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"(Insert Food of Choice) for Peace" Actions

The Bread Guy

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A little action coming at the university in Chicoutimi, disrupting a military speaking, thanks to "Blueberries for Peace" -- didn't think I'd have to start QUITE this general a thread, but after zucchinis for peace, who knows?

Action directe et pacifique contre la propagande militaire:  Les Bleuets pour la paix appuient et participent!
Direct action against the peaceful and military propaganda:  Les Bleuets for peace support and participate!
News release, 7 Nov 07
francais - GoogleEnglish

Chicoutimi, November 7, 2007-/ LBR.ca / - The collective "Blueberries for Peace" wishes to demonstrate its support and solidarity with the citizens to act tomorrow, as a citizen and nonviolent military propaganda at the top place of learning and sharing of knowledge that our regional University.

"Tomorrow morning, citizens who feel concerned by the growing presence of the military propaganda and pro-guerrière act to denounce this situation. These citizens want to prevent the presence of the military at job fair to be held tomorrow at our regional University. We can only encourage this kind of non-violent direct action. » de déclarer Gilbert Talbot, porte-parole du collectif. "Said Gilbert Talbot, spokesman for the group.

The group also invites the public to come and ask questions to expose the lie by the government maintained Harper at a conference on the mission of the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan, which will be given in the late afternoon today from 17.30 at 18:30 in the hall PO5000 the UQAC. The speaker is Lt. Col. Jean Trudel.  "In February 2007, the lieutenant colonel was deployed with Task Force
interarmés (joint?) - Afghanistan as chief of staff and is now back in Canada to take command of the Center for the Atlantic Area of the Land Forces. "

"We hope that our senior national army has the courage to denounce the lies and propaganda of our government on the Canadian mission in Afghanistan. Far from improving things, the presence and the occupation of Western armies in the country have yet to bring closer to the abyss, in the chaos of war. It is to expose the lies of the government Harper that we hope that the citizens of the region and many many participate in the conference."Concluded Gilbert Talbot.

Source: Gilbert Talbot
Spokesman for the collective "Les Bleuets for Peace"
At the obvious risk of both dating myself and drooling like Homer Simpson the title brings RP4's to mind:

Luncheon Meat for peace,
Wieners and Beans for peace,
Jambalaya for peace,

Hell,  give 'em all of Menu 3 for peace.
Hopefully their logic is a bit clearer than their grammar. I know Jean Trudel: he is a fine officer and I expect he will handle it well. We should welcome the chance to confront these nitwits any time we can, in public if possible. Kudos to the job fair organizers for giving the CF a place at the table.

Lt. Col. Jean Trudel should serve up 'a can of whoop ass' for Peace  ;D
pbi said:
Hopefully their logic is a bit clearer than their grammar. I know Jean Trudel: he is a fine officer and I expect he will handle it well. We should welcome the chance to confront these nitwits any time we can, in public if possible. Kudos to the job fair organizers for giving the CF a place at the table.


The group is misguided in a LOT of ways, but I have to be fair - chalk any grammar issues up to the GoogleEnglish translation posted.

As much as we all grit our teeth at this stuff, I think you're pointing to the best solution:  having articulate people with relevant experience face the objectors one-on-one if the objectors decide to come to public fora, and show the reasonable-thinking folk the holes in the anti-war arguments.

Will share any MSM coverage of the exchange if there is any.

My food pun for the day:  Give peas a chance....
milnewstbay said:
"Les Bleuets for Peace"

Just to give a little explanation; “Les Bleuets” is a nick name given to the people of the Saguenay – Lac St. Jean region of Quebec.

(Note: I do not agree with or support with their position.)
Liver for Peace!! They can have it all!!  ;D
As promised, here's some GoogleEnglish translated coverage from Le Soleil of Quebec (original francais), shared with the usual disclaimer.

Withdrawal of Canadian troops: "The decision will come Afghans"
Ian Bussières, Le Soleil, 9 Nov 07

While federal parties do not agree on the timing of the withdrawal of Canadian troops in Afghanistan, Lieutenant Jean Trudel, chief of operational forces deployed to Kandahar from February to August 2007, believes that it is rather to the Afghans to decide when the Canadian presence is no longer required.

"Are the Afghan security forces will be sufficiently prepared for us departing?"yesterday asked Mr. Trudel interview in the Sun.

"It is not us who have to respond, it is the Afghans and we feel that we have their support. After 40 years of war, they want to be on the side of the winners, "he chained.

Yesterday, a military officer in Afghanistan, Shirin Shah Kowbandi, regretted that the weapons were promised at the arrival of the Canadian teams have not yet been delivered and that most Afghan soldiers still use old assault rifles AK-47 Soviet .

"We must still clarify that the equipment the Afghan army has improved in recent years, both in terms of weapons of vehicles, and a program of the international community is in place to make other improvements, "said Trudel.

The lieutenant (colonel) said that can hardly see more attacks with conventional weapons by fighters in the region of Kandahar, but asymmetric attacks as car bombs or improvised explosive objects.

"Paradoxically, I see it with a positive eye.  This type of attack has an impact on the same day, but little long-term impact.  My conclusion is that the insurgents are incapable of waging campaigns over a long period, "he says.

To represent the progress made by the Canadian troops, Trudel said that their presence has enabled companies to start Afghan rebuilding of a dam northeast of Kandahar.

"The reconstruction of this dam, which had been neglected under the Taliban regime, will irrigate farmland in the sector for two years, even without rain."

Tomorrow, on the occasion of the celebrations of Memorial Day, Lieutenant Colonel Jean Trudel, Easter it will never again the same way.

"Easter is the day when we suffered the first losses during my last deployment in Afghanistan. Six Canadian soldiers have lost their lives due to a bomb explosion craft and I will think about them at the Remembrance Day, "he says.

"These events have a devastating effect because we are all brothers in the Canadian army. I, on my side, I lost 22 comrades. This year, veterans of Afghanistan will go to those in Korea and World War II and share with them as people who have experienced war," he said.

In the capital region, commemorative ceremonies will be held in Loretteville, instead Georges-VI, at the entrance of the Plains of Abraham and the Valcartier military base.

No special ceremony will only be held in memory of Valcartier soldiers who lost their lives in Afghanistan.

"The reason is very simple: we do not want to bring out new veterans more than previously.  Remembrance Day is set aside to honor all veterans equally, "said Captain Jean-Pierre Turcotte, Public Affairs Officer of National Defense.