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I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

MedTech said:
wow so many people wanting to go MARS :D

Good on you guys... but you do know that MARS Os eat their young right?

Better have a good fall back plan folks :) and best of luck!

Well, I figure if this doesn't work, there are plenty of careers in the Forces I could handle (mainly pilot of course... I want to use that Commercial license for something!).  I've heard that comment quite a few times and definitely think I have my work cut out for me.  When I was talking to my file manager, she mentioned the minimum score from the CFAT, Interview, and Medical was 20 points higher for MARS than it is for pilot.  Not withstanding not knowing what the scale is out of, it surprised me to see that MARS had a higher bar!  So needless to say, I'm scared #$%@less and excited all at the same time.  I like a challenge, and this looks to be a major one.

And Scathach, did they tell you to bring a Resume / CV?  No one told me anything about that...  I have one ready, just seems odd to me after the whole process we've been through.
Scathach said:
Just completed my CV too.

Thankfully your comment made me go over my package more thoroughly... And yeah we do have to bring a CV.  Can't imagine if I hadn't read it!  :-[
QUOTE: "Good on you guys... but you do know that MARS Os eat their young right?"

That should be interesting. There is nothing like a good challenge!

Glad I could help you. See? Team work already!!! I am heading for Staples to print the darn thing, maybe use a fancy schmancy presentation document too. What the heck! Let's not spare the expenses! LOL  :P


Bwahahaha...we got it done, and we all got offers!  (Those of use that are on here anyways...).  It was a great week.  If anyone from this NOAB hasn't joined the Facebook group we created, please PM me and I will get you all the info necessary!  Congrats everyone!  :salute: ;D

I took that into account.  It's a private group.  Just for us to keep in contact with each other.  The contents are private, and the group will not be searchable.

Some of the stuff we saw cannot be displayed publicly... so I wouldn't want to compromise PerSEC or OpSec... (which is why there is no link to it here).
Nothing is private on the internet.  Everything is usually searchable, and there are lots of backdoors.
Understandable.  But we all decided as a group this is how we wanted to stay in contact, and I am taking all measures to prevent any sort of accidental display.  I am the keyholder to this group as well, so no one can join or view unless I say so.  Beyond this, they could have just viewed the two TV interviews (A-Channel Victoria and ShawTV) me and another NOAB Candidate did just before we did our day-sail...cause they will likely display more information than any of us will ever post... including our real names.

So I don't know what else to do there...
Ok..fine.. I don't know why I suddenly need to be lectured here.  What I was saying is:  There is more information available from the media about our NOAB than there will be in this group.  I've done what I can, and beyond that, if someone really wants to know that bad, he's probably already scanning my email somehow.  I am NOT being cavalier, I am not being reckless.  I have done what I can to make it difficult for someone to get information about what occurred last week.  There is more information on this website already than there has ever been in our Facebook group.  Heck, I believe there is a group on Facebook for some members of this site... so why (edit) remind me that what I post could be seen by undesirables?  Everything here is subject to the same...
I just got a call to go to NOAB next month for NCS ENG, but most of the information I have been reading on this site seems to be focused on MARS.  From what I read it seems that both MARS and NCS candidates go to the same NOAB?  Is MOST the same for both as well? Any advice on how to prepare besides doing lots of mental math?  Also, MARS III and IV courses seem to be fairly difficult.  What about NCS training, how difficult is that?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Any stories from people who gone through the process?
  Hello, everyone:
My Gerenal area of concern, is that i've been selected to go NOAB in a few days from now.  I've been researching general naval history, and brushing up  on general information about the RCN.  I know that the MOST exam, is all mental math review, and the interview is probably straight forward questions.

 I was wondering if there was any general tips, that someone could possible help me out with. Any advice about the Exams, Interview or General Information.   I'm really nervous about this board assessments, because its a career that i'm really excited for, and don't want to be the one that they turn away saying you don't have what it takes to become a MARS Officer.

If there were any tips, that I should do, to impress the recruiters.  If so could anyone please express their suggestions
thanks for any help.....
I am also going to the same NOAB next week.  Where is your CFRC? There are a few posts regarding the NOAB if you use the search function.  There is one that gives a day by day information on the NOAB.  There is not much information on the MOST except for that it is similar to an IQ test.  A lot of people here just suggest that being yourself is the best way to approach the interview, do not try to think what the board wants to hear and pretend to be what you are not. 

On another note, I am just wondering what kind of clothing is appropriate for each day.  I mean how do we dress on the day of arrival and on the day sail? ( By the way, the day sail is now on Thursday after the MOST and the interview which are held on Tuesday and Wednesday.)  The package I received mentioned "upper end of business casual and to be conservative".

WaitingTime said:
On another note, I am just wondering what kind of clothing is appropriate for each day.  I mean how do we dress on the day of arrival and on the day sail? ( By the way, the day sail is now on Thursday after the MOST and the interview which are held on Tuesday and Wednesday.)  The package I received mentioned "upper end of business casual and to be conservative".

To me, the upper end of business casual implies blazer (or sports jacket) and tie.  That's how most of the NOAB candidates were dressed last time I saw a group of them.  If you should find yourself to be overdressed it's pretty easy to remove your tie and/or jacket as required.
I have a friend that was on the NOAB about 5 years ago; he said that most days people were dressed in golf shirt / khakis, except for their interviews and dinners.  However things may have changed as the joining instructions I received specifically says the following:

"...upper end of what is considered business casual..."
"For male candidates a suit or jacket and tie are approapriate..."
"As a minimum, a long sleeved shirt and tie with dress trousers and dress shoes."

And also:

"This standard of dress will be required throughout most of the week..."

As Neill says if you overdress it's easy enough to dress down.  Better to be overdressed than underdressed  :)

Personally I'm bringing enough "upper end business casual" clothes to do me the entire week (shirt / tie, jacket, dress pants), and a few more casual clothes (golf shirt / khakis) in case it turns out to be appropriate.
Oh!  And a warm jacket for the cruise.  I've never been to BC, but I did go for a cruise around Halifax harbor a few summers ago.  I didn't realize it was possible to get a sunburn and hypothermia at the same time  :o
    Hello, everyone:

  Just wanted to see how many ppl were attending NOAB next week, and for what positions?  I just wanted some advice to help me acheive my future dream career as a Mars Officer.  So if there was any pointers anyone could help me out with, for instance the Most exam or the interview.  I'm just really nervous, because its a dream i've had for a long time now.

Strace:  How did you do on your spatial ability test on your CFAT?  As a MARS, that's the skill you need (plus the math, but i think spatial ability probably is a little more important when planning your ship route and such).  I know I did not do too well on spatial ability test, but did well on problem solving.  :crybaby:  A good thing that I am going for NCS ENG rather than MARS.