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Is this normal?

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For a country at war to not be able to allow it's countrymen answer the call to duty? I left school like an idiot in 09 because I foolishly thought our army needed more soldiers. I saw that some of our guys were going over for their 6-7th tour and I thought it was a necessity for young men like me to carry our load and do our part. Crazy thought process, I know.

Just wondering your thoughts on the matter, whether it is responsible or not to increase the load on our already stretched army instead of spending more to train a bigger force.
The army has a set number of positions dictated by authorized strength. Except for limited opportunities in select trades, the Army is full.  If those soldiers who have executed multiple tours decide they want to stay in the Arny and return overseas, we're not going to kick them out just to make room for someone who's standing in line at the Recruiting Centre.

If you think we should have a bigger Army, try convincing your Member of Parliament, because he or she is the one that will have to vote on a budget increase (and possibly the related extra taxes) to make that happen.

Maintaining a smaller force also means that they are more selective with applicants and therefore are (in theory) getting the best available recruits.
Michael O'Leary said:
The army has a set number of positions dictated by authorized strength. Except for limited opportunities in select trades, the Army is full.  If those soldiers who have executed multiple tours decide they want to stay in the Arny and return overseas, we're not going to kick them out just to make room for someone who's standing in line at the Recruiting Centre.

If you think we should have a bigger Army, try convincing your Member of Parliament, because he or she is the one that will have to vote on a budget increase (and possibly the related extra taxes) to make that happen.

What do you mean by authorized strength? The united states has 7 active soldiers per 1000 people, we have 2. I think we it's well known that we are in a much better financial situation than the americans are at the moment. Why is it that we can't have a Army as big as theirs per capita? I think Canada is a great country, and should stand for something.

Can you see where I am coming from? It's almost been two years for me now, I'm not complaining though. Just trying to inform myself as to why this is and if I can expect it to go on.
It means that the US strength has nothing to do with our strength.

Our establishment is set by an the Governor in Council.  That's it,  we can't really recruit above it.  If the training system is full because people are deployed and there is a shortage of instructors, you wait.
The Department of National Defence (DND) doesn't get to just decide how many soldiers we are going to have.  The size of the military, and the budget supporting it, are political decisions.  All you need to do is create the detailed assessment of a realistic threat that convinces the Government that we need to have more soldiers, and convince your fellow canadians that they should pay for it, either along with or instead of something else they pay for now.

Can you see where I'm coming from?
mainse-event said:
What do you mean by authorized strength? The united states has 7 active soldiers per 1000 people, we have 2.

And the UK and Australia are both sitting at about 2/1000.  Just because we share a border with the US doesn't mean we are like them and should start acting like them.  You are comparing apples to oranges.
It's not up to the military... it's up to the government... complain to your member of parliament...

If you can convince them that their being re-elected has somthing to do with it, then they might do somthing.

Best of luck.
mainse-event said:
I think Canada is a great country, and should stand for something.

Are you telling us that Canada currently doesnt stand for anything ?
CDN Aviator said:
Are you telling us that Canada currently doesnt stand for anything ?

I'm willing to die for my country and you want to question my patriotism? Sorry, that did come off the wrong way, but be realistic.
Strike said:
And the UK and Australia are both sitting at about 2/1000.  Just because we share a border with the US doesn't mean we are like them and should start acting like them.  You are comparing apples to oranges.

We don't face the same threats as the United States? Interesting.
Michael O'Leary said:
The Department of National Defence (DND) doesn't get to just decide how many soldiers we are going to have.  The size of the military, and the budget supporting it, are political decisions.  All you need to do is create the detailed assessment of a realistic threat that convinces the Government that we need to have more soldiers, and convince your fellow canadians that they should pay for it, either along with or instead of something else they pay for now.

Can you see where I'm coming from?

I do, thank you for your replies.

Is it just me that thinks the world is going to shit? And that we might been some soldiers to defend our country?

mainse-event said:
I'm willing to die for my country and you want to question my patriotism? Sorry, that did come off the wrong way, but be realistic.

We are being realistic. If you think the CF should be bigger, then get into the details.

How big?
What structure?
What capabilities?
What will it cost?
Where's the money coming from?
How will you convince the GOVERNMENT that your plan is better than theirs?

Are you starting to see a trend in the replies you are getting, or do you want us to say the same things again?

Hey man, I just came here for some discussion about whether or not this is normal. I still haven't gotten an answer to that, even though it was the thread title.
mainse-event said:
I'm willing to die for my country and you want to question my patriotism? Sorry, that did come off the wrong way, but be realistic.

I have 18 years of CF service and your plan is to lecture me on patrotisim service to the country ?

To answer your question.....YES ITS NORMAL.
The current recruiting situation is normal for today.

In the future it may change, dependent on many different factors, and it will be normal for that period.

Michael O'Leary said:
We are being realistic. If you think the CF should be bigger, then get into the details.

How big?
What structure?
What capabilities?
What will it cost?
Where's the money coming from?
How will you convince the GOVERNMENT that your plan is better than theirs?

Are you starting to see a trend in the replies you are getting, or do you want us to say the same things again?

I said get realistic to him not to the thread, it was specific to the foolish question he asked.
Michael O'Leary said:
The current recruiting situation is normal for today.

In the future it may change, dependent on many different factors, and it will be normal for that period.

Thanks, so does that mean we've never seen a freeze like this before?
CDN Aviator said:
I have 18 years of CF service and your plan is to lecture me on patrotisim service to the country ?

To answer your question.....YES ITS NORMAL.

Look up lecture in the dictionary, lol. I wasn't trying to teach you anything, I was telling you how dumb it was to question my love for canada when I want to fight for it. Think about it.
Well, we've never spent 15 years in continuous and growing operational involvement (Balkans followed by Afghanistan) before either.  We've not in recent decades seen a downturn in the economy combined with good pay and benefits in the CF contributing to a significant downturn in attrition. We've never seen so many people lining up for so few open positions.  Take your pick on what particular factor you'd like to blame for the slow recruiting trend.

The bottom line is we don't just increase the size of the Army because the lines got long at the Recruiting Centre.