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I *will* get flamed, but it's worth it. - PT Test

NavComm said:
Well you don't read very well if you think I was saying 'just go for the minimum'. What I said was: she will pass the initial test with a bit more effort and that she should keep on running well beyond 2.4 km. I also said that that at bmq it's a beep test   a step test to sign up, and yes, things must have changed, because it's a beep test at bmq, not a timed run. So stay in your lane, get your facts straight. There is no timed run at bmq. I wish there was, I'd probably do much better because I'd rather run around a track than back and forth in a gym.

As far as giving up on this thread, you probably should seeing as the info you posted was of absolutely no useful value to someone that asked a good question: should I wait and train harder or should I sign up now? The original poster is someone who has some obvious good traits: dedicaton (to dance), determination (to improve) and desire (to join the CF). Why would you want to shoot that down?

As much as i agree with the intent of you post, i would argue that your 6 weeks of BMQ do not provide you with much of a lane to speak of.
Ah ... having a strip torn off by a newbie private, just makes me all the more eager for my return if this is what we are turning out these days.  Stay in my lane?  I hope you do not end up working for me and bring that attitude.  Apparently, I don't read very well, provide useless advice, and try to shoot down this person's determination to get in.  Things have obviously changed during basic (or at least the Officer training of 18 years ago differs from the NCM BMQ of today ... no more timed runs at all).  NavComm you missed the point of my posts entirely, regardless of the minimum standards issue.  I would suggest that you learn how to 'read' for comprehension prior to tearing a strip off of those that have been in much longer and have seen much more in the CF than you.  My posts are pretty genial compared to many others. Good luck with your career.  AD, in summary: 

I told you what I did and what the result was.
I said that you should do whatever you feel is best as it is your decision.
If it somehow came across that I was minimizing 'dance fitness', I was not. 
And the good luck was not ironic.

Okay...wow. I totally understand where everyone is coming from here. I know that the minimum standard is not something that is looked highly upon, even by myself. I am not satisfied with my time thus far (i just got down to 14 mins -pushed myself that extra bit) and I will continue to work on my time/distance/strength/and ..well, shaping my hips a little bit, but that's off topic. My only concern at this point is getting into RMC. From there I will increase the intensity of my training. BMQ is tough. It's supposed to be tough. It is not meant to be easy, in fact I believe it will be one of the most challenging periods of my life. And I know that. I want that. The military itself is a challenging career path, and to be honest that excites me very much. RMC is the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think of before I hit the sack.

As far as the MOCs i'm going for...Armour, Artillery, and MARS. Now before you guys get all huffy... I know the first two are combat arms and I will have to have a much lower run time than 14 minutes to be successful ANYWHERE in the military. But I know that. And I'm trying all the time to achieve an acceptable run time, not only for the military but for myself as well.

No one's advice here is being thrown out. Well by me anyway. I'm really happy I found this website and everyone has been a great help. Thanks for not ragging on dance either.
I'm so excited to send in my application and to do all the testing.
I'm going to be changing my name too. My initials suck.

Thanks a bunch    -Allie
aesop081 said:
As much as i agree with the intent of you post, i would argue that your 6 weeks of BMQ do not provide you with much of a lane to speak of.

I agree that 6 weeks of basic doesn't give me a wide lane, but at least it's more recent than bmq 18 years ago. It is different now. It's not my fault, but I pointed out that it's a beep test now. Not a timed run. And he wants to argue that it 'should be a timed run'. I don't make the rules. I only know that it's no longer a timed run, at least it wasn't last June. That is all I meant by 'stay in your lane'.

For the record, once again, I never told the original poster to 'do the minumum'. I personally have done the 'superior' run for my age group and intend to do better than that by the time I return to Borden. So, I don't want it said that I think the minimum is what people need to strive for. I don't. But it will get her past the very first entrance level. Plenty of time to train beyond that before she goes to basic. If you read back to her original question, she was only seconds off the minimum and wondering if she should bother to apply with or wait.

acclenticularis said:
Ah ... having a strip torn off by a newbie private, just makes me all the more eager for my return if this is what we are turning out these days.   Stay in my lane?   I hope you do not end up working for me and bring that attitude.   Apparently, I don't read very well, provide useless advice, and try to shoot down this person's determination to get in.   Things have obviously changed during basic (or at least the Officer training of 18 years ago differs from the NCM BMQ of today ... no more timed runs at all).   NavComm you missed the point of my posts entirely, regardless of the minimum standards issue.   I would suggest that you learn how to 'read' for comprehension prior to tearing a strip off of those that have been in much longer and have seen much more in the CF than you.   My posts are pretty genial compared to many others. Good luck with your career.   AD, in summary:  

I told you what I did and what the result was.
I said that you should do whatever you feel is best as it is your decision.
If it somehow came across that I was minimizing 'dance fitness', I was not.  
And the good luck was not ironic.

With all due respect, I think you misunderstood my original post. You are discouraging this girl based on your limited information on what is now the requirement. Whether it's a suitable requirement or not, I can't comment on that. If you think it's inadequate, maybe you can correct that when you get back in. For now, it's' the requirement and if she meets the minimum she can pass the test. Will that prepare her for basic and SQL? No. It won't, but she only wanted to know if she should start the application process. No need to give up on the thread, give up on the poster, and call me a private, when you just missed the whole intent of her question.
Ahhh ... just got back from a nice warm vacation.  Bloody cold in Alberta.  Anyway, good luck Allie.  I am sure you will be fine.  Just keep your goal in mind and keep working toward it.  Working in the CF has been the greatest experience of my life and I hope it becomes the same for you, and you too NavComm.  It can be an exceptionally rewarding career.  A little misunderstanding and things got bent way out of shape.  I never tried to discourage at all ... anyway, I will be commissioning again soon and with 7 years more uni. in tow, I am excited about resuming my career.  Got a little huffy with the private bit, nothing wrong with being one (I was one once in the reserves), but my attitude was off. 
acclenticularis said:
Ahhh ... just got back from a nice warm vacation.   Bloody cold in Alberta.   Anyway, good luck Allie.   I am sure you will be fine.   Just keep your goal in mind and keep working toward it.   Working in the CF has been the greatest experience of my life and I hope it becomes the same for you, and you too NavComm.   It can be an exceptionally rewarding career.   A little misunderstanding and things got bent way out of shape.   I never tried to discourage at all ... anyway, I will be commissioning again soon and with 7 years more uni. in tow, I am excited about resuming my career.   Got a little huffy with the private bit, nothing wrong with being one (I was one once in the reserves), but my attitude was off.  

Thank you,  I apologize for my enthusiasm as well. I honestly didn't mean to offend you. I have a very good friend who is coming back into the CF after years away and she notices a lot of changes as I'm sure you will. Welcome back!
i was wondering where skating ranked on the scale of fitness. i play hockey every week and skate for an hour at a time.  i can keep a good momentum the entire time whereas the other guys go off the ice now and then depending on how many spares we have.  so what do u think?
I think you should go for a run and see how well you do. ;D Instead of everyone trying to get comparisons to a physical activity they do to how well they would be able to run or what not, how about actually going for a run and finding out?
Personally, I just want to get a copy of that step test music. It really has that 'feel good' beat to it. I could step for days to that...
Zee said:
Personally, I just want to get a copy of that step test music. It really has that 'feel good' beat to it. I could step for days to that...

Terrifying!  ;D
Spazz said:
I think you should go for a run and see how well you do. ;D Instead of everyone trying to get comparisons to a physical activity they do to how well they would be able to run or what not, how about actually going for a run and finding out?

I agree. Run, run and run some more. All those other activities are great, but at bmq you have to run, so why not just run and get used to it. I biked a lot before I went to bmq last June and ran occasionally. Now I just run. My poor bike misses me but I have to run to get ready (I was rtu'd so going back to bmq). I just run 3 times/week and for the 2 weeks before I go I will increase that to 4 or 5 times/week. Don't forget pushups either. Do them daily. That's my .02
Look man ask yourself this question... Is this what you really want? If it is, there is nothing you wont do to achieve it.. I went for my physical test a month ago... Got everything great push ups went down at 17? just 2 more but wasnt enough... I went again a week ago and I got 36 push ups.... the difference? I didn't practise at all before the first one... after i just made a routine Get up before taking a shower do 20.. take a shower, brush your teeth all that..do 15. Go to school if you're in high school.. at lunch I ran outside in the snow with 2 jackets on and my bag full of textbooks not just mine but also others with boots.. ran 3 k's in 12 minutes.. when i went for my test it was soo much easier since i ran with a lot of stuff on.. just practise man that's all you need push ups are a simple skills achieved only by practise.. you can do anything you set your mind to man good luck to all those out there trying to get in the CF.

Chauhan said:
Look man ask yourself this question... Is this what you really want? If it is, there is nothing you wont do to achieve it.. I went for my physical test a month ago... Got everything great push ups went down at 17? just 2 more but wasnt enough... I went again a week ago and I got 36 push ups.... the difference? I didn't practise at all before the first one... after i just made a routine Get up before taking a shower do 20.. take a shower, brush your teeth all that..do 15. Go to school if you're in high school.. at lunch I ran outside in the snow with 2 jackets on and my bag full of textbooks not just mine but also others with boots.. ran 3 k's in 12 minutes.. when i went for my test it was soo much easier since i ran with a lot of stuff on.. just practise man that's all you need push ups are a simple skills achieved only by practise.. you can do anything you set your mind to man good luck to all those out there trying to get in the CF.


3k in 12 minutes, during the winter, in the snow with 2 jackets and books? We should call you Clark Kent from now on...
heh.. na man When i found out about the 2.4 k run it was during the summer I really wasn't sure how much I could run in how long.. I had my test in september.. I just started running everyday at a regulation track and during the winter you cant let a little bit of snow stop you... just go for it.. so when it came to the step test It was a treat.  :)
Zee said:
Personally, I just want to get a copy of that step test music. It really has that 'feel good' beat to it. I could step for days to that...

Just ask the tester if the Soundtrack will be available in the lobby after the show, er I mean PT Test ^-^
One thing that could be done when you have a schedule that allows limited time to dedicate to working out is a Push-up Pyramid.

Work your way from 1 push-up to 15 consecutive push-ups, then back down. In between each set, run a lap or two of a track. That way you will have done something like 225 push-ups and run 5-6K in one workout session...and trust me, this is a major workout....

Hubby did this while on course, loved it...but it really worked him...so the next time we hit the gym together he got me to do a pyramid with him....now keep in mind...I didn't get anywhere near a set of 15, but hey, I can work my way up to it.

Push-ups and sit ups can both be done while sitting around watching tv...if you get down and do push-ups or sit ups during the commercial break without stopping....durring a one hour show you will have worked your core approx 10-13 times.

If a person is dedicated, they will find the "lazy man's way" to work out.
Just to give you an example of what I do whilst I'm preparing, I run the track in the morning at my HS. 3 times around the track, I'm bout 6'1 170 pounds, jogging speed. Then I ride bike home.Pushups in evening before dinner than later before bed the same, 20 in morning before getting ready, etc. It was difficult at first, but I knew I had to do it, so if you try hard and develop a routine you can integrate into your busy schedual i think you can do it.  I also listen to my music, which helps keep me thinking about something else rather than that bit of pain in my right leg or whatever, just a few tips.
This is my little bit of advice seeing as how I'm in the same boat as alot of you. I have already completed all of my testing passing with out issue due to the fact that I prepared for it. If you are joining the CF, dont do it half assed and make time to train. I currently work a full time physical job, and I wake up at 5am 4-5 times a week to go running outside rain, snow or shine. You have to prepare yourself for the exrteme, and then you are sure not to fail. I want it real bad, and I train like it. So for all the people waiting to join or waiting for their course, DO NOT wait till next week to train, strive for excellence and you will not let yourself down. It has been said many times "Train how you fight". Think about when you may be getting shot at, your training could mean life or death. Thats my piece, Thank You. :threat: :salute: :threat:
CdnArtyWife said:
One thing that could be done when you have a schedule that allows limited time to dedicate to working out is a Push-up Pyramid.

Work your way from 1 push-up to 15 consecutive push-ups, then back down. In between each set, run a lap or two of a track. That way you will have done something like 225 push-ups and run 5-6K in one workout session...and trust me, this is a major workout....

Hubby did this while on course, loved it...but it really worked him...so the next time we hit the gym together he got me to do a pyramid with him....now keep in mind...I didn't get anywhere near a set of 15, but hey, I can work my way up to it.

Push-ups and sit ups can both be done while sitting around watching tv...if you get down and do push-ups or sit ups during the commercial break without stopping....durring a one hour show you will have worked your core approx 10-13 times.

If a person is dedicated, they will find the "lazy man's way" to work out.

Revive here.

Well, I've been doing as such. Once I get a "you're going to BMQs, suck it up" call from the local recruitment office, then it's all forward from then on. I like being in shape, I am in great shape. I do random pushups odd times of the day. Same with situps. I can say, if I get told "you're in", it's go time, and time to push extra hard. At this point in my life, it's just not worth being a "lean mean fighting machine". Train for what? Zombies? Hell, I'll pass on that. I want my guarantee of "you're going" before I take any extra risk of injury in my life. But, when I get the "good to go", Walmart's hitting the shitter. :D Then, all-out training. Maybe not zombies, but I heard those beds are really tough to make. ;)

Just saying, kind of unjust to generalize someone because of their schedule. After pushing buggies, it's rather dangerous to start going full-tilt running in the evening. Spare evenings? Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only days i can guarantee that. I'm not quitting my job just yet, they even advise you to NOT do that if you're thinking about it until you're actually en-route for BMQ's.

I particularly liked the TV pushup thing. Cept me it's the computer. Every thirty mins, do twenty pushups.

One last question:

Push-ups or sit-ups, which did you guys have a harder time on?