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I've been Selected!!


Jr. Member
Reaction score
Hi Everyone! :)
I called my local recruiting centre, Monday, just to check on my file status and continue to show my interest, (hoping they'd have some new news, of course)  ;)..... Well, to my surprise, My file mangager informed me, that I have been selected for RMS clerk, the element I wanted (AirForce), and she even had my BMQ dates written down (Sept 12- Dec 14) I believe they were. It is the last course that ends just before Christmas Leave. Now all they are waiting on is the last piece of paper (The official offer, which is coming and she told me it should be in their hands by Friday). I am so excited, happy and nervous as well! It will be a hard year for my family with me in BMQ and hubby deployed. I will miss my boys (age 11 and 15) But have to look at the big picture in how this will improve our future in the long run!!!
I am just so happy I got in for the trade I've always wanted to do, I will finally have some excitement in my heart when I head to work! Thanks to all who've supported me and offered such good advice along the way. I'll keep you posted as to Final dates, swearing in, etc.....
Marie :)
Congratulations Marie and welcome to the AF!  Enjoy your summer with your boys, and Christmas will be here before you know it. :)
woo hooo! I really hope we are on course together after basic!!!  :salute:
Congrats Chimo! I didn't think we would be on the same course. I think it must be because you and Krissy are Airforce. I on the other hand am Army. Otherwise I'm not sure why I'd be going almost a month later then you guys. O well I wish you all the best. Maybe we will be posted together. Who knows? Keep in touch!
Hi Chimo, I too just got selected a couple of weeks ago for AF clerk and will be in St-Jean beginning sept 3rd, shortly before you. Hope to see ya there, Good luck!
Wow, there's going to be a lot of RMF clerks training in September.

Nonetheless, congrats. As I have been selected to train in September as well.
RMF clerks

Is this a typo and you meant to type RMS or is it a sorry attempt at humour?
was wondering the same thing myself! Hopefully The  "F" stands for something nicer than what the imagination is conjuring up!  :-\
Hey Chimo Congrats

I will be there during BMQ with you, but I beleive it is the 10th  - 15th. Unless you are not doing it at St. Jean.
CONGRATS Readyandwilling! Yes, you're right, it is Sept 10 - Dec 14 in St Jean! Getting close now! :)
Yeah a Month, Holy Moly, time is flying. Cant wait to see you there, I will be the guy who is throwing up he is so nervous