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I got my offer - what to do!!??

HansonSherren said:
My #1 choice is Greenwood :O)  *Fingers crossed!*

Good luck with getting your offer - and I think that's so great that you and your husband will both be in the military .. here's to his safe return!  :salute:

Thanks a lot.  :D  Greenwood is really nice, my cousin and her husband (and kids) are posted there (Her DH is a Reserve Infantry Officer) - I have no idea how that works but there they are.  They really like it, and on the plus side, if we get posted back to Halifax we'll be close to my family again.  I think you should go for it, your uniform matters not *and if you're Navy, you don't have to hump nearly as much kit*  ;D.  Good luck and have fun!

edited to make a little more sense
Lil_T said:

yeah, but is it enough? 

Since people manage to do it , i would say yes.

I'd be going airforce and not in a purple trade. 

I'm air force. Want to know how often i'm home ?

Don't let popular misconceptions cloud the fact that it is the military and that operations happen outside our borders.

I'm just going by what I know from friends.  Clearly some travel more often than others and I did not mean to offend.  I'm fully aware that it's still the military, and operations occur outside our borders.  

As far as PLD being enough - I would suppose that would depend on how much you're able/willing to adjust your standard of living. 

*nothing against the west coast, I'm just being realistic and know our financial limitations - I doubt highly it's a place we could afford to live*
Lil_T said:
I'm just going by what I know from friends.  Clearly some travel more often than others and I did not mean to offend.  I'm fully aware that it's still the military, and operations occur outside our borders.  

Oh no offense at all, just that i see alot of people get a good dose of reality and they seem so shocked by it.

Lil_T said:
*nothing against the west coast, I'm just being realistic and know our financial limitations - I doubt highly it's a place we could afford to live*

Sure real estate is a little more expensive out west, but with taxes and all those other expenses, the difference from living out east and living out west is not that bad.  You can't compare living in Victoria BC with Greenwood though, that's apples and oranges...

I would be willing to bet that you would be surprised to see how easy it is to live out here.  

The price of Dairy products out east is enough to bankrupt anyone.
I'm glad there's no offense.  My DH also worked on an AF base and is a purple trade and he STILL deployed. I know they do deploy and go on course etc, it just seems less frequent than if you were say on a ship or in a land operational unit.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
The price of Dairy products out east is enough to bankrupt anyone.

You got that right. The price of a 4L of milk in BC is half of what it is in NS !!! If you have young kids, you need to take out a bank loan so they can drink milk. Moving from NS to BC also increased each of my paychecks by $200 because of lower taxes........

Lil_T said:
I know they do deploy and go on course etc, it just seems less frequent than if you were say on a ship or in a land operational unit.

You are right, it seems that way. As an example, i'm away 4 times between now and april 1st.
Lil_T said:
But if I was going for low chance of deployability or being away from my family (not to offend anyone) I'd be going airforce and not in a purple trade.

Ha HA ha ha ha!
Dolphin_Hunter said:
You can't compare living in Victoria BC with Greenwood though, that's apples and oranges...
 indeed.  Greenwood is cheeeeeeap.  erm *affordable*

The price of Dairy products out east is enough to bankrupt anyone.

I haven't noticed much difference in dairy prices between Ontario and the East Coast, except when Shopper's has a good sale on.  Mind you hubby and my oldest are lactose intolerant so it's not that big an issue to keep the baby and I in milk.  I definitely don't miss NS taxes though.  
Sure Greenwood is affordable, but we all know why.  I have to agree with CDN A. 

I actually thought the houses there were expensive (for the area).

When I was talking to my wife about future postings, Greenwood came up (we could buy a decent house there with cash) and just as quickly as it came up, it went away (I came out of it with a black eye).  Deep down I know I have a real good chance of getting posted there, but I will worry about that dark day when it happens.

I hope you get what you ask for, and if that is Greenwood, then as Borat would say "Great Success!". 

Oh dear Lord - Borat - I love it!!

So I get from the replies Greenwood doesn't have the greatest PMQ's?  Is that what some are implying?  I only chose Greenwood because it's close to home (I'm in NB) and my mother is ill, so I would rather be in Greenwood and be able to come "home" and see her - rather than being away on a ship.. make sense? 

I want to state for the record, I certainly understand what I'm getting into and know that I will be going away for periods of time regardless of which base I'm stationed at.  And to someone's previous reply, I will be joining (I get sworn in on Friday) and I know I will be an asset to the CF, but thanks for your input anyway seeing as how I asked the question in the first place.

For those who have lived in PMQ's - and survived :) - any suggestions on where good places are to live?
Hanson, best thing to do is look up on www.mls.ca to see what is available in the area. That is what I did to get an idea, then when I showed up I went to a reputable real estate agent to see what I was eligble for as far as a mortgage. I didn't think I would be able to afford anything on P2 salary but I was very surprised and am happy living off base. Just an idea for you that there is more out there than PMQ's and that you may be able to afford more than you think on a beginner salary. Congratulations on your acceptance and good luck with your training.
HansonSherren said:
So I get from the replies Greenwood doesn't have the greatest PMQ's? 

The PMQs in ZX are quite nice actualy.

  I only chose Greenwood because it's close to home (I'm in NB) and my mother is ill, so I would rather be in Greenwood and be able to come "home" and see her - rather than being away on a ship.. make sense? 

Makes perfect sense to me. I hope it works out. Sorry to hear about your mom.

Sorry about your mom.  Q's in Shearwater are okay.  They're Q's.  The one we were in in the lowers was FREEZING cold in the Master Bedroom.  Hopefully that's changed since they've been renovating them like crazy.
Thanks guys - mom has kidney disease and is on Dialysis .. which normally isn't so bad, but she's already had 2 kidney transplants and is now back on dialysis  - about 6 years running now - so she's getting very tired... anyway - was thinking of doing the "compassionate posting" thing if the need arose, but after discussing it with the recruiting captain, it's clearly not all it's cracked up to be.. mom's a tough cookie though :o)  Thanks again.

Aviator - what is ZX?

Sonny - I tried to go on that site a few months ago and it need a service number I believe?  I'll try looking around again...

Skeletor - I was thinking Gagetown would be a perfect spot, but from what I understand they're out in the bush a lot since it's a training base - so I would be away from home a lot (generally)?  Or did I get that wrong?

Lil T - Shearwater was one of my picks too.. thanks for the heads up on the bedrooms!! lol
HansonSherren said:
was thinking of doing the "compassionate posting" thing if the need arose,

A compassionate posting has career implications. 2 years of no career courses, no deployments, nothing. After those 2 years, your situation MUST be resolved and you will be posted. Extensions exist but only for a short time. I hope the implications were explained to you.

Aviator - what is ZX?

Sorry, force of habit. Airports all have a 4-letter ICAO identifier and Greenwood is CYZX.

Skeletor - I was thinking Gagetown would be a perfect spot, but from what I understand they're out in the bush a lot since it's a training base - so I would be away from home a lot (generally)?  Or did I get that wrong?

You are really starting to limit your options and are setting yourself up for a disapointment. I think you are starting out with some realy unrealistic expectations.

CDN Aviator said:
A compassionate posting has career implications. 2 years of no career courses, no deployments, nothing. After those 2 years, your situation MUST be resolved and you will be posted. Extensions exist but only for a short time. I hope the implications were explained to you.

Sorry, force of habit. Airports all have a 4-letter ICAO identifier and Greenwood is CYZX.

You are really starting to limit your options and are setting yourself up for a disapointment. I think you are starting out with some realy unrealistic expectations.

Yes, the Captain did explain all that to me - which is why I'm not even thinking about that anymore.

Limiting my options?  Setting myself up for disappointment?  I certainly don't want to do that!!  Please explain if you have time...  After meeting with the Captain at the RC, I really don't think I have any unrealistic expectations anymore.. I must not be explaining myself clearly - sorry!
I would hope that CFHA would have resolved that issue, and I don't know that anyone else had the same problem.  I think it was an issue with our vent.  Good luck!