunswick in the last corps I was working with, we used to get the top recruiter down to the tank ranges in Gagetown and let him/her fire a Leopard! It all depends on your affiliated unit, and the enthusiasm of the officers of your future corps.

As for summer camps and courses, it all depends on how hard you work during the year. If you are promising and keen, the world is your‘s. I have personnaly pushed cadets to Para training, Artic Indoc, Scotland, Germany for the past few summers. It all depends on you!

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

you have instructed on CIC courses? what ones were those? i have never heard of a Cpl teaching on a CIC course... as for wannabe.... relax, i agree with franko.... you need to learn a lot more than jut shooting in army cadets.
Pressed the wrong button. Yes I have instructed BOQ before, a few times. I was asked by some very senior CIC officers to do them a favor. Because of my extensive background with cadets, I said sure. They were a bag of hammers. The poor course officer was pulling out his hair. Anyways the got their **** together after a few weekends. I must have done a small miracle, the district CO commended me on a job well done. I‘ve been doing this for a long time, probably close to as long as you‘ve been on this earth. I‘ve made some close friends and some good contacts in the cadet world. If you know Eric, I know he‘ll vouche for me. Ask him about my drill lectures :evil:
i know a dave boudreau.... is that the same man? when was the last time you instucted? you might have done me... but i dont recall anyone on my course.....
Dave Boudreau was involved in cadets years ago from what I hear. Not the same Boudreau. The last time I instructed was,as I said back in 2000/01 in Gagetown, NB. I doubt you would have forgotten me. I have been told that I give one mean drill lecture, by more than one CO. :evil:
Thanks guys, I‘m joining very soon.
I‘m joining the North Vancouver corp.
Wannabe...have a good time when you join up. You‘ll learn a heap of things, keep an open mind.
A Cpl teaching on a CIC crse, absolutely. In the CIC you cannot train an person to command soldiers, but you can give them an intro to the military and advice on dealing with cadets. A Cpl, especially a senior one, definately have the military skills to teach CIC officers. One that has been working with cadets for such a long time, has experience that need to be passed on...
Hopefully Airborne soon... I don‘t think that you have a good concept of the NCO Corps of the Military, please correct me if I‘m wrong.
Again...I can‘t believe I‘m saying this. Well said Scott937.


At LAST I have gotten my mother to allow me to join cadets, on one condition, that I can get there. (Long story, too lazy to type it,)

Anyway, I got the answer as to why she didn‘t want me going into Cadets in the first place.
These are her exact words, written as best as I can get them to the real thing:

"I didn‘t want to put you in that junior army, in a uniform because I didn‘t want you to become seriously interested in the army-" Hah, too late mum, -"and you ARE NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES going to go army as a career. All you ever do is talk army. You research about it, read about it, play military games... You‘re a LADY. You‘re supposed to be going to dance classes and talking about boys and nailpolish, not Cadets and rifles."

Well, I‘m excited, really excited.
You guys were a great help.
Thanks SO much. :D
good luck. With time, i think your mom will warm up to the idea a little bit more.
When I turned 12, my father practically begged me to join cadets... and I didn‘t...

When I turned 16, my father practically begged me to join the reserves... and I didn‘t (At the time anyway)...

Now here I several years later, in a unit he practically begged me not to join ;)
Your going to have the best times of your teenage years...

good luck
I am pleased you are able to join!

If it is the 2814 HAMILTON SVC BTN you are enrolling with, you are enrolling in a attractive corp in particular.

If you can‘t get driven.
Don‘t worry, walking for a few hours in sub-zero temp will build you good character and discipline.
Originally posted by Dano:
[qb] Don‘t worry, walking for a few hours in sub-zero temp will build you good character and discipline. [/qb]
There‘s an old saying... any fool can be uncomfortable...
Heh... Good for you!

Drill sucks... But you get to do cool stuff after that. ****...I got to have my first lessons on the C7 today (but im in reserves)