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Is this normal?

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I really didn't want to come in here to argue, I simply just asked if it's normal, and if you think it's responsible of us to keep such a small force.

p.s. not intended for you oleary, more for the guy that i was having a argument with. You have been most helpful.
Certainly, we all have opinions, but we've also found that unsubstantiated discussion over subjects like "should the army be bigger", "what plane we should fly", etc., lead to a lot of useless noise when there's no justifications for the rectally extracted numbers and equipment types that get thrown around when they aren't controlled by realistic deliberation.  If you really think the army should be bigger, convince us, using real world data that there's a need and show us how it can be done in way that would convince the Canadians that will have to pay for it.
Michael O'Leary said:
Certainly, we all have opinions, but we've also found that unsubstantiated discussion over subjects like "should the army be bigger", "what plane we should fly", etc., lead to a lot of useless noise when there's no justifications for the rectally extracted numbers and equipment types that get thrown around when they aren't controlled by realistic deliberation.  If you really think the army should be bigger, convince us, using real world data that there's a need and show us how it can be done in way that would convince the Canadians that will have to pay for it.

Yeah I deleted that part because I realized how stupid it was to say that, I just never see anybody here really be very candid about anything that could be politically incorrect.

You are probably correct in your belief that the government knows best, I think we should just be smart, that's all.
I just think defense of our nation should be first priority, behind politics. As long as our leaders aren't hampering our ability to be a viable fighting force, I have no problem. This is a toxic political environment we are in, you never know what's really going on.
So, what's the military threat to Canada?
When, how and from where is it coming?
How much warning will we have before it gets here?
What do you think we need to be prepared for it?
The Canadian Forces can do nothing without politics.  We follow the direction of our elected politicians.  If you are not willing to do that, then don't even bother thinking of joining.
Mainse, I was more curious about what your motivation is/was in posting this topic, and have read your other thread concerning leaving high school and recruiting posted last year.  I presume during the time that you have been waiting;  you have not gone back to school, are waiting for the call or have abandoned your efforts to join.  Regardless, if you truly desire to be part of the organization, then it may come down to making yourself more competitive with other applicants - one way is to finish high school.   

I received the same advice 24 odd years ago from a RCR Sgt at CFRC Toronto, when I was 16.  He stated quite politely that he could take my application, however highly recommended that I come back in a couple of years once I had my diploma and promised the military would still be there.  In hindsight now after an amazing 23 year run with the CF, it was the best initial advice I received. 

You can obviously continue to post topics such as this, though I don't believe any of the responses will articulate what you want to hear.  All the best and please:  :dontfeedmods:
mainse-event said:
I'm willing to die for my country and you want to question my patriotism? Sorry, that did come off the wrong way, but be realistic.

And what would dying for your country accomplish?  Please spare us jingoistic platitudes.  Death is a very real possibility in military service, but the sane ones amongst us don't intend to go there willingly.  We certainly don't need soldiers with a death wish.
mainse-event said:
For a country at war to not be able to allow it's countrymen answer the call to duty? I left school like an idiot in 09 because I foolishly thought our army needed more soldiers. I saw that some of our guys were going over for their 6-7th tour and I thought it was a necessity for young men like me to carry our load and do our part. Crazy thought process, I know.

Just wondering your thoughts on the matter, whether it is responsible or not to increase the load on our already stretched army instead of spending more to train a bigger force.

Technically speaking, I don't believe we are currently in a state of war. I could be wrong, but I could not find any references to actual declarations of war. There are currently no states or nations that have declared war on Canada. We are not under a direct threat for which we would need to mobilize a larger standing force.

Our army is not really stretched personnel wise. We maintain a small, professional standing amred force such that we can fulfill our obligations to our allies, and participate on the world stage, protect our borders, and look after our interests. Financially our forces are strained. Convince our government to improve military spending to better equip our soldiers.

Our forces is a volunteer force. If guys are doing 6-7 tours it's because they choose to.

Maintaining an overly large standing forces is economic stupidity. You point to the states as a reference of per capita size. I'd like to point out their current fiscal deficit...

Even in times when states were under a significant threat of invasion, they rarely maintained a larger force then necessary to hold the capital city. When they were under threat, they would issue a call to arms and enlist the army.

So to answer your question directly: Yes it is normal.

PS: Telling people you are willing to die for your country is a good example of trite rhetoric and a good way to lose any legitimacy to your discussion.
Michael O'Leary said:
So, what's the military threat to Canada?

I believe its Terrorism since Canada is a NATO aligned nation, threats of terrorism do come occasionally, like  not so long ago where the 3 men from Ottawa and London plotted and/or conspired in an attack against government infrastructures. Funny how he was on Canadian idol too. Other than terrorism, occasional violations of Russian patrol aircraft in the Arctic and extreme weather that necessitated deployment of the forces i think it was "operation Recuperation"? Not really a threat but not conducive to the well being of Canadians alike.

Michael O'Leary said:
When, how and from where is it coming?

When? Anytime. How? anyway. Where? anywhere. Murphy's law tells us to assume the worst. Living in this age after the cold war brings us memories of the past with rising economic/super/militarized powers and already existing nuclear stockpiles the world can easily be mobilized into war with a click of a button. Even though it may seem peaceful, all it takes is one wrong move to cause a chain reaction.

Michael O'Leary said:
How much warning will we have before it gets here?

When NORAD, CSIS, DND has sufficient intelligence on this matter. appropriate measures will be taken by the DND, Federal government and appropriate authorities to protect the lives and well being of Canadians and Canadian assets.

Michael O'Leary said:
What do you think we need to be prepared for it?

A sizable force such as the current size of the Canadian forces is sufficient to satisfy Canada's security needs. Even though its comparatively small to our neighbors its only logical since their population is 10x higher and our military power does not complement political motivation such as with the states. I must admit its a pain in the butt to wait in such a long line but I understand that Canada's military does have its mission, budget and expenditures controlled to meet the Federal budget and diplomacy or whatnot.

With all due respect to all related to the forums and of this general matter. The military operates within its confines of its government despite protests by a lot of people like people waiting in line at the CFRCs. After rereading what I wrote, I sound like a smart-ass but I must acknowledge the fact that the Forces is doing a satisfactory job in its duties and that its size and budget is a matter of the federal government not within the jurisdiction of the forces. Even though it is a tedious wait, I will continue to wait for my intention is to serve such an amazing organization.

Michael O'Leary said:
Certainly, we all have opinions, but we've also found that unsubstantiated discussion over subjects like "should the army be bigger", "what plane we should fly", etc., lead to a lot of useless noise when there's no justifications for the rectally extracted numbers and equipment types that get thrown around when they aren't controlled by realistic deliberation.  If you really think the army should be bigger, convince us, using real world data that there's a need and show us how it can be done in way that would convince the Canadians that will have to pay for it.

I don't work in the intelligence industry, I don't have the resources.
Pusser said:
And what would dying for your country accomplish?  Please spare us jingoistic platitudes.  Death is a very real possibility in military service, but the sane ones amongst us don't intend to go there willingly.  We certainly don't need soldiers with a death wish.

"Willing" is obviously the key word here. Anybody who joins the ARMY not knowing there is a very good chance of going to WAR is an IDIOT.
mainse-event said:
"Willing" is obviously the key word here. Anybody who joins the ARMY not knowing there is a very good chance of going to WAR is an IDIOT.

Seems a lot of them joined the US Forces and have since attempted to claim Refugee Status here in Canada.

mainse-event said:
I don't work in the intelligence industry, I don't have the resources.

It is called GOOGLEFU.  Most of us have it.  Why don't you?
Insert Name Here said:
I believe its Terrorism since Canada is a NATO aligned nation, threats of terrorism do come occasionally, like  not so long ago where the 3 men from Ottawa and London plotted and/or conspired in an attack against government infrastructures. Funny how he was on Canadian idol too. Other than terrorism, occasional violations of Russian patrol aircraft in the Arctic and extreme weather that necessitated deployment of the forces i think it was "operation Recuperation"? Not really a threat but not conducive to the well being of Canadians alike.

When? Anytime. How? anyway. Where? anywhere. Murphy's law tells us to assume the worst. Living in this age after the cold war brings us memories of the past with rising economic/super/militarized powers and already existing nuclear stockpiles the world can easily be mobilized into war with a click of a button. Even though it may seem peaceful, all it takes is one wrong move to cause a chain reaction.

When NORAD, CSIS, DND has sufficient intelligence on this matter. appropriate measures will be taken by the DND, Federal government and appropriate authorities to protect the lives and well being of Canadians and Canadian assets.

A sizable force such as the current size of the Canadian forces is sufficient to satisfy Canada's security needs. Even though its comparatively small to our neighbors its only logical since their population is 10x higher and our military power does not complement political motivation such as with the states. I must admit its a pain in the butt to wait in such a long line but I understand that Canada's military does have its mission, budget and expenditures controlled to meet the Federal budget and diplomacy or whatnot.

With all due respect to all related to the forums and of this general matter. The military operates within its confines of its government despite protests by a lot of people like people waiting in line at the CFRCs. After rereading what I wrote, I sound like a smart-*** but I must acknowledge the fact that the Forces is doing a satisfactory job in its duties and that its size and budget is a matter of the federal government not within the jurisdiction of the forces. Even though it is a tedious wait, I will continue to wait for my intention is to serve such an amazing organization.

Very good post, it's nice to see somebody with a realistic view on the topic.
cdnleaf said:
Mainse, I was more curious about what your motivation is/was in posting this topic, and have read your other thread concerning leaving high school and recruiting posted last year.  I presume during the time that you have been waiting;  you have not gone back to school, are waiting for the call or have abandoned your efforts to join.  Regardless, if you truly desire to be part of the organization, then it may come down to making yourself more competitive with other applicants - one way is to finish high school.   

I received the same advice 24 odd years ago from a RCR Sgt at CFRC Toronto, when I was 16.  He stated quite politely that he could take my application, however highly recommended that I come back in a couple of years once I had my diploma and promised the military would still be there.  In hindsight now after an amazing 23 year run with the CF, it was the best initial advice I received. 

You can obviously continue to post topics such as this, though I don't believe any of the responses will articulate what you want to hear.  All the best and please:  :dontfeedmods:

My motivation was boredom. Infantry does not require a high school diploma, and it has no effect on your career. The only reason they suggest it is because most people can't cut it in the ARMY. I know I can, and have no need for a diploma.
Ahh.....to be so young and ............. :o
mainse-event said:
I know I can, and have no need for a diploma.


Get used to this phrase : "Do you want fries with that ?"
I bet nobody that posts on this forum is actually in the COMBAT arms.
There's never any HOORAH, never any congrats for wanting to serve your country, you guys are constantly condescending. I take it most of you are actually navy or air force if you're in the army it's probably as a postal clerk or something. Thanks for your constant pessimism, you are a shining beacon of hope for our country.

Thankyou for preparing me for the kind of attitudes I'll face from the officers coming out of RMC. Fucking know it alls. Peace.