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Is this gonna have any affect on my recruitment status?

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Æ Ninja Æ

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Alright so I went in to do my Medical about 12 days ago. Everything went well until the doctor checked my blood[ressure. He said it was high for someone my age. The thing is, I don't understand how it could've been high. I  run alot (I ran the Miami half-marathon twice) I do martial arts, I was on the track team, wrestling team, martial arts club,  and I work out at least 3 times a week. I told him it was probably because I was anxious or nervous or something. (It could've been because I recently moved into my dads house and I hate it here a lot) I don't know. But anyway I just wanted to know if it's gonna have any effect on my recruitment process. I also told him that I had knee surgery about 1 year ago (and that my knee doesn't bother me anymore) and he asked for the operation report. I gave him the operation report last monday and I haven't heard from em since. I called in and they said if I don't hear anything by wednesday I should call in again. So what do you guys think? What's my fate?
I think your fate is to sit and wait for the doctor to get back to you.  Sorry I can't be of more help, but my magic 8-ball seems to be stuck on "ask again later".
Anything we say is just going to be speculation. Alas, all you can do is wait and see what the medical Gods decide to do with you.

Good luck!
Again for those who think we all have medical degrees:

Your INDIVIDUAL medical fitness for joining the CF can only be determined through the medical portion of the recruiting process and not through this board and the experiences of others.  Wait and see where the process takes you.

Dont worry, sometimes even alcohol can contribute to a higher blood pressure so if you drink a lot that could be why your blood pressure is up.
midget-boyd91 said:
Dont worry, sometimes even alcohol can contribute to a higher blood pressure so if you drink a lot that could be why your blood pressure is up.

Funny.  I think if you drink so much alcohol that your blood pressure is up you should worry.
Psh... I haven't drank anything ever since I moved in with my dad. That's part of the reason why I hate it so much. I haven't partied in months, my car is back in Floridar, no friends, and it's all the way out in the country in the middle of nowhere. There's no public transportation so I'm stuck here 24/7 and it's driving me insane. Do you have any idea how many times I've contemplated suicide? This place is the pits. I'd be much happier if they'd send me to BMQ already at least then I'd know my life is going somewhere. But this waiting is killing me.
Dude, if you're contemplating a dirt nap because your bored, I think your BP is not the only thing that will keep you out of BMQ.
Are you implying that I'm mentally unstable? Cuz I'm not. I just wanna get this show on the road. Just because I've contemplated suicide doesn't mean I'm actually gonna do it (It just means that I've thought of it as a possible but very unlikely alternative). That would be a pretty crappy way to go. Who doesn't think about blowing their brains out at one point of their life anyway?
No wait, what I'm trying to say is do you think it's possible that my being anxious, bored, pissed off, whatever could be the reason my BP is elevated?
Æ Ninja Æ said:
Are you implying that I'm mentally unstable? Cuz I'm not. I just wanna get this show on the road. Just because I've contemplated suicide doesn't mean I'm actually gonna do it (It just means that I've thought of it as a possible but very unlikely alternative). That would be a pretty crappy way to go. Who doesn't think about blowing their brains out at one point of their life anyway?

Yes.  I would say that you have "issues" if boredom etc makes you contemplate suicide.  And no..not everyone thinks about blowing their brains out.
beach_bum said:
Yes.  I would say that you have "issues" if boredom etc makes you contemplate suicide.  And no..not everyone thinks about blowing their brains out.


Son if that thought goes through your head just cause you can't find something to occupy your time, then I'm not sure I want you to have access to automatic weapon's. What are you going to do when it's week 2 in an OP and you haven't seen or heard anything?  yes that has happened.
Like I said earlier the only reason I feel that way is because my life is going nowhere at this point in time. Not because I'm bored. I can deal with boredom, having your life going nowhere and being bored are two different things.
Locked..........seek help if you ever feel that way again, even THINKING of suicide is a sign of, well, suicidal tendencies.


Plenty of free, confidential help is out there.
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