LOL M.A.W - I think I found the opposite, in a way. We always used cam and concealment in 3 RCA. Webbing, rifle and helmet left at a certain spot on the gun platform. Bush caps OK depending on situation, or under the net. Medic - I spent a lot of years as TSM, so cam, concealment, local defense was a big part of my job. On the other hand, I probably had more ex‘s with the regs when I didn‘t necessarily wear cam - but only because sometimes our taskings weren‘t tactical. Especially when firing for the School, in support of certain courses, etc. I did quite a few courses, callouts, etc., with W Bty, and the School, over the years. All, in all, maybe you ran across some guys who came from a less stringent (slack)
Unit, or maybe they mis-spoke. I‘m sure, like anything, different Units stress different things, or are more proficient in some things, than others. I just wanted to agree with MAW, that it isn‘t the norm, even in the Reserves...