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Kenosha Shooting - split from The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

It wouldn’t do the sitting administration any good to have riots on their watch, best save those for republican administration.
I doubt a white guy shooting other white guys is likely to trigger anything on the scale of a George Floyd 2.0
Some people were only figuring out on the day of the acquittal that the people shot were not black. Some people have had to be reminded that Jacob Blake is still alive.

People can easily riot over misunderstandings. I suppose the locals who might have rioted figured all this out during the trial, if not earlier.
It may be that people didn’t riot because the whole case was a lesson in “don’t go to a riot” for all sides.
Some may be interested in today's "IntelBrief: Fallout from the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict," by The Soufan Center.

  • On November 19, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges.
  • On sites like Gab and Telegram, far-right extremists, including militia members, white supremacists, and accelerationists, all celebrated the verdict and used it to spread propaganda and recruit new members.
  • There are obvious socio-legal questions raised in the Rittenhouse trial that will be raised again in future shootings at protests, rallies, and even riots.
  • There is no foreign threat remotely as dangerous as the seemingly deliberate self-destruction and willful ignorance of our modern-day polity.
That article is right about one thing; there is no worse threat to the US than the internal divide going on. But that divide is caused by it's own politicians and legacy media in their fight for power. A kid defending himself and a jury confirming that do not contribute to the internal threat.

One of the most damaging issues impacting U.S. national security is not only the worsening social and political divide, but also the vitriol and polarization that now defines U.S. politics and imperils our capacity for logical debate on security imperatives. Who might be responsible for this divide I wonder?

The recently concluded trial of Kyle Rittenhouse is the latest symptom of our American sickness, with legal claims of self-defense amidst the larger issues of guns and violence in the face of public calls for racial justice and police reform. Following the law and self defence are a sickness according to these people. So I guess that's where the divide is exasperated.

The war of words is accompanied by real threats, spanning violent rhetoric from elected officials to an unending civil war fetish promoted by hyper-partisan media networks and commentators, particularly amplified since the Capitol Insurrection. Just so you know where they stand, this group believes the antics on Jan 6th were an actual insurrection, they must have thought the QAnon Shamen and people standing around in a government building was an actual threat to the existence of America, and were ready to assume the mantel of control that day. Never mind the months of violent riots, burning of institutions, ripping down statues and occupying part of a city, the QAnon Shamen was the real threat.

Is it reasonable to claim self-defense if you largely created the threat in the first place? Rittenhouse crossed state lines to bring a gun to a riot, so should he legitimately be able to claim fear of someone taking his semi-automatic rifle, when potentially perceived as the threat himself, to justify shooting them? The fact some Americans won't standby and get plundered is apparently "creating a threat". They don't bring to attention the never ending violent riots, what caused the riots, and most importantly who was behind stoking them on. The root problem in America is a 17 yr old kid looking to help defend property, who was almost killed by societies worst, and successfully defended himself and a jury let him go. They ignored all the other serious injuries or deaths during the riots.

This trial has furthermore laid bare once again the disparate treatment in the legal system of Americans based on race. What? The only ones doing that are the legacy media and corrupt politicians.

What we are actually watching is a modern day Rome wreck itself. It's not the Rittenhouse's of the US doing it, it's the corrupted political class.
Some may be interested in today's "IntelBrief: Fallout from the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict," by The Soufan Center.


Empires are not usually brought down by external forces but internal strife. I'm sure you knew this though... ;)
What a piece trash writing. The author misses the point that the reason Rittenhouse felt the need to attend, was because the adults in the room failed to do their jobs. Also zero responsibility is placed on the people organizing the riot and destroying people livelihoods and neighbourhoods. Had it been a peaceful demonstration, Rittenhouse would not have been there. Not to mention the people who ended up getting shot were scumbags and I note a BBC piece of this also glazes over that uncomfortable fact.
What a piece trash writing. The author misses the point that the reason Rittenhouse felt the need to attend, was because the adults in the room failed to do their jobs.


I recall, in a former job, that if we didn't keep order someone else would come in and do that for us. And these were never the most savoury of people.

Taking over a patch from a 'weak unit' was always a fight to restore the rule of law as administered by the right people: us and the police.
So this is such a hilariously, classic republican victimhood complex comment. The people doing most of the rioting are anarchists and far-leftists. They hate Biden as much as you do because he's no where near as progressive as they would like him to be. The day after he was inaugurated they were trashing DNC buildings but go ahead continue being wrong about about almost everything.

Yeah I'll reply to this later. It's a little more nuanced than showing a clip where he calls for the killing of liberals.
I guess you missed the part where Kamala Harris (and the DNC) were promoting bailing out of jail violent rioters. Just because they don't totally control the shitbags doesn't mean they don't exploit and steer the situation.

People like you are quick to toss a 17yr old in jail with a $2M bail for clearly defending himself, but you are very ok with one side of the political class helping bail out these violent punks so they can get right back to work wrecking shit.
I guess you missed the part where Kamala Harris (and the DNC) were promoting bailing out of jail violent rioters. Just because they don't totally control the shitbags doesn't mean they don't exploit and steer the situation.

People like you are quick to toss a 17yr old in jail with a $2M bail for clearly defending himself, but you are very ok with one side of the political class helping bail out these violent punks so they can get right back to work wrecking shit.
A bit of context to those facts.

A bit of context to those facts.

"What's True
Harris expressed support for a nonprofit called the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF), which pays criminal bail and immigration bonds, and encouraged her supporters to donate to it during the protests over Floyd's death in the summer of 2020."

Yes, the now sitting Vice President, promoted the bail of these shit bags arrested by law enforcement.
Interesting discussion. I watched the full video, the entire area looked like absolute anarchy. This teenager should not have been there but don't attack someone holding a gun and not expect retaliation. I wonder what was going through those morons heads when they decided to pursue that COA?

Everyone can agree that a 17 year old kid had no business being there. But because he shouldn't have been there doesn't mean he isn't allowed to be there. We have never held the poor decisions of the victim against them.

Once he was there he was entitled to be unmolested by the rioters. As soon as Rosenbaum pursued Rittenhouse (after threatening to kill him if he found him alone) and lunged for the weapon, it was self defense. The fact that Rittenhouse house tried to flee on multiple occasions, is all anyone should need to know ad to whether this was legal or not.
Everyone can agree that a 17 year old kid had no business being there. But because he shouldn't have been there doesn't mean he isn't allowed to be there. We have never held the poor decisions of the victim against them.

Once he was there he was entitled to be unmolested by the rioters. As soon as Rosenbaum pursued Rittenhouse (after threatening to kill him if he found him alone) and lunged for the weapon, it was self defense. The fact that Rittenhouse house tried to flee on multiple occasions, is all anyone should need to know ad to whether this was legal or not.
100% agree completely
Everyone can agree that a 17 year old kid had no business being there. But because he shouldn't have been there doesn't mean he isn't allowed to be there. We have never held the poor decisions of the victim against them.

Once he was there he was entitled to be unmolested by the rioters. As soon as Rosenbaum pursued Rittenhouse (after threatening to kill him if he found him alone) and lunged for the weapon, it was self defense. The fact that Rittenhouse house tried to flee on multiple occasions, is all anyone should need to know ad to whether this was legal or not.
I think that is the issue people in the other side of this miss. It does not matter what made him go there, it does not matter what he may have done before or who he took pictures with etc etc in the context of his self defence.
Everyone can agree that a 17 year old kid had no business being there. But because he shouldn't have been there doesn't mean he isn't allowed to be there. We have never held the poor decisions of the victim against them.

Once he was there he was entitled to be unmolested by the rioters. As soon as Rosenbaum pursued Rittenhouse (after threatening to kill him if he found him alone) and lunged for the weapon, it was self defense. The fact that Rittenhouse house tried to flee on multiple occasions, is all anyone should need to know ad to whether this was legal or not.
I think I’m likely not the only person to have a hard time shedding a tear for Rosenbaum…

The Pathetic Life And Death of Joseph Rosenbaum
Rosenbaum did himself no favours bullying up on a kid whom the law allowed to be carrying an AR-17…