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Just wondering if it's right...

Congrats on completing the course.  If you practice and hone the skills learned future courses will be easy.  Keep up with pub searches - they are a big part of every course. 

Manual pay is easy if you take the time and double check your work.

Everything on my practical (exam) was critical and took the entire morning,  2 errors and you failed. That included incorrectly writing the name (it is Mc not Mac!).  The pass mark was dropped though within 2 years as a clerk working for me did the 3's with a 70% pass mark.  I liked the higher standard as I believe pay is way to important to have people making lots of mistakes on.  At 70% it means you can screw up 30 out of every 100 people you take care of.

The 1.5 hours is what they are talking about changing it to.  Hopefully that will never happen but is out there being considered.

How many of those on your course will actually retain the skill is another matter.  Most forget within a year as they do the dump after the test.  I asked several new clerks over the last 2 years if they covered manual pay and half didn't even remember it being on their course and only one knew how to do it.

In fairness to the new clerks I put the blame back on the leadership in the trade.  It is not the students that have lowered the standards.  It is not the new clerk at the unit that assigns the work or organizes training.  We use to take the time to randomly assign things to the junior clerks to keep the skills fresh.  Nothing wrong with asking the  clerk to look up something in the pubs even though you already have the answer, type a memo for you instead of doing it yourself or calculate a pay.  Of course you will always get the old - we are too busy excuse.  Seems some of the leadership has forgotten that part of leading is developing those working for them.

Good luck on finding a class b - unfortunately I was not able to convince them to backfill my spot with a reservist while I am gone otherwise I would recommend it. 
TN2IC said:
            And then having soldiers thinking this is a Monday Friday type job. Or they spend half of their time in the MIR. They have forgetten the "Soldier first, trademen second" line. This is what happens when you get guys from CFSAL dircetly from recruit school. Makes me want to puke. At times I think purple trade members should be a Combat Arm trade first for so "x"  years, then get transfer over.

  Well TN...we work in the same shop, so I know what you mean in most of your statements.....but for the most part, yes...in our section it is a Monday - Friday type of job.  Once in a while we get a weekend tasking or something.  It's the reality.  Did you forget last year in Heavy equipment when we would plow snow for 12 hours, night after night....all through the weekends?  That sure wasn't a regular 8-4 job!
  Is that MIR remark aimed at me?!! 
and there is the point.  Your job is not a Mon to Fri job, your normal work hours are.  Your job is actually 24/7 so you may be told that you have to work outside the normal schedule.  How you deal with that is the real problem.  Some people accept it while others kick up a holy storm because they do view it as a Mon to Fri job and thus do not believe they should have to work weekends or overtime. 
I tried the remuster move a few years back.  Tried to go ATIS and found out that I'm not wired for electronics, electrical yes, but not the little wires.  It was disheartening when that happened but I was able to come back to our trade.  Don't burn any bridges  :nod:
CSOR is always looking for Operators of the door kicking kind, there is also the "other" unit that is here on base.  Most of it is ATR, did you try for that yet? 
I will say, try not to be so disheartened with this trade, there are worse ones out there.  Ask for a posting to a field unit, tons of PT and army stuff and a chance for a trip overseas.  The Navy ain't that great, try for an Air Force posting, albeit it was slow here this winter, but Greenwood was tres busy in the SNIC department this year.  There were days when I couldn't wait to just sit down on something that wasn't moving snow. 
Ask to get back on the road, meal claims and TD (Woot!) Ask Dave about that!  He seems to make a ton of it  :-X
Our trade is a funny one, we can do the job of the one up and feel good or not, and sometimes get recognized for it.  If it's the Leaf you want, work harder, but don't become a yes man.  Do your job well and teach it to others. 
Ok, TN, I'll Forest Gump it from here...    :2c:
Take care and Be Happy, the grass is not always greener on the other side.
Totally hijacking just to say LineJumper is up there for best signature in history.

Wow.  The places I find myself at 2am on Parental Leave.