As a retired INT O I am going to add this for thought. Over the past several years I have seen some very good INT Os come in from Combat arms trades. Most of them have had several tours and a lot of operational experience. Some are good INT Os, others not so good. However, they do not come with experience as an INT O. Unfortunately, just as in any other trade this experience is only gained on deployment. Thus, until an INT O has deployed in the capacity as an INT O he/she really has no more experience at doing their job in a theatre of war than a DEO would have on their first deployment. Up until 2001 how many INT Os and INT Ops really knew a lot about the Taliban and Al-Qaida...Not that many - myself included. It is knowledge we have gained over the past six years and from being in theatre.
The real issue here is that people are too closed minded to consider the advantages of allowing DEOs into the INT branch. I say give it a try - see how the first few make out. Do not send them to Ottawa but send them to the brigades so they will be immersed in the environment. Deploy them as soon as possible. If it does not work out then we know for next time. Until then, nothing ventured nothing gained.
The bread and butter of the INT O and INT Op is to be able to analyze the information that they are seeing. Analyze the threat and tell the commander on the ground what he/she really needs to know.
I have seen first hand INT Os and INT Ops who have a lot of combat arms experience but lack the necessary skills needed to conduct proper and sound analysis. When this happens there is no value added and credibility wanes.
Perhaps a DEO would require a bit of mentoring (but then who hasn't) and this could be done during the pre-deployment phase. I personally would much rather take a green DEO civi U type with no operational experience who has sound analytical skills with the ability to express those skills than an ex-combat arms type who cannot write or spell or be nothing more than a news reporter.
But, hey, I am retired so I guess this debate will have to go on without me.