stellarpanther said:
I'm just curious what other mbr's experience is between Cpl and Pte. I know when I was posted on a base, there actually was a difference such as the Pte's normally got the crap duties before a Cpl etc. Here in Ottawa there is no difference between a senior Cpl and a no hook Pte. At least in my current unit. Is this normal?
In black and white terms, yes
a Corporal outranks a private. By its
QR & O definition, a Cpl is a Superior Officer to a Pte and is capable of giving lawful orders, whereas a Pte can't. This is (IMO) obvious. So, in the black and white of rank/seniority, there is the line.
If your unit/CofC isn't drawing a distinction between a Pte and a Cpl (a Jnr NCO), that might be part of the problem itself. I don't care about trade nuances and all that crap, cut to the chase; Cpl's outrank Pte's, supported by the NDA and QR & O. Full stop.
I bit my tongue as a no hook Pte, on the job for about 9 months sarcastically corrected me in front of the MCpl
sarcastically above is the trigger for me. To quote my mom from many times when I was growing up "
It's not what you say, it's how you say it".
It is not at all abnormal for lower ranks to "know more about something" than a superior of theirs. Subordinates routinely advise their superiors on various matters - admin, tactics, personnel issues, you name it. Right? Despite the 'more knowledge', there is still a professional way to go about it - this Pte (appears) to not have done so.
What is the work environment usually like there? All Rank/Lname basis? First name between the Jnr Ranks up and down? I ask because, IMO while it has nothing to do with the QR & O side, it has to do with the 'reality' side. If things are loosy-goosy in the unit like that, it is more likely things like this will happen. Doesn't make it right, but sets the tone.
I would have said something to the Pte right then and there. That's me. I don't expect my Sgt to have to do my JNCO job for me if a Cpl or Pte gets out of line. I also don't want my Sgt or above to THINK I can't handle simple situations like this. That's me and based on my TI and experience.
The follow-on event with the Pte questioning you...that'd been it for me (again my :2c

. I'd discuss it with the MCpl, and if he/she went with my recommendation, there'd be a 1 way convo from Cpl Me to Pte Bloggins - with the MCpl in the room as a witness and the Pte's next up in the CofC. Wouldn't have to hammer the Pte into the ground, but whatever needed to be said in whatever tone that gets the point across - I've learned over the years not every nail needs a 10lb hammer to drive it home.
If there is no difference then why have the rank in the first place? In case it matters, I'm referring to the RMS Clerk trade.
You might not like this part. You said you bit your tonque. Why? You know as a Cpl, a Pte is a subordinate; if they are acting in a way you believe isn't correct IAW CAF customs, practices and regulations, isn't it YOUR job as a Jnr NCO to correct them and monitor their conduct after?
I know I've heard lots of people say they don't get treated any different as a Cpl - I say more Cpl's need to start ACTING like Jnr NCOs instead of "Super Privates" if they want their CofC to start viewing them as Cpl/JNCOs. Its been my experience that you get treated not only on your rank, but how you carry yourself.
If you want to be thought of as a Jnr NCO-type Cpl, carry and conduct yourself as one. Doesn't mean you go all
Gunnery-Sgt Hartman on everyone subordinate to you, but be professional about it, lead by example and enforce the appropriate standards from the people below you.
I get the feeling you are a Cpl, but relatively knew to your rank. If you are unsure of what to do, how to handle it, go to your MCpl and discuss. The job of every leader in the CAF is to help develop the leadership potential in their subordinates.