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I got my offer - what to do!!??

If I am not mistaking there are cook positions both base side and field side (i.e. to the lodger units)
HansonSherren said:
Yes, the Captain did explain all that to me - which is why I'm not even thinking about that anymore.

I'm glad to hear it was explained to you. Alot of new people come in and ask for compassionate postings and once they find out the implications, they change their tune quickly, much to their disapointment.

Limiting my options?  Setting myself up for disappointment? 

Look, you would rather not go on ship because you dont want to be away but you want halifax so you can be close to NB. You want gagetown but you dont want to go to the field alot. Greenwood only has a few military cooks on the base. Gagetown and Halifax have only so many positions for cook that are static. Theres only so many jobs out there and you are starting to seriouly limit the ones that you would "like better". The Navy exists to be at sea, the army exists to be in the field. Most of what the AF does is done abroad.

ZX PMQ's are very nice when compared to other bases.

Have you checked out this site?  http://members.shaw.ca/cfcooks/

You might find some answers to your questions there.
Also, to go on www.mls.ca you don't need a service number.  You're thinking about the Royal LePage website.
Aviator - I got you loud and clear - I know what you mean.  Thanks for the clarification!!

And D.H. - I am checking out that website now - thanks very much!

PMedmoe - you're right! I am thinking of the Royal LePage website.. I tried the mls.ca one and it wouldn't work - something wrong with my internet I think.. I'll try again!
it's not your internet, I've been trying to get on mls.ca, but since they changed the website to realtor.ca it takes forever to load and you don't always get the area you want.  It's a huge pain in the arse.
Ok yeah I just checked out the mls.ca site and it seems they did some changes to it. You can go directly to any Civilian Realtor site like Remax, Royal Lepage etc. and check out some listings in the areas you may be posted. Worst case (and not really a worst case) but you could always get locked into a PMQ, stay there for a year or so, save some cash, get to know first hand what's available in town and go from there. Plus you'll have a pay upgrade by then as well so you'll be eligible for more. I know a few people going that route.
The only problem with going into a PMQ and then buying a house, is that you pay for that second move or do it yourself.