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I'm an absolute idoit...

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I appreciate your candid post, but did you ever blow it! 

First of all, please excuse my rant at the first part; I was very emotional that day. (drunk)  Basically, why I failed IAP is mainly my lack of interest and respect for the military.  I paid no attention during the explanation for task procedure, and everything felt like a pain.  I deserved to fail; actually I wanted to fail, so that I had a good reason for my parents to return home. (such coward I was)
I did fuck up in Biology at first, but now I know that I enjoy Computer Engineering which I am currently taking, and if Sig O is anything that will actually utilize this education, then this it is for me.  It's a little late for RMC next year, but I'm gonna try applying for reserves soon.  Apparently there are a lot Infantry and Artillery Regs in Toronto.
The reason that military (especially the army) has became such an interest for me is that I've talk to some of the most hardcore soldiers I've seen during the snowbird air show.  "Them birdies might look pretty, but when the shit hits the fan, whose the first to fucking fight?  INFANTRY, ORRAAAHH!"  Since then, I had an enormous respect for the men and women who fight on the front lines.  If I have the combat ability, I would join the infantry right now, but I know that I would only be a burden that way.  I am confident with compters, which is why I thought I at least help out these extremely brave men and women with reliable information.
I'm not going to lie - posting drunk is a surefire way to reduce the credibility of your posts.
ddkariz said:
  Apparently there are a lot Infantry and Artillery Regs in Toronto.

If you're looking to become a Signals Officer, I'd suggest 709 Comms Squadron in Fort York Armoury.
Thanks for the advice, and uhhh...
IntlBr, I was kinda joking about the drunk part. (I enjoy using satire :), even if it was unsuccessful  :-[)  However I was feeling damn emotional, which is basically what drunks are like. :)
ddkariz said:
Thanks for the advice, and uhhh...
IntlBr, I was kinda joking about the drunk part. (I enjoy using satire :), even if it was unsuccessful  :-[)  However I was feeling damn emotional, which is basically what drunks are like. :)

Either way, you are certainly doing a bang-up job of proving your original point. (See title).
Let's not bring this to the level of flame wars, but I know I made a f*** load of mistakes in the rant; it's a f***ing rant.  I'm not trying to write some University level essay here, just trying to let out some of my feelings and share a story and at the same time get some responses.  Yes, it was stupid of me to screw up the topic too, but I am surprised that they would use revisionist prevention on this SMF forum, this is my first time seeing this feature in act too.  I'm not too familiar with the rules around here, but if rants are against the rules and grammar error = flame war, then I'm terribly sorry for making this topic.  There were really helpful people which I appreciate, then you got the others... if "I don't want to read this" is your reply, then why even bother?  I feel like I just made a Uwe Boll movie, and you guys are IMDB.
ddkariz said:
but I am surprised that they would use revisionist prevention on this SMF forum, this is my first time seeing this feature in act too. 

Oh we love that feature here.....when someone says something realy dumb, they just cant pretend it didnt happen.

ddkariz said:
... I'm not too familiar with the rules around here...

Here you go:

Welcome to Army.ca. Here are some reading references that are core to how Army.ca operates. I strongly recommend you take a moment to read through these to give you a better sense for the environment here. It will help you avoid the common pitfalls which can result in miscommunication and confusion. For those that choose not to read, their actions often lead to warnings being issued or even permanent bans.

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand"http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Tone and Content on Army.ca: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Frequently Asked Questions - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/41136.0.html
  • Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html
  • Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions
    • Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
    • Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:
  • Infantry Specific FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Google search of Army.ca - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=+site%3Aarmy.ca+%22search+term%22&btnG=Search&meta= (follow the link then replace "search term" with what you are looking for)

Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
I'm going to have to side with ddkariz here. He was emotional on that day, and yes, he should not have enlightenend us with his delightful rant. But nonetheless, I still think if the people on here show any representation of the Canadian Forces, you've done a poor job. We are civilians here, ddkariz and myself, so until the day we are sworn in, it would be nice if the smart remarks could stay on the sidelines. And I know this site is "unofficial", so even if you don't represent the Canadian Forces, you don't make it sound all that appealing.

The Canadian Forces are supposed to be a team non? Some would call it their family. Friends and family do not treat their family this way.

Sure, if you want, pick on me too, but I am on defending someone here and I think he deserves every bit of respect as anyone else. He made a mistake, and one of the great characteristics of a leader is someone who can admit their faults and improve upon them, is it not?

And I'm sure ddkariz, and myself included, could find a better paying job in the civilian world. Heck, I've seen information saying I could make almost 20,000$ more annually if I went to work in a civilian hospital. I chose to apply to ROTP because I feel it is the least I can do for three generations of my family, and hundreds of thousands of other families who put their lives on the line.

I know what is said on here is not going to deter me one bit, but to someone it could be the deciding factor, and you could lose a great leader.

So there is MY rant, punish me whoever you like, I'm sticking up for ddkariz.
Part of the problem that the two of you are facing here - and may well in the CF for real - is that many of us have been in for many years and seen many genuine idiots, which rather tends to reduce our patience for anybody displaying any such traits. Couple that with the fact that the only impression that we can form about you is based upon the words that you write and nothing else, and your image suffers even more, rightly or wrongly.

Part of the process in early training is to weed out those who are unsuitable; in that regard, people are expected to perform to the levels required or depart. Time, instructor effort, and money are all in short supply so there are few second chances. It's not exactly a nurturing environment, as that is not the type of environment that we encounter in the type of work that we do. Meet the standards, though, and you will find acceptance.

While some  here may be a little more tactful than others, the plain truth is that, as has been pointed out, clear communication is expected. It is absolutely critical in our jobs, and we come to judge everyone by their communications skills - with allowance, of course, for those communicating in English when that is not their mother tongue.

A few minutes of proofreading and using the spell checker prior to hitting "send" will work wonders.

That aside, Mr Kariz, it would appear to me that you have done a fair amount of growing up recently. The advice that you have been given is pretty solid. Visit your local recruiting centre and talk to the recruiters. Be honest and open about your past experience. Proving yourself in a reserve unit for a couple of years while "test-driving" the CF would definitely help.

Good luck.
stefwills said:
I know what is said on here is not going to deter me one bit, but to someone it could be the deciding factor, and you could lose a great leader.

I'm just going to comment on this.

Something that you learn very quickly if you stick with the military is the fact that you definitely need to have thick skin. Especially if you want to become an officer and earn the respect of those who serve under you.

If you (I don't mean you specifically, but those potential leaders you say could be deterred) find that people giving advice, or calling it like it is on the internet, painful, you will find life in the CF, especially in the initial training phases, very, very difficult.
I have grown a thick skin. From years of playing on a soccer team taught me to stand up for people when something was wrong. And for the record, there was another post before ddkariz's post when he talked about flame wars. You know who you are and only you know why you deleted it. It was certainly not about his spelling either. I have been around the military lifestyle my entire life, my father was a Navigator. I personally know what to expect.

I just find that when you (no one in particular) insult people, especially on here, what are you going to achieve? I would not be surprised if someone came on here, saw someone post an ignorant reply, and decided on that alone not to pursue a career in the CF. Now I'm not saying they should base it solely on that, but what if. Are we all not here to represent the CF.

I just wanted to say that because I have been on here trying to get information since September, and I have seen on several occasions people with smart-ass remarks or replies. For some of us it is not as easy as "Go to your recruiting centre" or "RELAX, stop worrying". Comments like these don't help.

Anyone who has an opinion on this can send me a PM and continue on here.


Your profile says you are a Nursing student.  My youngest son is an RN - he works the ICU at the University of Alberta hospital.

Whilst obtaining his degree, he was required to work in various disciplines for short times throughout the academic year, and during the summer break.  He worked palliative care, community health, emerg, ICU - amongst others which have escaped me at the moment.

The thing he noticed, and told me about, was that each discipline had its own culture associated with it.  And the rougher the discipline (ie - palliative, ICU, emerg), the rougher the culture.  Until he got used to each one he found the culture and associated (usually black) humour extremely hard to fit in with.

You and ddkariz are neophytes here - and not used to the culture, either it's expectations or allowances which may be granted.  You are strangers here - and understandably confused when the rules for social intercourse with which you are accustomed are NOT the same rules you find in this culture.

This is not unique to the military - LEOs, Engineers, Lawyers, Health Care professionals, ANY identifiable group has an identifiable culture associated with it.  And each culture has sub-cultures within it (as I outlined above regarding Nursing).  ANY outsider (ie - non-member of the culture) attempting to join that group is going to misunderstand the mores and norms associated with it.

That's all that's happening here - as outlined by Loachman above, you have entered into a sub-society which values accuracy and precision in all things - including communications.

And we're a rough bunch.
stefwills said:
"Go to your recruiting centre" or "RELAX, stop worrying". Comments like these don't help.

And spoonfeeding people doesn't help either.

I'm not here to represent the CF. I'm here to talk about various subjects with people. I state my opinion when i feel the need to and will offer help when i feel it is warranted. This is done on my personal time and i dont beleive i owe you anything because you think i should be representing the CF here. Loachman gave you a pretty good run as to why things are the way they are here. You are telling people to think before they post, maybe you should be getting on ddkariz's case too.
That is true and I respect that in every way. But as posted before, you guys have seen a great deal of idiots in the forces and I don't doubt that one bit.

I am not expecting anything, your post seems to think that I do. I work for everything I have, or will ever obtain.

On that note, upon registration on this site, it was clearly stated that this is not an official government site. So I think it should be the recruiters jobs to weed out the "unfit". I am not saying any of you are not recruiters, nor am I saying you don't know what you are talking about. You have a great deal more knowledge about everything in here than I do. The fact remains that this is not a recruiting centre and the "weeding" out should be left to them non? You are here, though, to give us the straight stuff, and I acknowledge that. That is why I am here, because everyone here knows so much about a career and lifestyle I am more than ready to embark upon.

My main point was to shed light upon those who are not here to help. Those who insult us does not give us a good impression. You are not here to "recruit" us. There is a FINE line between someone saying "I didn't read your post because of your lack of competence, come back when you learn proper English" and saying "Hey, Your post did not make sense, and the sentence structure could be improved." Wait for us to go to BOTC or BMQ before tearing us down. For know I think it is an opportune time to brag, and enlighten us, of the many wonders the CF has to offer. I know all this, and I'm not even in the CF.

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