Not to diminish anything you are saying NavComm. However, this person has admitted that she is well over the required time for the run. I can do the 2.4km in about 15 minutes. Still not good enough but I can get my time down by next week I'm hoping. So, it does not sound like she is already there I'm sure if you can dance 3 hours, you can most certainly run 2.4 km in the required time. It's about achieving a level of fitness, from the sounds of it, you are probably there.. There is a big difference between 'dance fitness' and 'running fitness'. I am not disregarding in any way the level of fitness required to competitively dance (as I have said, my wife danced competitively for years ... she still teaches tap and I have seen first hand how brutal hours on end of that can be). However, regardless of how in shape she is, it could take quite a while to reach the requirements for the run ... or maybe not, depending on the person. As I said, it is a different exercise altogether. Just because someone is 45 and can do it, does not mean that someone younger can automatically do it just because they can dance for a few hours at a stretch.