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Just wondering if it's right...


Army.ca Veteran
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Well sitting here as a MSE Op, a lot of times I feel my services can be used other places. I join the MSE trade to drive the toys and do contact drills. Not having customers throw keys at me, and tell me to deal with it.

I had a taste of 2RCR when I was in PRes. And as each day goes by, I wonder what life would be like as being in the infantry. Is there anyone here that has transfer from a purple trade to a combat arm trade? Or am I nuts to even think of this? I've always believe in "Soldier first, tradesmen second."

I'm the only one in my unit that runs, rucksack marches and Crossfit PT. The rest seem to think it's more of a Monday-Friday job. As long as they get paid, they don't care what happens.

Your thoughts?

I don't think you are nuts at all.
Just one person's opinion but I feel like I have been in a similar place. I managed to solve the problem for awhile by getting attach-posted for as long as possible to infantry or engineering units where it's always 100% soldier first, trade second (maybe a posting is an option that would be open for you also?). I was still working in my trade but I was also expected to do everything the hard combat arm guys were doing, complete with PT, section drills etc. plus
I got all the training they did with regard to mission specific vehicles/weapons. I managed to get embedded with an infantry platoon for both my tours. Being at the section level was the best part of my entire career and most days I wish I was still back at the unit or overseas with my old section. If my degree wasn't so specific I would change my trade to Infantry in a heartbeat.
It's not crazy if the end result is being happy and productive!
Your both nuts.  ;D

I would go after the posting rather than changing trades but that is just me. 
There is always applying to join one of the CANSOF units as a supporter or if you aspire higher the more high speed options.

Just a thought.

Edit: Spelling
TN2IC said:
I join the MSE trade to drive the toys

Personally, I think you have one of the best jobs in the world! The only thing I didn't see on the 404's was Locomotive Engineer!  :salute:
mariomike said:
Personally, I think you have one of the best jobs in the world! The only thing I didn't see on the 404's was Locomotive Engineer!  :salute:

Would you like to deliver box lunchs for the pilots instead?  ;D

ubergeek_123 - I have been playing with that idea for a long time now too. Door is always open. CoC doesn't seem to want to help.
Your CoC must push it forward unless your scheduled to go somewhere.  I am pretty sure there is a CANFORGEN out on this.  Call the recruiters within CANSOF and get the information you need, they are there for you.
I have been talking to CSOR for a bit know. I just need one tick in the box for my 404's and then my papers will be in.  I might be roto to Heavy Section so may be that tick in the box will happen then. Other than that, I've been pushing it since last summer for it. It's just hard to get that tick when you are driving a desk or delivering box lunches in this section.
with you on delivering box lunches - wouldn't be too happy as a trucker stuck with that either.

No chance of getting the tick on your own time - ie days off, leave days?  I know you shouldn't have to but I would think it's worth.
If it feels right do it. I will never forgive myself for turning down my one chance at cartography, oh well, black wire always was my passion >:D.
CountDC said:
No chance of getting the tick on your own time - ie days off, leave days?  I know you shouldn't have to but I would think it's worth.

Tried that before during X-Mas leave... no luck. I got about 3 feet in total for kilometers on that veh.  :nod:

And having the Duty phone glue to me 24/7 kind of sucks.
TN2IC said:
Tried that before during X-Mas leave... no luck. I got about 3 feet in total for kilometers on that veh.  :nod:

And having the Duty phone glue to me 24/7 kind of sucks.

There's a solvent for getting that unglued.. I think it's called "eye dee ten tee" solvent or something.. I read about it on the forums here...


edit: spelling
Bzzliteyr said:
There's a sovent for getting that unglued.. I think it's called "eye dee ten tee" solvent or something.. I read about it on the forums here...


Hee Heeee
Okay.. back on the train derailment, anyone elses input on this issue? Is there anyone that is now Combat Arms that was a purple trade?

What about team work in the work place?

            I find it can be a dog eat dog place. Who can brown nose the CSM better. Hints why I want to re-muster at times. I've had so many Section Commanders come on go in this section, I lost count.

            It's a growing pain, I do say. It's like they show up, and then retired, or get roto to another section. And top of that, that member is always reinventing / changing everything around.

            It's also hard to keep a smile on when it feels like a two tier system too. Having civvie employees and soldiers sometimes don't match. Yes they are here do to a job, but half of the stuff I can't tell them to do or have done. It has to do with their contract. I have to give notice to them all before I change on thing in my office. 

            And then having soldiers thinking this is a Monday Friday type job. Or they spend half of their time in the MIR. They have forgetten the "Soldier first, trademen second" line. This is what happens when you get guys from CFSAL dircetly from recruit school. Makes me want to puke. At times I think purple trade members should be a Combat Arm trade first for so "x"  years, then get transfer over.

          As they say at the schools, garbage in, garbage out. May be the recruits should be weeded out more. I've seen BMQ, and taught it. It's sad at times. I'm thinking we are kicking ourselves in the butt because of this.

        Overall, I'm not happy in this trade. I'm not sure about the other trades in the Log Branch.

Your thoughts?

Wow - and I thought it was only the clerk trade that had those problems  ;D

from what I have seen it is pretty well the standard these days in the support trades, not like the old days when we took care of each other. I have had a Cpl try to BS me over something that was supposed to be done, even sent me an email with an attachment that proofed he was not truthful and tryed passing it off as proof he was telling the truth.  Had a Pte, fresh from QL3, telling me not to be giving him sh** when I asked him to clarify what he was saying. He even informed me he was not paid enough to take it and did not have to take it.  Had a nice chat with his boss after that.  I had a stretch of 4 months where every month I had a pay problem, each one had to deal with a different clerk and each time the clerk tried to BS me.  The worst part was I could not help wonder if I was going through this what in the world is the poor member that is not a clerk going through? My worst nightmare is to be posted into that section.  The attitude of "customer service" seems to be lost these days.
CountDC, I agree.  Pretty funny (but sad) when I correct a Pte RMS Clerk regarding Spec Pay.  But then again, it is Ottawa.....  ;D
Paper work was just submitted with the CANSOF idea, minus the tick in the box. Wish me luck.
Good luck, hope it works out for ya.

Pmed it is sad as every time they amend our course material they cut the pay material.  Fewer and Fewer clerks know anything about calculating pay and are unable to do a manual pay.  If the computer don't work they don't work. Pen? Paper? Adding Machine?? Your joking!! Last I heard they wanted to have pay covered on the QL3 in 1.5 hours.  When I did my QL3 Fin pay was the main part, we had a written test that required 80% to pass and a practical that required 90% to pass (as you were doing pay for 10 people that meant you could only make an error on 1 persons pay).  The pass now is 70% (unless they changed it again).

Yes we have computers to do the work now but as the saying goes - garbage in garbage out - and a clerk that doesn't know the how-to isn't going to catch the garbage.
CountDC said:
Good luck, hope it works out for ya.

Pmed it is sad as every time they amend our course material they cut the pay material.  Fewer and Fewer clerks know anything about calculating pay and are unable to do a manual pay.  If the computer don't work they don't work. Pen? Paper? Adding Machine?? Your joking!! Last I heard they wanted to have pay covered on the QL3 in 1.5 hours.  When I did my QL3 Fin pay was the main part, we had a written test that required 80% to pass and a practical that required 90% to pass (as you were doing pay for 10 people that meant you could only make an error on 1 persons pay).  The pass now is 70% (unless they changed it again).

Yes we have computers to do the work now but as the saying goes - garbage in garbage out - and a clerk that doesn't know the how-to isn't going to catch the garbage.

Well, Count, I just finished my QL3, and you'll be happy to hear that they do teach manual pay now, and for way more than 1.5 hours. There is even a 3-hour exam on manual pay alone. (CCPS is taught also, but later on in the course, and separately. It is tested separately as well.)

I am pleased to say that everyone on my course can calculate pay manually, and do it well. You are right about the pass mark, though...it is 70% now for the tests, but exams use a scoring system involving criticals, essentials, and non-essentials, not percentage scores. You cannot make more than 3 critical errors. It is possible to do that on ONE person's pay.  :P  On the whole, the majority in our class did very well on the manual pay test and exam. It's not that difficult, just requires a little practice and a lot of attention to details.

Now...if only I can get myself a Class B contract to hone these new skills...  ;D