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Just A Thought...



It hit   me as I browsed thru the posts, a sec ago...

Ever since having found this site, and more specifically it's users, I've found myself checking back up on it every chance I get...
Most probably not to search any other specific info, but more outta this desire to reach out to others in my "predicament".

The wait is rough, no doubt about that, but there something "comforting" in knowing that each & every one of you guys (& gals) seem to want it as bas as I do... Helps me believe I'm actually waiting on something real, something worth the wait...

To some, it might not be much, but I certainly praise your patience and dedication!   :salute:

Keep your heads up, it's just around the corner!
"To some, it might not be much, but I certainly praise your patience and dedication!   "

ChOppY ,
Thats what we are here for, to help and advise,if you wish to listen and search Mike's Site,99.99% of your questions will be answered.

Also as to your above post,we like to know if we have helped,even in a small way and on behalf of all I thank you for your compliment. :salute:

Thanks man, I thought the same thing about this site too. I have just under a year before I can join the Canadian armed forces due to a criminal record and having this site lets me know that it will be well worth the wait when I get there.
        This site got me through the recruitment process. The help and support recieved here is second to none. I will continue to visit the site throughout my military career, and look forward to working with each and everyone in the field.Thanks again for the support everyone.       