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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

ModlrMike said:
More than we know, less than we think.
If .01 % of the population of Canada had terrorist leanings we are looking at about 3300 people.
Well, we should be on the lookout for diehard believers who continue regardless of whether their faith has any basis or not.

Jim Seggie said:
If .01 % of the population of Canada had terrorist leanings we are looking at about 3300 people.
I believe that figure is classified, as is the Intelligence methodology you used (guess, then try to make it look logical when briefing)

Believe this belongs here, more than anywhere else:

(Link in Title)

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Whole truth? Hardly: Media Party spins quite a tale about its two latest heroes

By Ezra Levant,QMI Agency
First posted:  Monday, September 30, 2013 06:36 PM EDT  | Updated:  Monday, September 30, 2013 06:41 PM EDT

The Media Party has two new heroes: Tarek Loubani and John Greyson.

A search of the CBC’s website shows more than 5,000 stories on the two men. By contrast, lowly Nelson Mandela only has 2,000 mentions.

So, who are these saints? The Media Party says Loubani is a doctor and Greyson is a filmmaker, and they’re being held in an Egyptian jail without charges. That’s part of the story. Here’s the rest:

Loubani is, in fact, a doctor from London, Ont. He calls himself a Palestinian refugee, though he came to Canada from Kuwait, where he was born. But it’s politically sexier to say you’re Palestinian.

Loubani is an extreme activist. When a Canadian cabinet minister was announcing a grant to help people with disabilities, Loubani stormed into the press conference, disrupting it, shouting about how he’s a refugee from Palestine. Even though he’s been in Canada since he was a child. And he’s a rich doctor, doing just fine.

Loubani just wouldn’t leave the press conference, even when security guards asked him to. He kept shouting like a crazy person until police escorted him away.

So, sure, he’s a doctor. But he’s also a professional protester, an extremist activist. Who went to Egypt in August. Who would go there in the middle of a civil war? A trouble seeker, of course. He says he was trying to go to the Gaza Strip, a little piece of land ruled by Hamas, the terrorist group that is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

That’s why he was arrested by Egyptian police. They’re at war with the Muslim Brotherhood right now.

Loubani and Greyson have been happy boosters of Hamas before, with Greyson involved in running an Israeli naval blockade of the Hamas forces in Gaza.

It’s technically accurate to call Greyson a filmmaker. But it is more informative to mention he’s a leader of the extremist group called Queers Against Israeli Apartheid – the anti-Israel group that has marched in the gay pride parade in Toronto. Which is odd, because Israel is the only country in the Middle East where homosexuality isn’t a crime and where they actually have a gay pride parade, too.

The punishment for being gay in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip is the death penalty.

Greyson is obsessed with sex. He makes movies about his obsessions, with titles like Urinal and After the Bath. He explores his sexual feelings about Pierre Trudeau. Of course he’s a professor at York University.

So, yes, Loubani is a doctor. And yes, Greyson is a filmmaker. Are those really the most relevant facts to report about them? Or is it more relevant to point out they are anti-Israel propagandists and activists who have made common cause with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Hamas wing for years — not just in the streets of Toronto and London, Ont., but in Gaza itself?

That these men are not mainstream or moderate. It’s lucky they were arrested by the Egyptian military, which only held them — as Canadian police would do, if foreign provocateurs came to town in the middle of a massive riot.

They’re lucky they weren’t arrested by the more enthusiastic members of Hamas’ religious police. They might not be as tolerant of Greyson’s sexuality as Canada is. They might not be as tolerant of Loubani’s free speech as Canada is.

But there’s another story here: You just can’t trust the Media Party to give you the straight facts, can you?

The fact that these two are professional protestors and supporters of Hamas seems to have eluded the majority of Canadian MSM.  One may even be considered a pervert.

More links to info on Tarek Loubani and John Greyson below:

30 Sep 2013 Toronto Sun article above:  http://www.torontosun.com/2013/09/30/whole-truth-hardly-media-party-spins-quite-a-tale-about-its-two-latest-heroes

04 Oct 2013 Sun News broadcast, (Ezra Levant on Terror Twins John Greyson & Tarek Loubani):      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzZBWMDOC1w
-  (Mention to John Greyson's brother Peter Greyson who defaced the original Charter of Rights in the National Archives with red paint. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/07/19/a-blot-on-canadian-history-first-the-queen-signed-our-constitution-then-an-activist-threw-paint-on-it/)

08 Oct 2013 Globe and Mail article by Margaret Wente:  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/freed-canadians-are-radical-grandstanders/article14730628/#dashboard/follows/

Not two innocents who wandered into a country in the middle of a civil war, but two looking for controversy; and they found it.  Unfortunately for us, the MSM, at that time, painted them as victims, rather than what they really were.
I posted this latest update here since I consider Russia "Western" ethnically and culturally even though some past historical rhetoric from the Cold War or even during or before the Second World War sometimes refers to the Soviet-era Russians as the "Eastern hordes".

It's because of the recognition by Islamic radicals in Dagestan/Chechnya that Russia is a western country and their disdain for western culture that they targeted Russian civilians in incidents such as the horrifying 2004 Beslan school massacre.

Terrorist blast kills at least 6, injures over 30 in Volgograd, central Russia

Published time: October 21, 2013 10:33

Preliminary data suggests that a female suicide bomber conducted the attack on the bus in Volgograd, central Russia, killing six people and injuring 33, according to the Russian Investigative Committee.

A terrorist act has been confirmed by the National Anti-terrorist Committee.


The Investigative Committee has identified the woman who was the suicide bomber: it's allegedly Naida Asiyalova, from Dagestan.

The preliminary information indicates that “the female suicide bomber recently converted to Islam, and was the wife of a militant leader,” an Investigative Committee representative told the media. 

Also, a grenade has been found under the vehicle and it's now being checked whether the explosive is live, a source in the security forces now at the scene told RIA Novosti.

Forty passengers were on the bus. At least eight of them are in critical condition. A 20-month-old toddler is among those injured. His state is assessed as moderately severe.


Video: www.rt.com/news/volgograd-bus-explosion-dead-486/
Although this article refers to activities in the UK, it may just as well be happening in many other 'Western' nations.  Things like this make one wonder if our Charter of Human Rights is doing more harm than good and allowing those who are bent on destroying our way of life the freedoms, to do so without persecution:

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Poppy-burning Muslims plan new 'Hell for Heroes' demonstration on November 11

By Daily Mail Reporter
UPDATED: 09:46 GMT, 31 October 2011

An extreme Muslim group which caused outrage by burning a poppy last Remembrance Sunday is planning further disruption on November 11, with a twisted 'Hell for Heroes' campaign.

The demo, which mocks the charity for injured soldiers Help for Heroes, is due to take place outside the Royal Albert Hall, the same location where a poppy was burned last year.

Emdadur Choudhury, who burned the poppy, was fined just £50.

The Muslims Against Crusades protesters, who have sought permission from police to hold the rally, aim to chant and disrupt the minute's silence held in honour of the war dead.

Firebrand cleric Anjem Choudary, who has links to the Muslims Against Crusades group, said: 'It's going to be called Hell for Heroes and it will be around the Royal Albert Hall.

'It will involve a protest and not observing the minute's silence. We had a significant amount of support from Muslims around the world last year.

one thing to remember the dead from the First World War and subsequent wars but it's quite another when they say we need to remember the dead from Afghanistan and Iraq.

'It's become a political football and if they are going to use Remembrance Day for that purpose it's only right that we have a counter protest, which we say is for Muslims.

'The Army is currently at war with Muslims in Muslim countries.'

Choudary also played down reports that MP Mike Freer had feared for his safety after a protest at a north London mosque where he was holding a surgery last Friday afternoon.

Up to a dozen protesters forced their way into the mosque where Mr Freer was meeting constituents, prompting officials to lock him in a private room for his own safety.

Mr Freer, a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, said he was called a 'Jewish homosexual pig'.

He said he only later realised the MAC website had made reference to MP Stephen Timms, who was stabbed in his surgery by a Muslim women.

Choudary played down the protest saying: 'It was peaceful and there were no arrests.

'As far as I am aware, there is no suggestion anyone from MAC said anything anti-Semitic or homophobic.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2055365/Poppy-burning-Muslims-plan-new-hell-heroes-demonstration-November-11.html#ixzz2jcPrjxKy
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Related articles:

Tory MP 'hidden for his own safety' as Muslim extremist group storms his mosque visit after invoking Stephen Timms stabbing on website

Going out shopping, the terror suspect who pocketed a million in compensation over torture claims

Thieves desecrating memorials to our war heroes every other day as metal plaques and statues are being sold for scrap

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2055365/Poppy-burning-Muslims-plan-new-hell-heroes-demonstration-November-11.html#ixzz2jcQ72ptw
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The UK is an example of where we may find ourselves some day.  What kind of steps do we need to take to ensure it does not happen here?  Education is one step.
And how does this Muslim group differ, in principle, from e.g. the Westboro Baptist Church or Jewish extremist groups?


Westboro Baptist Church member at a military funeral


Israeli "settlers" attack an Arab woman on the street

They're all alike, regardless of religion, and they are all worthy of equal condemnation. Islam is no worse than the other major religions; there are radical Buddhists, and, I'm guessing, some pretty unpleasant Taoists, too.
With the exception that none of the other religions mentioned as far as I know represent a global terrorist threat.
X_para76 said:
With the exception that none of the other religions mentioned as far as I know represent a global terrorist threat.
It's not the religion that poses the threat, but some twisted sick MF'ing members of that religion using it as an excuse to commit acts of terror.  Sort of a "gun's don't kill people, people kill people" arguement.  It's just some followers of that path at the moment.  Other religions have had their parasites in the past doing much the same, it's just Islam's turn now.
X_para76 said:
With the exception that none of the other religions mentioned as far as I know represent a global terrorist threat.

Yes and the Christians were the scrounge of the 17th to 19th centuries with their imperialism and colonialism.  But the big winner is the Atheists, who for most of the 20th century gained the world record for the slaughter humans under the guise of Communism.  It ain't the religious message, it is the dogma that humans attach to it.

Indeed, look about Canada right now, the next religious terrorism is on the rise, Eco-terrorism, it is rooted in Gaiaism, the belief that the ancestors live in the rocks and trees and you touch anything or there will be a great imbalance.  It is starting to cross racial divides and converts are coming from many factions of society.  We will be lucky if we are not fighting a war in our own streets in next 20 years.  And when we expend all our energy on that religious war, we find another dogma as an excuse to kill each other, it's what we do.
Another suicide bomber strikes in in the Russian city of Volgograd, following a similar attack there back in Oct.21 this year.

Defense News

Female Suicide Bomber Kills 15 At Russia Train Station

MOSCOW — A female suicide bomber killed 15 people Sunday when she blew herself up at the main train station in the southern city of Volgograd, raising concerns about security in Russia just six weeks before the Sochi Olympic Games.

The unidentified woman set off her charge after being stopped by a police officer at the metal detectors at the entrance to the station while it was packed with people traveling to celebrate the New Year, regional officials said.

Footage of the blast captured by a nearby camera showed a huge fireball blow out the front doors and a row of windows from the gray stone three-story building, before huge billows of smoke poured out as people scattered along the street.

Russia’s Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said officials had launched an inquiry into a suspected “act of terror.”

“A suicide bomber who was approaching a metal detector saw a law enforcement official and, after growing nervous, set off an explosive device,” Markin said in televised comments.

Officials said at least 34 people were injured by the blast that had the explosive equivalent of more than 10 kilograms (16 pounds) of TNT. It was the deadliest attack in Russia for almost three years.

The police officer who spotted the woman died in the attack while several others who were stationed at the metal detectors were wounded by the blast.

State television said their actions prevented “hundreds” from being killed.

The lifenews.ru website meanwhile posted a picture of what it said was the head of the young female bomber lying amid a pile of debris with her long brown hair spread across the floor.

“It was a very powerful blast,” train station store attendant Valentina Petrichenko told the Vesti 24 news channel.

“Some people started running and others were thrown back by the wave of the blast,” she said. “It was very scary.”

Volgograd Mayor Irina Guseva vowed on Vesti 24 television: “We will not allow panic to grip this city.”

Olympic security fears
The city of Volgograd — known as Stalingrad in the Soviet era — was already attacked in October by a female suicide bomber with links to Islamists fighting federal forces in the nearby volatile North Caucasus.

The Oct. 21 strike killed six people aboard a crowded bus and immediately raised security fears ahead of the February 7-23 Winter Games in Sochi.

The Black Sea city lies 690 kilometers (425 miles) southwest of Volgograd and in direct proximity to the violence ravaging daily in North Caucasus regions such as Dagestan and Chechnya.

Militants are seeking to impose an Islamist state throughout Russia’s North Caucasus. Their leader Doku Umarov has ordered rebels to target civilians outside the region and disrupt the Olympic Games.

President Vladimir Putin staked his personal reputation on the Games’ success by lobbying for Sochi’s candidacy before the International Olympic Committee and then spending more than $50 billion (36 billion euros) for the event.

The Kremlin said Putin was “immediately” informed of the attack.

“The president is receiving reports as the events develop and as new information comes in — first of all, this concerns the number of people injured and killed,” Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian state television.

Militant attacks have become part of daily life in the mainly Muslim Northern Caucasus but the Volgograd blast will be a particular concern to the authorities as the bomber struck a city of over one million in the Russian heartland.

The Volgograd attack is deadliest in Russia since the suicide bombing on Moscow’s Domodedovo airport in January 2011 that killed 37.

jollyjacktar said:
It's not the religion that poses the threat, but some twisted sick MF'ing members of that religion using it as an excuse to commit acts of terror.  Sort of a "gun's don't kill people, people kill people" arguement.  It's just some followers of that path at the moment.  Other religions have had their parasites in the past doing much the same, it's just Islam's turn now.

Every time I read someone make this counterargument, I'm 99.99% certain they've never read the Quran or Hadiths....

The bottom line is it's those that tolerate the West that by the rules of Islam are actually the heretics.

Cdn Blackshirt said:
The bottom line is it's those that tolerate the West that by the rules of Islam are actually the heretics.

Boils down to: in whose eyes are the beholder. 

Look at the Chinese.  All non-Chinese are 'barbarians'.  Us Westerners, don't see it that way at all.  We do look on some as being very barbaric, as in the case of those radical Muslims who are perpetuating terrorism and less than acceptable ways in our eyes; but then again, we do not look on them as being Westerners either.
Cdn Blackshirt said:
......I'm 99.99% certain they've never read the Quran or Hadiths....
Not like that inclusive, touchy-feely book....the Bible -- the Old Testament is a particularly light-hearted romp....
not sure where else to put this....

If you knew who was behind “Close-Gitmo” push, you'd be shocked
By J.D. Gordon January 10, 2014 FoxNews.com

On Saturday, January 11, a coalition of "Close-Gitmo" forces is expected to march on Washington to commemorate the 12th anniversary of detention and interrogation operations. 

Though the march from the White House to the National Museum of American History is purportedly about advancing "human rights" and "stopping torture," a closer look at the key participants reveals a more troubling, some might say hidden, agenda.

If more Americans knew who is behind this campaign, there would be nationwide outrage.

While everyone is for “human rights” and “stopping torture,” Americans should not be fooled by these false flags meant to damage U.S. power and prestige. 

Just dig a little deeper into who has been driving the anti-Gitmo disinformation campaign these past 12 years, and we discover an international, fervently anti-American, far-left coalition attacking the nation through a savvy propaganda effort. 

This includes those linked to Al Qaeda financiers, communist groups, anarchist movements - backed by sympathetic press and politicians. 

Regrettably, it’s a coalition President Barack Obama has sided with in his priority to release as many Al Qaeda, Taliban and “affiliates” as humanly possible.

Let’s take a look at the key players: More on link
CAIR-CAN is in the news again, this time under a their new revised name, The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM).

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Muslim group demands apology from Harper, chief spokesman

National Council of Canadian Muslims files a notice of libel over comments by Jason MacDonald

The Canadian Press Posted: Jan 28, 2014 12:24 PM ET| Last Updated: Jan 28, 2014 6:18 PM ET

A major Canadian Muslim group is demanding an apology from Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his chief spokesman for a comment it says linked the organization to the militant group Hamas.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims has filed a notice of libel in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice that accuses Jason MacDonald of acting maliciously when he made the comment earlier this month.

The council had criticized the inclusion of a controversial rabbi in Harper's delegation that went to the Middle East last week.

"Rather than responding to our legitimate concerns, the PMO's director of communications attacked us and attempted to smear our name by claiming NCCM had 'documented ties to a terrorist organization such as Hamas,"' Ihsaan Gardee, the council's executive director, told a news conference Tuesday.

"Nothing could be further from the truth. NCCM will not let the PMO's false statement stand."

The council says MacDonald's comment was a deliberate attempt to discredit the group and Harper is responsible for the words uttered by his spokesman. On CBC News Network's Power & Politics, Gardee told host Evan Solomon that "this is school-yard bully tactics – an attempt to silence dissent from anybody who has a differing view or anybody who asks a question of this government that is more difficult to answer than did the sun rise in the east this morning."

The libel notice is the first step in what could become a formal lawsuit.

The Prime Minister's Office responded tersely: "As this matter may be the subject of litigation, we have no further comment."

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird told Solomon that he couldn't comment, but directed Canadians to the internet. "I’d encourage any Canadian to Google the group in question, and do some research on their own and come to their own conclusions."

Gardee was dismissive of that tactic: "If it's on the internet it must be true. C'mon."

Further legal action possible

Further legal action is possible, said Nader Hassan, lawyer for the council.

"Whether we go through with the lawsuit is going to depend on a number of factors, namely the quality, timing and content of the public apology and retraction," he said.

Gardee said MacDonald's comment was "categorically false, offensive and defamatory."

The libel notice says MacDonald's statement was unwarranted.

"The defamatory words were stated maliciously in order to discredit and insult an organization that did nothing other than exercise its constitutional right to freedom of expression to criticize a decision made by the prime minister," it said.

"Mr. MacDonald simply made up that statement in an effort to discredit NCCM and deflect its criticism of Mr. Harper."

The council describes itself as an independent, non-partisan, non-profit group which has worked for 14 years on human rights and civil liberties issues on behalf of Canadian Muslims. Gardee told Solomon the group has never shared any funding, staff or board members with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a U.S. group that has also faced allegations of ties to militant groups.

The groups shared names (NCCM was known as CAIR-CAN) until July 2013. Gardee said the Canadian group only used the name because CAIR was well recognized within the Muslim civil liberties movement.

A half-dozen other rights groups, including the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Association of University Teachers, have offered support to the Muslim group.

Farhat Rehman of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women said more than just the council was impacted by the remark.

"This defamation endangers the very valuable work of NCCM and goes against every Canadian democratic principle," she said.

"Further, it exposes the members of NCCM and the whole Muslim community to suspicion, hatred and bigotry."
With files from CBC News

Looking deeper into the background:

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Does the National Council of Canadian Muslims really have ties to Hamas?

Robert Spencer     Jan 18, 2014 at 3:56pm

Yesterday I noted that the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), the Canadian branch of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), demanded that Prime Minister Steven Harper drop Rabbi Daniel Korobkin from a delegation traveling to Israel because Korobkin committed the cardinal sin of introducing Pamela Geller and me at an event last September in Toronto. The Prime Minister’s office responded by noting the NCCM’s ties to Hamas, whereupon the NCCM threatened to sue.

So does the NCCM have ties to Hamas or not? The superb Canadian site Point de Bascule answers: “Prime Minister Harper’s director of communications slams the National Council of Canadian Muslims for ‘documented ties to a terrorist organization such as Hamas,’” from Point de Bascule, January 17:

While Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is getting ready for his first visit to the Middle East scheduled to start on Saturday January 18, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM ““ known until recently as CAIR-CAN) objected to the presence of Toronto Rabbi Daniel Korobkin in the official delegation.

Sun News reported that “Jason MacDonald, the prime minister’s director of communications, slammed the NCCM for even making the suggestion. “˜We will not take seriously criticism from an organization with documented ties to a terrorist organization such as Hamas,” MacDonald said.”

The NCCM retorted that MacDonald’s statement was “˜absolutely false” and said that it is not associated with any terrorist group. NCCM Executive Director Ihsaan Gardee added by email that “Our legal counsel is of the view that this statement is defamatory and libelous and we will be taking this up with the PMO.”

The NCCM considers that Korobkin should not be part of the delegation accompanying PM Harper because, in September 2013, he introduced Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, two anti-Islamist campaigners, at a public meeting in Toronto.

In order to understand the context of the PMO”s remarks, it is helpful to go back to the origins of CAIR-CAN. CAIR-CAN was established as a branch of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) that had itself been founded by three leaders of a Hamas front group in the United States.

In their answers to FAQs provided when CAIR-CAN became NCCM, NCCM leaders completely falsified history and claimed that “There was never any operating or funding relationship between CAIR.CAN and CAIR.”)

The operating relationship between a Hamas front group called Islamic Association of Palestine, CAIR and CAIR-CAN is presented in the following chronology:

June 1994 ““ The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was established by three leaders of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP): Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad and Rafeeq Jaber. The IAP was a front group for Hamas in the United States in the eighties and nineties. In a video archived by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Nihad Awad expresses his support for Hamas at Barry University in 1994. In 2002, an American judge presiding the case ]Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development v. Ashcroft concluded that the “Islamic Association for Palestine (“IAP”), has acted in support of Hamas.”

2000 ““ Foundation of CAIR-CAN

December 29, 2000 ““ A CAIR-CAN press release issued in Washington provides the name of a US-based CAIR leader as contact to comment about a fire at a mosque in Canada. In this press release, CAIR-CAN is referred to as CAIR’s “office in Canada.”

August 31, 2001 ““ A US-based CAIR leader”s name is added as contact in a CAIR-CAN press release criticizing the Canada-based National Post. In this press release, CAIR-CAN is referred to as “the Canadian office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.”

October 10, 2002 ““ Washington-based CAIR files a trade-mark application for an exclusive use of its acronym CAIR in Canada. In the Canadian government”s database, the address of the applicant CAIR is the following:

453 New Jersey Avenue, South East
Washington, D.C. 20003
United States of America

2003 ““ In a Journalist’s Guide to Islam conceived by CAIR-CAN (p. 15), Washington-based CAIR is described as “CAIR-CAN”s parent organization” (p. 14).

December 16, 2003 ““ CAIR-CAN Chair Sheema Khan swears in an affidavit supporting Washington-based CAIR in a legal trade-mark battle that it “has direct control” over CAIR-CAN”s activities in Canada.

March 10, 2005 ““ A Canadian government agency confirms that, in Canada, the trade-mark on the acronym CAIR belongs to Washington-based CAIR.

August 14, 2007 ““ In a list of CAIR chapters, CAIR-CAN appears between CAIR-Ohio and CAIR-Central Pennsylvania.

Two CAIR-CAN leaders openly endorsed Hamas after it was listed a terrorist organization by the Liberal government in 2002

Jamal Badawi and Wael Haddara are two important pillars of the Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure in Canada. Both were members of CAIR-CAN Board of directors for ten years or so. Badawi was still identified as a CAIR-CAN leader on the organization”s website on May 28, 2013, while Haddara resigned his position on the Board on April 3, 2012. On March 3, 2004, both of them were simultaneously on CAIR-CAN”s Board and on the Muslim Association of Canada“s Board. That day, MAC issued a press release in which it openly endorsed Hamas. That was more than one year after the Canadian government, Liberal back then, had added Hamas to a list of terrorist organizations. The listing is available on Public Safety Canada”s website.

Apart from being engaged in the destruction of Israel, in recent years Hamas leaders have frequently advocated the Islamic conquest of the West (2008 ““ 2011 ““ 2012). On July 16, 2013, Hamas even threatened to launch terrorist attacks in countries where Israel embassies are located. Canada is among the potential targets, of course….

I for one welcome the suit, it might prove quite embarrassing to the council and destroy their creditability completely.
Anyone remember that terror suspect who tried out for Canadian Idol?  ::)

Yahoo News

Dancing doctor to face terror charge more than three years after arrest

OTTAWA - More than three years after his arrest, a man who once auditioned for the Canadian Idol TV show will face trial on a terrorism charge.

Khurram Syed Sher, a doctor of pathology from London, Ont., is to be tried by judge alone in an Ottawa courtroom starting Monday.

Sher, 31, was charged along with two other men in August 2010 with conspiracy to facilitate terrorism.

The others cannot be named due to a recently imposed publication ban aimed at ensuring the jury in their trial, slated for April, is not prejudiced.

Following the sensational arrests, police said they seized terrorist literature, videos and manuals, along with dozens of electronic circuit boards allegedly designed to detonate homemade bombs remotely.

Three additional men, all believed to be living abroad, have been named as unindicted co-conspirators.

Police claimed the alleged plot stretched from Ottawa to Afghanistan, Dubai, Iran and Pakistan. A senior RCMP officer said at the time that an attack was still months away, but that the plotters were moving into a preparatory phase.

Interesting development in Toronto, where we find that a large tract of land is being purchased with the sole purpose to build a exclusive enclave for Muslim only people:

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FP's Erin Goodwin Opposes Approval of
Muslim-only Development

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Riding of Thornhill:

Many of you will know that, on February 4, 2014, a meeting was held at Vaughan City Hall concerning a proposed expansion to the Jaffari Community Centre.  The proposal is for the construction of a 30 acre Muslim-only development involving two condominium towers and a number of townhouses for a total of 377 units.  The meeting drew an overflow crowd because the issue is of great concern, especially to those living near the proposed development.

A number of concerns have been raised about the development, which reportedly cannot proceed without obtaining special exemptions and approvals from government.  The project reportedly would not comply with zoning and planning criteria without the exemptions and approvals.  In addition, legitimate concern is being caused by the fact that proponents of the development - Islamic Shia Ithna-Asheri Jama'at of Toronto ("ISIJ") - initially made it clear that the intention is for a Muslim-only community on a 30 acre site.

Thornhill residents go to the polls this coming Thursday, February 13, 2014 to vote in the provincial by-election for the riding of Thornhill.  Concerned voters have written to Freedom Party of Ontario and to Erin Goodwin - Freedom Party's candidate in Thornhill - asking that we state the party's position with respect to the issue of the proposed development.

This issue is an important one not only for the riding, but for the precedent it could set for the province.  Accordingly, we are writing to ensure that you understand in no uncertain terms Freedom Party's position on the issue, and the position of Erin Goodwin, Freedom Party's candidate.

Freedom Party, its leader Paul McKeever, and its candidate Erin Goodwin oppose the granting of exemptions or approvals for the 30-acre development.  We oppose it in part because of the many zoning and planning concerns expressed by Thornhill residents who would suffer the consequences - including traffic congestion - were the development to get exemptions and approvals to go ahead. 

However, we also share the concerns of those who oppose - or are puzzled by - the Muslim-only nature of the proposed site.  Freedom Party is quite aware that the religious leader of the ISIJ is an Imam and author who regards only the laws of Allah - Sharia - to be legitimate law.  It would be naive, at the very least, to disregard the exclusive, Muslim-only nature of the proposed development, which we understand to include streets and allowances that would be not private but public lands. 

Contrary to the religious leader of the ISIJ, Freedom Party stands opposed to facilitating respect for Sharia law.  We advocate respect only for the laws made in our legislatures and courts, by the people, for the life and happiness of all of the children and adults on this good earth, of all religions.  We will not support the use of our laws to defend the existence of zones in which the laws made in our legislatures and courts are disregarded or discouraged.

Having made our own position clear, we encourage the Liberal and Progressive Conservative candidates to do the same, because those who remain mute in order to get elected, will remain mute in order to get re-elected.


Erin Goodwin (Freedom Party candidate for the riding of Thornhill)


Paul McKeever (Leader, Freedom Party of Ontario)

For further details, contact:

Paul McKeever, B.Sc.(Hons), M.A., LL.B.

Erin Goodwin

More info on LINK.

Both sides of this affair are inciting others to act.  On one hand is it the right thing to do to create a large segregated 'ghetto', and on the other hand is it right to 'call to arms' objectors to the plan.  We have already discussed the differences between the US and Canada when it comes to 'assimilation' and 'integration'.  Creating a segregated 'ghetto' is against both of those concepts. 